I’m applying for my Florida concealed carry permit since I will be traveling there this spring. According to the page on this site, it says that applications go much faster with electronic fingerprinting. Has anyone had this done, and if so, where?
Not sure about Washington but when I went in SC to have mine renewed I was told that they would not do it.
Something about putting my prints into a database that I wouldn't want to be in. Took them the old fashoned way, sent to Fl and still got my Fl non resident permit in just a month or so.
Once it is in an electronic database (much like "the internets") it is there forever, and there is no way to document where it goes. If given a choice, I would go paper. That said, most paper records are being transferred to NICS as we speak, so it may become a moot point.
I’m applying for my Florida concealed carry permit since I will be traveling there this spring. According to the page on this site, it says that applications go much faster with electronic fingerprinting. Has anyone had this done, and if so, where?
Florida only does electronic prints for Florida residents...out of staters must submit paper fingerprint cards. This fact is noted in the Florida-state CCW site I visited a few nights ago
Wake County in NC does electronic finger printing as well. You apply for your permit with the county then go down the hall to the SBI office and they do the finger printing.