First Aid Kits in Bug Out Bags


Tool Maker
First aid kits (FAK) in Bug Out Bags (BOB) would seem to me to be problematic. Lots of commercial first aid kits contain, shall we say, perishable medications and topical applications. Throwing a BOB into the trunk of my car that spends 100% of its life out in the elements getting frozen in the dead of winter and baked in the heat of summer would be the destruction of a lot of first aid supplies I would put into it.

I see three options. One, always park in a climate controlled garage. Not possible. Two, carry my ALICE pack BOB out the front door and toss it into the trunk every time I go out and pull it back out everytime I get home. Inefficient. Three, just leave the ALICE pack in the entrance way closet and flee back home for it, if TSHIF while I'm away. Impractical.

Are there any temperature/humidity tolerant substitutes for common temperature/humidity intolerant medications/topical applications? What do you all do WTR your BOBs' FAKs?

EIEIO. :man_in_love:
They aren't that expensive. I would say just replace every few years or whatever.
What do you have in your FAK that is so perishable? Blood packs, or spare human kidneys? :biggrin:
The only thing that I can think of that may actually expire is the meds. After they're expiration date they just loose the full potency of the drug. Chances are that they will still be decent in a pinch but, you may not get the full effect.

The only other thing I can think of is maybe the adhesive on the bandaids might wear down. But, in that case use gauze or something, if its that bad. I'm not sure of the shelf life of that NuSkin stuff, but it may be a viable backup/replacement to bandaids.

Really though, once you have a kit, replacing the perishables once a year will only be a few dollars. And, you can rotate the older stock to someplace in the garage or somewhere for a backup to your backup...

Or... you could customize your kit by individually bagging a few items using one of those food savers and suck all the moisture and air out of the bag (add a desicant pack) this should help prolong the lifespan of anything. Plus you can use the food saver for adding some dried foods to your BOB as well. Doing this will probably cut down on costs, and space that commercial packaging takes up. You could even use the food savor to pack some spare clothes, to help water proof, and save space and weight...

Just some ideas...
Staging supplies

The Military taught me alot about staging supplies.

have just enough to get you to home/safe zone.

pick up bulk of suppies from home/safe zone fwd staging (climate controlled storage)

move out smartly with what ever is required to perform the task at hand.
Your first aid kit should be fine. I got one at the Home depot like three years ago put it into the back of the jeep and left it. Winter weather ( -20 ) and summer 90-100+ some times. When i sold the jeep i moved it to the new car and it was still fine. I just tossed it out and not because it was no good. But because i used most of the kit and the container was smashed to hell. The ice packs still worked ( i just used one of the two that had been in the kit on my little girl) it worked great. I have the other one in the house.
Keep your non perishables in your everyday or "Field Pack" and keeps perishables (pills, Injectables, IV Solutions, Quick Clot, etc...) in a safe place and come back for them later. That's what being a Corpsman taught me. You never want to be too far from a field dressing!!!
i have a field surgical kit with sutures,scalple,wound probe,surgical sisors,hemostats, + i have sterile gauze pads,gauze roll,betidine solution,,alchohol,hydrogen peroxide,cloth band aids,field pressure bandages,and tri-angular arm slings and safty pins, pain relivers+all my meds that i take.