For all you anti-cop posters

And I am pointing out that the cops who know a fellow cop is "bad" and have evidence/testimony to that fact but do nothing about it... are also "bad" cops.

Which makes that "minority" you are talking about, and trying to minimize, not so small a "minority".

Also, there is a very good argument already presented by folks much more articulate than myself that the police (the institution itself as opposed to individual members) has become corrupt simply because no one is watching the watchers except the watchers themselves.

Regarding that to cite statistics to support your statement that its not a small minority?

Public statement, no background checks, no registration, no compliance.

Sent from my D6616 using USA Carry mobile app
Regarding that to cite statistics to support your statement that its not a small minority?
As I said before... those supposed "good" cops who support the "bad" cops and the "bad" cops actions with their silence are also "bad" cops. Which makes that ... small minority... not so small after all.

Or are we now going to argue about what constitutes a "minority"?

minority: definition of minority in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)

Syllabification: mi·nor·i·ty
Pronunciation: /məˈnôrədē

Definition of minority in English:
noun (plural minorities)
1The smaller number or part, especially a number that is less than half the whole number:

Hmmmm... less than half the whole number is a minority. So.... care to cite statistics to support your statement that "bad" cops are such, as you insist, a SMALL minority?

By the way... the most important part of my post was:

Originally posted by Bikenut:
Also, there is a very good argument already presented by folks much more articulate than myself that the police (the institution itself as opposed to individual members) has become corrupt simply because no one is watching the watchers except the watchers themselves.
You still haven't proved that its not a small minority. Give me numbers. How many cops knew about the bad ones and didn't say anything? How many cops have had valid citizen complaints and nothing was done about it. If I had the time, I'm sure I could find statistics about how many cops were disciplined, terminated, or criminally charged as a part of the whole of law enforcement. However, I have neither the time nor the desire to spend that much research time arguing about this. I know I'm right. You know you're right.

Sent from my XT907 using USA Carry mobile app
You still haven't proved that its not a small minority. Give me numbers. How many cops knew about the bad ones and didn't say anything? How many cops have had valid citizen complaints and nothing was done about it. If I had the time, I'm sure I could find statistics about how many cops were disciplined, terminated, or criminally charged as a part of the whole of law enforcement. However, I have neither the time nor the desire to spend that much research time arguing about this. I know I'm right. You know you're right.

Sent from my XT907 using USA Carry mobile app
Gosh... you don't have the time or the desire to find statistics. Is that anything like:

Originally Posted by Badge Fluffer View Post

Sent from my XT907 using USA Carry mobile app
Thing is... YOU stated it was a small minority.

I stated that because of cops who don't step up and arrest or testify against bad cops are also bad cops therefor adding the amount of bad cops to the criteria of what constitutes that minority making the minority you refer to as ... small... not so small.

Saying the minority is small is implying that it isn't a big deal... when bad cops, whether the one's who actually engage in illegal behavior or the one's who condone that behavior by standing mute, most certainly IS a big deal.

And you again neglected to address the most important issue:

Originally posted by Bikenut:
Also, there is a very good argument already presented by folks much more articulate than myself that the police (the institution itself as opposed to individual members) has become corrupt simply because no one is watching the watchers except the watchers themselves.
Which makes talking about any minority.... moot.

Regardless... it is almost 7pm on Christmas Eve. I sincerely wish you and your loved ones enjoy a very Merry Christmas.
Is this the response you were expecting?
Actually yes.

The Sharpton clique was never about punishing cops for harming innocent people. It was about using [mostly] criminals as props to further their campaign of self-aggrandizement.

Innocent victims like the guy in the stairwell recently shot and killed by a New York cop are almost never mentioned.

Sharpton doesn't care any more about that guy than the police union does. As far as either of them is concerned he never existed in the first place.

I have infinite contempt for Sharpton AND the police union. They're both amoral sociopaths.

Anybody who thinks that the police union is going to get a free pass for the likes of the "men" who murdered Kathryn Johnston is living in a fantasy world.

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Quit being dense. Not registering a gun is great. A public display of not registering a gun is hard to pull off. That is all I said.

How is it dense to reply to what you said by pointing out that more than 300,000 people refusing to comply is a public display that gun owners in CT have pulled off for a full year as of Jan 1? That public defiance has virtually voided the law fer cryin' out loud. I was replying to your implication that someone specifically in CT exhibiting defiance and/or non-compliance would land someone in a jail cell. You were wrong. All 80K to 100K of those non-compliant gun and magazine owners who are in non-compliance with CT's Intolerable Act are still walkin' around free, because Malloy and Lawlor haven't the will or the balls to start a war by sending out the SWAT teams, which they threatened early on but never followed through with.

It appears that you used an example (CT) of which you know little. I set you straight and the thanks I get is being called "dense?" ESABATM.

OK, so if there is a Sherriff running in an election that is a tyrant, supporting the other guy that is not a tyrant is worthless?

Without knowing who the "other guy" is, that's impossible to answer. I don't just blindly accept that he's a "good guy" because you set up some ridiculous hypothetical to try to get me to say "Yeah, that could happen" so you can "win" a meaningless point on the internet.

But I will say this: A "good guy" in any department of any significant size can't single-handedly defeat the "thin blue line" or code of silence that permeates cop culture in this country anymore. And even if the Sheriff is true to his oath and gives it all he's got, if his DA, AG, Governor, judges and local citizenry are of the mindset that cops "need" special rights and privileges to do their job, nothing's going to change for that "good guy" newly-elected Sheriff.

That's just lazy.

And that's just brainless conjecture. I've lived in this house since the weekend before 9/11/01. That's more than 13 years now. The same Sheriff is in office now as was the day we got here. He was in office for at least 10 years before that. In some respects, he's a great guy. I've worked shoulder to shoulder with him during tornado relief after the huge swarm storm of 4/27/11. He works as hard as any man I've ever seen. He unquestionably cares about people, has a huge heart in both emotional support for the afflicted and financial support in myriad ways. He works his butt off every year to throw a charity rodeo that has raised in excess of $1 million for our county's needy and a homeless shelter near his office. I've got no questions about his heart being in the right place, but because of that, he is a perfect example of why I said earlier that it's virtually impossible for a good and moral person to conduct himself good and morally in their job as a cop. Which leads well into your following question:

Who do you think promotes and schedules the DUI checkpoints?

Not the Sheriff. The State Police do DUI checkpoints in this state. If there's a local presence, it's at the behest of the SP. The last two DUI checks I got stopped at were in the same place, separated by several months, maybe a year or so. They were set up at the end of a parkway on the other side of a hill so you couldn't see it before cresting that hill. About 100' or so on the far side of the roadblock was the street I had to turn on to go to work. I worked the graveyard shift, so I got there very nearly the same time of night, and both times was late for work because of them. Talked to a Trooper both times, and even in an obvious armored truck guard's uniform, was questioned about had I been drinking or taking any drugs before either of them even asked for POI, license and registration. I told both of them that I don't answer questions by LE without my attorney present, politely asked if they needed my info, and both times they answered agitated and incredulously, "What do you mean you don't answer questions!!??" I didn't answer that question either, handed them my papers both times without saying a word, and sat there for 15 minutes the first time and 20 minutes the second time while they inspected my Jeep as closely as DOT inspectors used to inspect my big rig looking for something to write me up for. One of them asked me if I "knew" I had a tag light out. When I said no and told him I needed to get out to see because it was on when I left the house, he said nevermind, handed me back my papers and sent me on my way.

Now really try to take this question seriously, whodat; Assume that my "good guy" Sheriff was standing right there either or both times, the second of which was after the tornado relief that we'd worked together and he knew me, so assume it was that time and he went to bat for me. He told the Trooper that I was a good citizen who worked alongside him helping my neighbors dig out from under tens of thousands of board feet of fallen timber and even used my own Jeep and trailer to haul away several hundred yards of debris to the dump at my own expense. Let's even assume that the Trooper to the Sheriff's request not to hassle me and cut me loose so I wouldn't have been late for work. OK, here's the question: Even under the most positive set of circumstances a "good guy" Sheriff (or any other cop for that matter) can provide, what's changed in that scenario? Unconstitutional DUI checkpoints don't go away. A citizen asserting their 5th Amendment rights resulting in a ticket or other types of abuses or violations wouldn't change. If the "good guy" wasn't there the next time I get stopped for doing nothing wrong, I'll be treated again just exactly as I was in reality the first two times - my rights don't matter. Probable cause is meaningless. Stopping someone for no reason and ticketing on an equipment violation is roadside piracy, and my Sheriff being a "good guy" ain't gonna change any of that one little bit.

And even besides all that, my "good guy" Sheriff also fought as hard as he could against the law that went into effect in August of last year that prevents cops from harassing open carriers. He even said that he didn't care what the law said, if he or his deputies see an OC'er in town, they're getting arrested, and if they have a permission slip, it's getting yanked.

Yay the "good guys," right? Sure, but I'm just "lazy" because I actually think the whole equation through and have come to the realization that LE and the "justice" system is WAY too far gone for one man to make a wit of difference.

You think replacing the tyrannical guy that does that with someone that has other priorities is "playing nice". Whatever, but please try to get your talking points out without ignoring the validity of what I say because you don't have the time to make a difference. You want to wait in your bunker and fight only when they come for you, then pray for a good body count on the way down that's fine.

Good grief you are so full of chit, whodat. Even knowing what I know about Blakely's constitutional shortcomings, I worked my ass off right next to him for two solid weeks, and worked my regular graveyard shifts for 10 of those days. Never a cross word passed between us, and we both thanked each other and everybody else for all the blood, sweat and tears we all spilled together. I don't live in a bunker. I'm a free man who comes and goes as he pleases, and who has not only the right, but the brains to view the world outside of the tiny little box you keep trying to squeeze me into. The big picture that I see in this country is quite obviously at variance with the one you see. I'd be fine with that if you didn't keep lying, exaggerating, conjecturing and guessing wrong all the time about what our different views mean about me as an individual. I'm certainly not lazy, I hate no man, I abhor cold-blooded murder and I am not looking for a fight with cops or anyone else. I'd say quit while you're still ahead, except you aren't ahead. You've dug such a deep hole of inaccurate and dishonest evaluations of me that it's not just a dig at you anymore to say you've become like the worst, most reviled posters on this site. I have come to expect to be disappointed with the shallowness and thoughtlessness with which you post just because I don't see the state of the state at all like you do.

"I distrust all Jews because I know what they think and who they are." That is what you are professing as the unchangeable facts, just replace "Jews" with "Cops". I don't care how you try to spin it, that is just ignorant.

God help me..... You are the only MF'er trying to spin what I think on this board, whodat, and I'm getting damned sick of it.

I am *allowed* to defend myself against all groups with an appetite for either my well-being or my liberties, Jews included, with only one exception - cops. You have gone full retard with this nonsense, whodat. Piss off.

In a lawful society the people cannot be against law and order.
Are the police included in "the people" or are they apart from... or ABOVE them?

Can the POLICE be against law and order? You know, by running home invasion rings, murdering old women and stomping barmaids?
And just what do you know about my life from my half dozen or so posts?
I know everything I need to know about Michael Brown from the convenience store surveillance video.

I know everything I need to know about you from what you post.

I have a similar opinion of both of you.
Why is it that anyone who calls you out for your obvious anti-police bias is automatically a troll?
I also have:
an anti-ISIS bias
an anti-Black Gangster Disciple bias
an anti-Revolutionary Communist Party bias
an anti-NAMBLA bias
an anti-National Action Network bias
an anti-Klan bias
an anti-White Aryan Resistance bias

I have these biases, because the things which those organizations stand for repel me.

My guess is that with a name like "Badge Fluffer" you (like so many Chicago cops and fanbois) think that Karolina Obrycka had that beating coming to her because she's an "illegal alien".
I agree with you that the cop was out of line. He was on a power trip. But does that mean ALL cops are bad?
The odds are OVERWHELMING that if another cop had been there he would have done NOTHING to intervene or protect that INNOCENT citizen.

The odds are even MORE overwhelming that cops would give verbal support to the perpetrator.

Hence the OSTENTATIOUS shows of support by Chicago cops for the 300lb. coward who stomped the 110lb. barmaid.
And just how do you know that they don't?
Where to begin:
  1. Danziger bridge case - Long term conspiracy by New Orleans police to obstruct justice in a murder case.
  2. Kathryn Johnston case - Conspiracy by Atlanta cops to swear out perjured warrant affidavits, and obstruct justice in a murder investigation by planting evidence and suborning perjury from an informant.
  3. Karolina Obrycka beating case - Chicago cops allow the perpetrator to hide out in "rehab", don't cuff him when he finally is arrested, engage in witness intimidation, and harass news people covering the story.
  4. SOS home invasion/kidnapping case - Chicago cops engage in a years long conspiracy to commit burglaries, robberies and kidnappings.
Want more?
I personally would make it my mission in life to see the guy booted from the force.
...for which those like Fluffy would immediately label you a "cop hater".

A young man who was kidnapped as a child by the Chicago PD's "SOS" home invasion ring subsequently sued the city. He was labeled by the operator of a police blog as an "opportunist" as if somehow he'd arranged his own felonious abduction by police in order to win [in a term beloved by cops] "the ghetto lottery".
I've been pretty active in the usenet WWII history group for quite a while.

Fluffy really reminds me of the guy there who's a diehard supporter of the racial concentration camps for Japanese-Americans. There's simply no diversion, half-truth or outright lie he won't tell in order try to justify our nation's shameful attempt to emulate our enemies in WWII.

At a certain point, the difference between "troll" and "lacking in character" becomes moot...
I've been pretty active in the usenet WWII history group for quite a while.

Fluffy really reminds me of the guy there who's a diehard supporter of the racial concentration camps for Japanese-Americans. There's simply no diversion, half-truth or outright lie he won't tell in order try to justify our nation's shameful attempt to emulate our enemies in WWII.

At a certain point, the difference between "troll" and "lacking in character" becomes moot...

Oh look...another tool making assumptions.
Oh look...another tool making assumptions.
Oh look, another non-denial "denial" from a charter member of the Tony Abbate fan club.

Karolina Obrycka not only sued the Chicago PD and won damages for her savage beating by one of its members as well as witness intimidation by his pals, she won a legal determination that the Chicago PD maintains a "blue wall of silence". It doesn't get any better than that.

So Fluffy, WHAT percentage of the Chicago PD maintains that "wall"? I'd say that it's the 95% that makes the other 5% look bad...
Oh look, another non-denial "denial" from a charter member of the Tony Abbate fan club.

Karolina Obrycka not only sued the Chicago PD and won damages for her savage beating by one of its members as well as witness intimidation by his pals, she won a legal determination that the Chicago PD maintains a "blue wall of silence". It doesn't get any better than that.

So Fluffy, WHAT percentage of the Chicago PD maintains that "wall"? I'd say that it's the 95% that makes the other 5% look bad...

Of course, you DO realize that the Chicago PD is not the only police department in the US, right? They are only representative of Chicago, one of the most corrupt cities in America.

I do not condone illegal or unethical behavior by the police. They should be disciplined, fired, and if appropriate, criminally charged. I just don't automatically condemn all cops for the actions of a few.

Try getting rid of the police and see what society becomes.

Sent from my XT907 using USA Carry mobile app
Of course, you DO realize that the Chicago PD is not the only police department in the US, right? They are only representative of Chicago, one of the most corrupt cities in America.
That's just so... precious.

"Other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?"

Yeah, lets just make believe that one of the biggest cities in America... and it's police department don't exist.

Better write these off too:
  • Atlanta - Kathryn Johnston murder
  • Philadelphia - Bodega robbery ring
  • NYC - Sexual assault of Abner Louima
  • New Orleans - Danziger Bridge murders
You're going to need a LOT of whitewash...
Actually yes.

The Sharpton clique was never about punishing cops for harming innocent people. It was about using [mostly] criminals as props to further their campaign of self-aggrandizement.

Innocent victims like the guy in the stairwell recently shot and killed by a New York cop are almost never mentioned.

Sharpton doesn't care any more about that guy than the police union does. As far as either of them is concerned he never existed in the first place.

I have infinite contempt for Sharpton AND the police union. They're both amoral sociopaths.

Anybody who thinks that the police union is going to get a free pass for the likes of the "men" who murdered Kathryn Johnston is living in a fantasy world.

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I agree and would add that unions of any type (cops, pipe-fitters, teachers, etc.) are no longer of any value. When there was no shop safety, no way to get reimbursement from a company at fault (get hurt at work, lose your job), and when there were ten year olds working 16 hour days in a factory, they had their place. Now they are as much a hindrance as they are helpful. All unions do now is prevent business owners or managers from firing a person (especially an idiot teacher) that needs to be fired, and many lazy employees use that as a crutch. Fast food workers getting $15/hr. makes about as much sense as some assembly line button pusher making $30. Not having a police union would probably bring up accountability on the force and eliminate some of the BS.
Sharpton is just worthless. There is no value. He has nothing to contribute. Those that appease him or value his words show their own worth.

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