**Flash Mob**


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Take a look at this video, as a store owner, what the heck would you do? They aren't causing harm to anyone, but they are stealing property from whoever owns the place. I'm sure the concequences would be different in each state if you had to use your firearm, but how else could you stop a group of people who don't have any respect for you or your property??

Flash Mob Hits Maryland 7-11 Video

Lock down!

This is why, if I owned any sort of small store, I'd have an override on the door to lock it shut and a secure room to sit in and call the police. That, and a shotgun.

Also, I disagree that they aren't causing harm to anyone. It may not be physical but it is still major harm.
Did they steal all of that stuff?

The Internet says they did so I will go with that. Scum of the earth.
Yes, I imagine they don't have a good bone in their body. Pretty sure they didn't return it all either. This has been happening more frequently.
It is interesting. A hundred or so years ago in this country, it was perfectly acceptable to defend your property with force. Some places in the world that is still the norm. But here today, the message is, "it's only money, or stuff". Think people have gotten the message? Apparently so. I wouldn't be comfortable taking someone's life over a couple of candybars, but I am also (less) uncomfortable just letting large numbers of people walk through my (non-existent) store or other property and taking whatever they please. And how long before someone gets mad about something and violence ensues?
Flash mobbing is a new fad, but it's catching on because it works, and there is very little danger. While I love the lockdown idea, I doubt most small storeowners could do that.
That is sad...most whiners are black and most that we see committing crimes are black. I am not being racist here, but I wish they will pick up their act together and show the world that they too can shine if they wanted to. Each and every one of us, no matter what the colour of our skins are, are capable of improving ourselves. Dress well, clean up well, we all have a chance at opportunity.
OK, I'll play! First one to the door is a rotten-corpse! You ain't leaving with my property. Who's first?
The only problem with the use of deadly force in this situation is being able to convince a jury of your peer's that you were in fact in fear for your life from someone that was stealing a snicker's bar and a 75 cent soda. You would most likely be spending a lot of time in court with YOUR EXPENSIVE ATTORNEY and loose in the long run. It is up to you what you would do, it would be your decision and you would have to live with it.

To me this is pure theft and they would be chargable for the theft if it could be proven by more then just a camera view of the inside of the store.
It is interesting. A hundred or so years ago in this country, it was perfectly acceptable to defend your property with force. Some places in the world that is still the norm. But here today, the message is, "it's only money, or stuff". Think people have gotten the message? Apparently so. I wouldn't be comfortable taking someone's life over a couple of candybars, but I am also (less) uncomfortable just letting large numbers of people walk through my (non-existent) store or other property and taking whatever they please. And how long before someone gets mad about something and violence ensues?
Flash mobbing is a new fad, but it's catching on because it works, and there is very little danger. While I love the lockdown idea, I doubt most small storeowners could do that.

Sadly today in most States in the USA you can't do much but ask them to not take your stuff. Show a firearm and you are in deep doo doo.
sgtbill:220509 said:
The only problem with the use of deadly force in this situation is being able to convince a jury of your peer's that you were in fact in fear for your life from someone that was stealing a snicker's bar and a 75 cent soda. You would most likely be spending a lot of time in court with YOUR EXPENSIVE ATTORNEY and loose in the long run. It is up to you what you would do, it would be your decision and you would have to live with it.

To me this is pure theft and they would be chargable for the theft if it could be proven by more then just a camera view of the inside of the store.

That is what most people here are saying is wrong. Criminals now know that police will go after the store owner for defending their livelihood, rather the criminals because of the lousy camera angle. They were also grabbing lot more than just a candy bar and soda. Most had their arms full.

$5 (being low in my opinion) • 20 p.o.s. = $100....

That's more than the clerk makes in a day. The store owner should be able to defend his livelihood.
Death is a bit harsh

Kill them for some goodies I don't think so.
If he had a security guard allowing three kids in at a time they would have went somewhere else and its a tax write off plus I bet every kid frequents that store they either live or go to school near by. video will make it easy to find them
Kill them for some goodies I don't think so.
If he had a security guard allowing three kids in at a time they would have went somewhere else and its a tax write off plus I bet every kid frequents that store they either live or go to school near by. video will make it easy to find them

It's just the price we must pay today, so many just plain throw away people. Many things have sure changed over the past years. And not for the better. ;-)
I always smiled, shook my head, and considered humerous those preparing for SHTF and talking about Zombies, until witnessing the disturbing trend here. It indicates not only a lack of respect for each other that my generation was taught, but a larger lack of respect for an orderly and lawful society, without which we revert to a stone age existence.
The sad part is these people will have children and the offspring will be worse than their parents. These are the first examples of societal disintegration, of which there will be more to come.
My response? I placed an order for another 1000 rounds today.
Kill them for some goodies I don't think so.
If he had a security guard allowing three kids in at a time they would have went somewhere else and its a tax write off plus I bet every kid frequents that store they either live or go to school near by. video will make it easy to find them

REALLY! Just what do you think the profit margin is in one of these stores? It isn't nearly enough to hire a security guard! Good grief! That is the whole dang problem! Everyone thinks we ought to change the way WE operate to conform to what is going on! B.S.
I don't want to kill anyone over a few items, but this isn't a few items. I like a lock override. Then if they break the door to get out there would be more evidence. Of course the police will charge you with detaining someone or something. Spaying them with marking spray would be fantastic with a BUG as my back-up.

The opposite of courage in our society isn't cowardice. It is now conformity and compromise! (Borrowed from a friend.) Just sayin!

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