Does any body actually carry a Mac 10/11 clone?


God Bless Our Troops!!!
Does anybody actually carry a Mac 10/11 clone? They look cool. They are the stuff that movies are made of...but does anyone actually carry one of these? If so, how? How do you conceal a 30 rnd sten mag or greasegun mag???? what about drums?
Not recently but in the early 90's I was splicing fiber optic cables in downtown Miami at night. We had a maintaince window of midnight to 6am. My brother loaned me one to keep in the splicing trailer. Was quite an experence. It was right there on the workbench along with my other tools. Spent 3 yrs there and Miami is high on my list of places to never go back to. Sometimes the almighty dollar is not worth it.
No firsthand experience here, but in thinking about it, the only way I can think of to conceal a weapon like that would be a shoulder sling it would hang on the side of your shooting hand. to concealing a drum magazine.... Maybe you could pass it off as a growth?:sarcastic:
Mine is on a sling and I guess I could hide it under a coat. I just can't imagine a situation where a truly concealed pistol and a rifle nearby wouldn't be superior.:no:
My brother did years ago - he owned his own tree service company, and did a lot of work for the City of Ashville NC. This put him in several bad neighborhoods. He would put it under his flanel shirt on a sling he made for it. While in a tree, trimming it up, someone tried to steel a chainsaw off the back of his truck. He pulled it out and yelled "Hey!" - the dude lookced up, saw the gun, and ran like the wind!
That would be a bit, too ...heavy for me to carry minus the .380 version. However I do know that at least back in the late 80's early 90's there was a custom rig for them. The best way to explain it is to think of a set of suspenders or a H harness on the side under your arm pit about mid ways down there was a pad w/ velcro, the pistol was pointed straight up, the grip/mag went parrallel your rib bones, the idea was that with a suppressor, the muzzle would come up right in the crevice of your shoulder and depending on how tall you are would either clear or stick above it. The images they used were that of a swat officer, who seemed to be a bit stocky, but yet the muzzle safely cleared his left shoulder, when they did a side profile you could see how it was setup, I found it odd they showed the low cap mag, but yet the long suppressor. I'd say you'd be hard pressed to find one of those now. But it was neat at the time

My brother did years ago - he owned his own tree service company, and did a lot of work for the City of Ashville NC. This put him in several bad neighborhoods. He would put it under his flanel shirt on a sling he made for it. While in a tree, trimming it up, someone tried to steel a chainsaw off the back of his truck. He pulled it out and yelled "Hey!" - the dude lookced up, saw the gun, and ran like the wind!

ashville nc the tourist town has bad neighborhoods?

like, redneck trailer types? is so, mac10 wouldnt be a good match for a bolt action rifle.

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