I am not as prepared as I have been before but am changing that. I'm should be ordering a case or two of mre's next week to have here. I've got about 10 5 gallon water jugs that I keep in the back room at all times. I went out and picked up some flashlights, candles, sandbags, and food for the dogs.
Being that I'm originally from New Orleans, I couldn't sleep that much this morning. I just woke up to check out the status and so far it seems not too bad. All of my family had gotten out of there by Sunday. I have a couple of good friends that stayed back just like in Katrina at my friend's building right by the core of engineers which is one of the highest points in the city. Lower floor is a neighborhood store and upstairs is their living area. I'm waiting to get a text message back from them to see if they are ok but they didn't even get water during Katrina so I'm sure they are ok. They just stayed there to protect his store and home as it isn't in that great of a neighborhood.
I just found this blog from someone that runs a datacenter down on Poydras St. which is downtown New Orleans.
Gustav Bloggers