Got New Carry Weapon


Individuals Rule
Just picked up a Kel-Tec P3AT at my local gun store.

I love living in a state where my CCW works as my background check!

The weapon is even smaller than I thought, and it nearly fits into the palm of my hand. I brought it home to clean, hopefully be able to shoot it soon.
Congrats! I also have a KelTec P3AT as a secondary carry gun. They are handy little carry guns. I normally carry my Kimber Ultra CDP II but there are times the clothing does not permit me to carry it. When that happens I just grab the KelTec and toss it in my pocket.

Not much fun to shoot at the range but a nice little gun to carry.
I have a P3AT also. They are great little BUG's. Just make sure you Link Removed it before you take it to the range.
Great little gun--I have 2 of them
No matter what else I'm carrying--one of them is always in my pocket