Glasers are a horrible choice for defensive use.
9mms work absolutely as well as any other service caliber pistol round. Period. The caliber wars are only debated by folks with no education or field experience with wound ballistics.
Seriously, am I the only person who saw that the shooter in this video used a PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN?
This was an obvious case of using bean bags, no doubt pre-loaded due to the type of incident that police were responding to. That bean bags very often don't work to incapacitate people, but can kill people who are hit in the face or chest, is very well known.
What you saw here was a VERY poorly trained police force.
Google up the Pete Solis fight ref a car stop gone bad and a bad guy who took 20+ rounds of .40S&W 165gr Ranger-T "centermass" before he was stopped.
Such "failure to stop" events are common when pistol caliber weapons are used.
Of course 9 mm is the best.
That is why the Seals, Special forces, the FBI have all gone to bigger bore. They don't know what they dare doing.
Of course 9 mm is the best.
That is why the Seals, Special forces, the FBI have all gone to bigger bore. They don't know what they dare doing.
I didn't say it was best, I said they all work about the same. Pistol calibers just poke holes in people, rifles tear stuff up. Anyone who thinks that any service caliber handgun round is significantly better than another is out of touch with reality.
The SEALs are still using the Sig 226, all of the SF guys I know are carrying Glock 19s OCONUS.
Kyle DeFoor is a well know SEAL that now teaches firearms all over the country, he said this ref handgun calibers when asked his opinion;
I'd rather go with 9mm. I believe that the additional recoil from .40 and the fact that no study has proven .40 better than 9 on a human makes 9 better for concealment, control, and accuracy.
9mm does a great job going through windshields, brick, wood, drywall, etc. I have shot these mediums on a monthly basis for years during certain courses. Conservatively, I've done these demos on about 300 or so vehicles. I always have some brick, wood, drywall, and different body armor on hand as well.
I appreciate the 1911's innovations 100 years ago. Without it we would not have the modern semis we have. But seriously, 7 shots? mediocre performance without heavy expensive mods? and a caliber that still is not proved is better than 9mm? - not for me.
Thanks for the research Old Curmudgeon!
Seriously, am I the only person who saw that the shooter in this video used a PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN?
Many police forces are shedding the 9mm too. The reason the .45ACP 1911 is around is the .38 was found not to work on drugged out Filipinos. It has to get relearned by each generation. 9mm was adopted for most military units over protests and only because the other militaries of NATO were using it. Those that needed it, kept the .45s. WV ordered 750 new S&W .45s for their State Troopers last year to replace 9s.Of course 9 mm is the best.
That is why the Seals, Special forces, the FBI have all gone to bigger bore. They don't know what they dare doing.
The shoot involved a Glock 22 loaded with 180 grain Gold Dots. Another shoot in PA. Same gun and ammo, bad guy kept fighting even after being hit with a .223 all COM. This is why head shot's are taught known as the body armour drill.Glasers are a horrible choice for defensive use.
9mms work absolutely as well as any other service caliber pistol round. Period. The caliber wars are only debated by folks with no education or field experience with wound ballistics.
Seriously, am I the only person who saw that the shooter in this video used a PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN?
This was an obvious case of using bean bags, no doubt pre-loaded due to the type of incident that police were responding to. That bean bags very often don't work to incapacitate people, but can kill people who are hit in the face or chest, is very well known.
What you saw here was a VERY poorly trained police force.
Google up the Pete Solis fight ref a car stop gone bad and a bad guy who took 20+ rounds of .40S&W 165gr Ranger-T "centermass" before he was stopped.
Such "failure to stop" events are common when pistol caliber weapons are used.
The shoot involved a Glock 22 loaded with 180 grain Gold Dots. Another shoot in PA. Same gun and ammo, bad guy kept fighting even after being hit with a .223 all COM. This is why head shot's are taught known as the body armour drill.
.45acp 24/7, 365. 230gr to the chest...or two will end the fight. LE agencies across the country are going exclusively to this round. And for good reason.