Getting ready for gustav


God Bless Our Troops!!!
Even if you do not live in the storm ready for the human fallout as people are displaced due to fear, anxiety and media hype. Be prepared for desperate people to do desperate things.

In short heads up...eyeballs out.

Even if you do not live in the storm ready for the human fallout as people are displaced due to fear, anxiety and media hype. Be prepared for desperate people to do desperate things.

In short heads up...eyeballs out.


Stay safe up there festus! We are keeping a close eye on the storm here in Clearwater also. The path now has it missing us but heading up your way.
I have heard that it could be anywhere from FL to us here in Texas. We could use the rain it would produce but sure do not want to see anyone have any damage or any deaths. Also I think there is another storm forming behind it.
Even if you do not live in the storm ready for the human fallout as people are displaced due to fear, anxiety and media hype. Be prepared for desperate people to do desperate things.

In short heads up...eyeballs out.


Desperate governments also do desperate things. Let's not forget what happened of the lawlessness that followed in the wake of Katrina, when the police was widely quoted as saying that nobody would be allowed to have guns, and indeed, many people did have their legally owned guns forcefully taken away.
Let's hope we don't see a repeat of that if this storm becomes a disaster on a scale that is comparable to Katrina.
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They are now saying mostly likely path Will take it some where from the western part of Louisiana to the eastern coast line of Texas but that could still change. They are also saying that it could reach category 5 strength. And there is another one forming.
1 of the other bits of useful kit to have during a time when law & order could break down (again) is a good camcorder; for legal, insurance and a record of who did what to whom & when is vital evidence if it comes down to shooting & looting or natural damage, followed by court cases & insurance claims galore. 3 years ago to this day Katrina rolled ashore, the power went out & so did a lot of CC recording kit that missed putting names to faces, places & actions. Citizens at home don't normally have B/U pro-generators and good 24/7 CC gear, so while stacking-up on rations, meds, H2O, ammo and batteries, get that camera charged-up, if U plan on sitting tight thru this one. Being armed with a video record is [IMHO] almost as vital as being armed with a weapon or 4. Good luck to the folks who are again being threatened with one of nature's heavy-hitters & the BG's who almost always take advantage of other's peril.

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I am not as prepared as I have been before but am changing that. I'm should be ordering a case or two of mre's next week to have here. I've got about 10 5 gallon water jugs that I keep in the back room at all times. I went out and picked up some flashlights, candles, sandbags, and food for the dogs.

Being that I'm originally from New Orleans, I couldn't sleep that much this morning. I just woke up to check out the status and so far it seems not too bad. All of my family had gotten out of there by Sunday. I have a couple of good friends that stayed back just like in Katrina at my friend's building right by the core of engineers which is one of the highest points in the city. Lower floor is a neighborhood store and upstairs is their living area. I'm waiting to get a text message back from them to see if they are ok but they didn't even get water during Katrina so I'm sure they are ok. They just stayed there to protect his store and home as it isn't in that great of a neighborhood.

I just found this blog from someone that runs a datacenter down on Poydras St. which is downtown New Orleans.

Gustav Bloggers
I am not as prepared as I have been before but am changing that. I'm should be ordering a case or two of mre's next week to have here. I've got about 10 5 gallon water jugs that I keep in the back room at all times. I went out and picked up some flashlights, candles, sandbags, and food for the dogs.

Being that I'm originally from New Orleans, I couldn't sleep that much this morning. I just woke up to check out the status and so far it seems not too bad. All of my family had gotten out of there by Sunday. I have a couple of good friends that stayed back just like in Katrina at my friend's building right by the core of engineers which is one of the highest points in the city. Lower floor is a neighborhood store and upstairs is their living area. I'm waiting to get a text message back from them to see if they are ok but they didn't even get water during Katrina so I'm sure they are ok. They just stayed there to protect his store and home as it isn't in that great of a neighborhood.

I just found this blog from someone that runs a datacenter down on Poydras St. which is downtown New Orleans.

Gustav Bloggers

Wouldn't it be a lot easier to just leave? Shouldn't a good survival plan include a way to get the heck out of there?
I put gas in my harley got some for the generator to keep beer cold and sat back .Was not to worried about gustauv,Hanna may be a different story.:big_boss:

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