Had To Draw Tonight

Sights on Target

New member
I took a half day from work today to get some things done that I had been putting off. I finished my "chores" early and decided to run to my office quickly to pick up my mail. My dog loves to go for car rides so I took her along. Keep in mind that my office's mail boxes are in a common lobby. I park right out front, roll the windows down about 3 inches so the beagle can't get out, and head into the lobby. Where I parked was in the shade and it was about 65 degrees outside. There were 2 other cars in the parking lot and 1 person sitting at a picnic table in the designated smoking spot. The offices were closed, but there are sometimes people working late here.

I was at my mailbox for literally not even a minute when I turned around and see a strange woman standing next to my car. I go outside and ask if I can help her.

Me: Can I help you with something?
Her: Are you crazy, do you want to kill your dog?
Me: No ma'am, I had to get my mail and the dog wanted to come with me. I was inside for less than a minute with the windows open, and I parked in the shade. (At this time I notice she is holding a tire iron.)
Her: I don't care, someone should take this dog away from you. (She throws her cigarette at me)
Me: I will be leaving now. My dog was not in any danger. The windows were down and I was inside for a minute. That is not illegal and once again I will be leaving.
Her: No, you should die for what you did to your dog. I'm should kill you and take her away from you.
Me: You need to back up (hand on my firearm at this point. She is really mad and screaming now. I am talking in a very calm voice.)
Her: No you dog abuser. You should die!- (she starts walking toward me with the tire iron in her hand.)

I draw to low ready and tell her to back up. She drops the tire iron and runs to her car and drives away I could not get a plate number. I call 911.

The police show up and I tell them what happened. Luckily the tire iron was still on the ground where she dropped it. I gave the police a description of the woman and her car. They feel she works in the same complex, but I have never seen her before. The police checked my permit to make sure it was valid, and checked my firearm. They said they would keep and eye out, but said I did nothing wrong and was justified in drawing. They handed me back my gun and the cartridges (wheelgun) and were on their way. At some point she mentioned she was with PETA, and this is not the first instance I have heard of things like this.

Overall, I am happy how I handled the situation, and the police were ok with it. They felt she was probably going to smash my window and take the dog, but I returned in time to stop her.

Sounds to me like you did fine. Sounds to me like the Cop thought you did fine, too. Crazy people is one of the reasons God made guns...good thing you were in a position to protect yourself and your dog...if that had happened to me, for example, here in New Jersey, you'd be reading about my statistic in the paper.
Great job in handling the situation. Glad no one was hurt. Hard to believe someone would be that crazy over a dog BUT that's why we arm ourselves. To protect ourselves and Family from the crazies. Bravo Zulu!
Although for the Touchy-feely crowd, I would have tried to console her, maybe find out why she was having a bad day. Maybe offered a Frappuccino and a muffin.

"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." --author and philosopher Ayn Rand (1905-1982)
You did good! It's the crazy ones that you have to look out for...

BTW, what state are you in? After a little searching I see you are in NY.

SOT glad it work out for the best. What might you have you done if she kept ad advancing and had not dropped her weapon?
LOL. You can't make that stuff up. :sarcastic: Mybe some day she will actually break the windows, and get eaten for her effort. :biggrin:

You done good, pilgrim. :yu:
PETA freaks. She's an obvious whack job and perhaps she'll now think twice when she tries to assault another two legged creature in the future.
Glad that it worked out OK. Good self control.

Gotta give ya credit for keeping cool and not 2 tapping her at center mass:sarcastic:

Yea, the nuts with the guns are the dangerous people:wacko:

Excellent way to defuse the situation, you did everything right. Sounds like the woman needs a head transplant! I'm glad you and your dog were unhurt.leasantry:
You did the right thing, glad you came out BEFORE she broke a window.
Yes Sir, You did very good!!. Ya Know on second thought, It would be fun to hear her story.....:sarcastic: If she did not mess her pants....
Congrats on not having to use your weapon.

I've drawn twice although both times I kept the pistol concealed and fortunately didn't have to use it. Once was a road rage incident about 10 yrs ago and the other was just recently when I was approached by a couple of shady characters in a parking lot at 3:00 in the morning. In the RR incident I was genuinely concerned for my safety but I guess it was the other guy's lucky day because he made the right decision and drove away before he reached the point of no return as far as I was concerned. The recent incident was more of a "just in case" move. In either case the other guys never saw my weapon and probably never knew what a fine line they were walking.
Im curious... What were you thinking/feeling when you knew the police were on the way?

Pucker factor at an exceedingly high level :biggrin: I'm sure that even though he was and knew he was in his rights in his action, you never know how the cops are going to react.
Im curious... What were you thinking/feeling when you knew the police were on the way?

I had no problems with them coming. I felt I was justified in drawing and by calling 911 I did not try to hide the fact I drew, but I was still nervous as any interaction with leo's could go either way. I had informed the operator that I had holstered my firearm and where it was. I took my DL and permit out before they arrived and she relayed that to the officers. They allowed me to remove my firearm from the holster and I told them that there was a cartridge in the firing position. The officer then told me to release my cylinder and hand him the gun. At no time did either officer draw his firearm or seem apprehensive in any way.

Excellent outcome. Too bad the gal didn't stick around, though, as the LEOs might have been able to take her off the streets.
nice job! way to keep cool.. I can't stand PETA.. they give animals more rights than humans.. (you need to die for your dog being in the car when it is not even hot out)?... absolutely priceless.. what a whack job!
Good move and smart call to get a paper trail on the wacko. Have had to draw twice but neither time did anyone see it. We chased down a robber w/o me waving it around and was at a bud's gun shop when I thought he was about to be robbed. I got over against the wall behind a stack of ammo and was ready.