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I'm sure we'll find some reason to flame each other (my breed's better'n yours!) but this should be a relatively safe topic.

I'm just welcoming the latest addition to the pack: a 10-wk old German Wire-Haired Pointer. He joins the old black lab (Jake, what else?), the Brittany (Hemi, my son's dog), and Zippy (wife's chihuahua, a taco-bell dog look-alike).

As some of you know, I'm dealing wth a lot of personal stress lately. The plan last fall (after I ran over my Yellow Lab - Elwood) was to wait til spring to get a new pup. Well, spring came and I just wasn't up for it. My 25-year-old hunting partner son (AJ) insisted last week I go to look at the Pointer pup. Son is a shrewd cookie. Who can resist a puppy? So, home we came with the new addition.

I'll tell ya this: it's hard not to be amused at the antics of a puppy. I've laughed more in the last week than I have all winter/spring. What a hoot. We're doing "hunter education" wherein the dog teaches me to let him run birds all over the county and in return, he eats the food which I provide. :biggrin:

Anyway, what's your current or favorite beastie?

2 Chihuahuas and 2 Pit Bulls. The Chichi's are my wife's. They aren't the most social animals I have ever encountered, either. The pits are rescues, and one of them is barely a year old. She's still got a lot of puppy in her, which makes her 50lbs seem like a ton. She's a lot of fun, though. They all keep me going day and night.
At the moment a Pomeranian. We have at one time had a Lab, Scottie and a King Charles Spaniel. All were great dogs. They become like a member of the family. It is hard to lose one.
We have four; a Boxer/Pit Bull mix female, a minature Dachshund, an Ilapso-Apso, and a super fat Chihuahua. All are one owner older dogs except for the Boxer/Pit Bull mix. she is just past her 1st birthday. We also have two cats, but they don't count here, do they?
We have three. My two daughters dogs, a Maltese/ Fox Terrier mix and a Pekingese/ Poodle mix. Yeah, yeah I know I call them football dogs too but they're my daughters dogs. Mine is an Australian Shepherd/ Collie mix rescued from the pound. I think he may have some wolf in him also. My favorite dog of all time was a German Shorthaired Pointer. He was the smartest dog I had ever seen, a quick learner and loyal to the end.
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Nothing makes me happier than to talk about my dogs...I guess its because im not a Dad yet, but anyway I have two wonderful siberian huskies, and the third dog is a Husky/German Shepherd mix all of them have the best personality's out of any other breed of dog that I have owned. They love the snow and when it gets a little too warm for them they talk a walk down the driveway and lay in the creek.
One Rottweiler and one Border Terror oops... Terrier. Have had Rotties since '82. The BT is our first little dog. Very entertaining. A big dog in a little body.14lbs. of tenacious K9.
Likes to lay on the back rest of the couch just like cats do. Right CW? Just like.
i have 2 cats that are mine and 5 strays (born right outside my patio) that me and the gf feed and water, but not inside. just the 2 that are mine are inside. anyways i have always loved a german shepard and a rottwiler, but ive also had a pitbull that was a good dog as well. now i just need to get a house so i can get the dogs. prolly will be the shepard
i have 2 cats that are mine and 5 strays (born right outside my patio) that me and the gf feed and water, but not inside. just the 2 that are mine are inside. anyways i have always loved a german shepard and a rottwiler, but ive also had a pitbull that was a good dog as well. now i just need to get a house so i can get the dogs. prolly will be the shepard

I'd get the Rott. I had one years ago for family protection when my kids were toddlers and I traveled a bit. Best dang house dog I've ever had. Friendly with everybody if nothing was happening (and would NEVER hurt any kid), but, boy, if the SHTF, that dog was a "steely-eyed crusader for justice".

I've been into hunting breeds since I moved here to the Outback years ago but I've always said I'd get another Rott in a heartbeat for family protection. I'd pay serious money to get one from a real good line; it would be money well spent, IMO.

(Having said all that, I like good Shepherds, too.)
well i have a hole pack. i have 7 dogs. lets see here. theres lexy the mountain curr/black n tan mix, dixie the mildly retarted boxer, kizzie the easily frightend black shephard, daisy the stubborn basset hound, harley the i dont know what, aggie the yellow lab, and shelby the cocker spaniel. all of my dogs are inside dogs too. so when people ring the damn doorbell it drives me nuts. lol. the oldes is about 3 and it goes on down to around 7 months old. and i go through almost 100 pounds of dog food a week. and i have to clean the back yard at least 1 time a day or it turns into a cow pasture. and i dont have to mow the back yard, i walk around with a weed eater cuz there is barley any grass. lol. we usually wake up the neighborhood around 6 am like clockwork. i wouldnt trade them for nothin though. :no:
well i have a hole pack. i have 7 dogs. lets see here. theres lexy the mountain curr/black n tan mix, dixie the mildly retarted boxer, kizzie the easily frightend black shephard, daisy the stubborn basset hound, harley the i dont know what, aggie the yellow lab, and shelby the cocker spaniel. all of my dogs are inside dogs too. so when people ring the damn doorbell it drives me nuts. lol. the oldes is about 3 and it goes on down to around 7 months old. and i go through almost 100 pounds of dog food a week. and i have to clean the back yard at least 1 time a day or it turns into a cow pasture. and i dont have to mow the back yard, i walk around with a weed eater cuz there is barley any grass. lol. we usually wake up the neighborhood around 6 am like clockwork. i wouldnt trade them for nothin though. :no:

Oh, man, I'm busting a gut! :laugh:
One Rottweiler and one Border Terror oops... Terrier. Have had Rotties since '82. The BT is our first little dog. Very entertaining. A big dog in a little body.14lbs. of tenacious K9.
Likes to lay on the back rest of the couch just like cats do. Right CW? Just like.

CapGun, our "Precious" cat weighs 14 lbs. DH keeps calling her "A Big Girl". LOL
That is six pounds heaver than my dog. Of course she does not know she is small. Poms think they are Great Danes. You have to really watch them because their boldness can get them hurt.

I was out for a walk one evening when the neighbor's TOY Pom ran up t the fence, stuck its head through the chain link fence (diamond-shaped hole) and began barking at me. One of the funniest things I'd ever seen.
2 Chihuahuas and 2 Pit Bulls. The Chichi's are my wife's. They aren't the most social animals I have ever encountered, either. The pits are rescues, and one of them is barely a year old. She's still got a lot of puppy in her, which makes her 50lbs seem like a ton. She's a lot of fun, though. They all keep me going day and night.

Thanks for adopting the pitties. Sadly the breed is so misrepresented and reviled by all the misinformation out there.

Dog (and cat) people are good folks!

As for me, I've had dogs all my life, all rescues, and sized from a 4 lb. Yorkie (one of the two Yorkies I have right now, plus a Jack Russell/Westie mix) up to a 100+ lb. Chessie/Chow mix.

JJF, good luck with your new pup - Pointers are great dogs!

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