Have you been made?


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I saw a thread on another forum about getting "caught" while carrying. I wondered if anyone had any good stories about a time when they didn't conceal so well...
No one in public has ever noticed that I carry. This past weekend I thought my shirt was kind of short and headed to the bank. I decided to leave it in the car just in case.
I believe I have been made by other CCW holders. I say this because I always notice them. Nothing has ever been said to me.

But by the normal sheep, I don't think so.
I have not been made as far as I know. I think people are so self-involved that they wouldn't notice if I oc'd a desert eagle. Maybe if I oc'd an AR. :D
I've never been made, but came close one day in Wal-Mart when my little AMT 45 fell out onto the floor..it has never happend since! I have since learned "Gun Control"!
I might have been made but no one has said anything to me yet. ;)

I do my best to stay "concealed" but if I slip up it wouldn't bother me too much. It would I guess if there was a law against it but there isn't here in my state.
I've never (knowingly) been 'made' while concealing... but I do open-carry somewhat frequently. So, obviously more people will notice that.

No issues either way. I'm legal, and I'm a pretty decent human-being... as anyone who cares to find out will know.
For those who say they have never been made, I can almost guarantee that if you are around other CCWs, they at least suspect you of carrying.

Once you start carrying, you become much more aware of those around you and you know what to look for. The slight buldge from the 4 o'clock position or your clothes are allowing a slight print of the butt of the gun. All these things go unnoticed by the average citizen, but are almost always picked up by other CCWs.

They don't say anything and just grin and move on, but yes you were made. ;)
I have never been made that i am aware of. Unless you count my best friends wife. We were sitting on my couch and I got up to get something out of the kitchen and she said " I see you are packing. " Of course, she probably knew anyway, since her husband and i took the handgun class together.
I have never been made that i am aware of. Unless you count my best friends wife. We were sitting on my couch and I got up to get something out of the kitchen and she said " I see you are packing. " Of course, she probably knew anyway, since her husband and i took the handgun class together.

You sure she was talking about your firearm? :D

I've been able to pick out quite a few people carrying (So I believe).
I've never positively identified a ccw'er, but maybe I'm not looking for it enough.

As for myself, my wife doesn't even know I carry usually.
I was recently made at the local grocery story. Normally, I carry my Hi Point C9 in a SmartCarry during the summer, but that morning I was washing it, so I decided to carry it in a BS revolver holster I had just laying around. I totally does not fit and it prints horribly. I was made by a security guard at the grocery store who told me that from now on I should just leave my weapon in the car:eek:

Unfortunately, here in Gary, Indiana, the high crime rate has made lawful carry by law abiding citizens, both concealed and unconcealed, socially unacceptable. In such an environment, in order to avoid being hassled, it is best (unfortunately) to carry concealed and totally undetected.
Several years ago, when I was very new to carrying, my first pistol was a Taurus PT145... and I had no holster (I know, I know...). Anyways, on one particular trip to the local auto parts store I was just finishing up paying for my purchase when I felt my gun moving downward from where it was tucked into my waist-band. I tried to surreptitiously secure it as I reinserted my wallet into my back pocket, but I was too late.

Thud... clack!

The pistol slid all the way down the inside of my right pants leg and was laying next to my foot.

The cashier leaned over the counter to see what happened as I gaped stupidly at the ground... nobody said anything as I scooped it up and tucked it into my front pocket and sheepishly retreated out the door.

On the way home I stopped at the local outdoorsy shop in town and bought a cheap Uncle Mikes IWB holster (which didn't get used long either, but that's another story).

It's funny now.
How Embarrassing. You know, I've often wondered how many street criminals actually bother to buy a holsters, or whether they really do always tuck them into the pants. Are there any LEOs here who can answer this?

Several years ago, when I was very new to carrying, my first pistol was a Taurus PT145... and I had no holster (I know, I know...).

It's funny now.
[QUOTE Normally, I carry my Hi Point C9 in a SmartCarry during the summer, but that morning I was washing it, [/QUOTE]

You do mean you were washing your smartcarry don't you? :D
[QUOTE Normally, I carry my Hi Point C9 in a SmartCarry during the summer, but that morning I was washing it,

You do mean you were washing your smartcarry don't you? :D[/QUOTE]

If not he has a nice shiny pistol with a little less finish on it now. :D
I thought I was the only one who had a pistol fall out onto the floor in a retail store....I guess it is more common than one would tend to think...btw, funny story abt your gun travelin down your brtiches :D

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