Concealed carry while consuming alcohol?

Well then, why are you any different than I am then? I believe it's common sense stuff, you don't agree with me. Big deal. We both do as we want and have to live or die with the results. I happen to think I have a decent chance of survival if I drink and stay in my house is all. To me that is just common sense. If it isn't to you then that's fine with me.

The difference is I understand the use of the term "common sense." You can believe it's still the summer of 1968, that doesn't make it true, same goes for your belief in what is common sense. There is nothing common about your sense of victimization based on conjecture.

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The difference is I understand the use of the term "common sense." You can believe it's still the summer of 1968, that doesn't make it true, same goes for your belief in what is common sense. There is nothing common about your sense of victimization based on conjecture.

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Just let it go. We don't agree, so what? Maybe the sky isn't blue where you live, I don't care. You are right and I'm wrong. I wonder if you will now argue that too. Good grief.
No way to know for sure, but if you are someone who can see around corners, you might avoid it yourself. I just like to reduce my risk of being in jail is all. Again, you and anyone else don't have to think like I do, it's ok with me. I don't know why this has turned into a pissing contest with everyone trying to get others to agree with them. I'm not trying to do that. I just said what I do in my life. No one else has to agree and I'm fine with it. Really I am.

I'd rather be an alive drunk who survived an attack than an unarmed dead drunk, jail isn't a problem if you're dead
We can't prove our theories. There would have to be a test case for that. I don't want to be that test case. I'm not saying anyone should substitute my own judgement for their own. I don't have a need to be right. I am just commenting on my own beliefs. I like to reduce my risks of losing my freedom to live in society. I know for sure that if something bad were to happen and the libs who seem to own the courts, at least where I live, were to get wind that there was booze in me at the time, my future would most likely be toast. It's not a certainty, but it's a good bet. I also know for sure they can't use that against me if I choose to NOT have booze in me. That's all I'm saying here. Again, I don't expect everyone to substitute my decisions for their own. I really don't. If anyone got that impression, then I just want to clear this up now.

So, how far do you carry that possibility that something could be used against you in court by the "libs who seem to own the courts?"

They tend to claim that a magazine with a capactiy of over 10 rds (and some say 7 rounds) is a "high capacity" magazine so would you limit yourself to 10 rounds or less so they wouldn't bring it up?

There has been one case where the caliber of the firearm was brought up in the trial (10mm). So, would you limit yourself to..say they wouldn't bring it up?

There's always the argument of hand loaded ammo. So should I limit myself to factory ammo, even though I have greater trust in my own quality control than I do the factory?

What about practice? If you go to the range, say once a week, and shoot at silhouette targets, could the libs claim that you were obsessed and just looking for any chance to shoot at a real person?

What about cleaning your gun too much? Could they say you were obsessed?

Hollow point ammo? Designed to kill, right?

Full Metal Jacket? Designed for penetration, right?

+P ammo? Extra powerful.

Semi-auto? Designed for rapid fire.

Where do we draw the line with the conjecture regarding what could be used against us? Where does the "common sense" end?
Sorry about the post!! My ccw instructor was/is a practicing trial lawyer and in court you would still be faced with proving your level of impairment. I get tempted in a restaurant but it's 0 tollerance in Ohio so I wait, and thats all I've been trying to get across here!! An errant shot would be magnified if any alcohol is in play and the left and the media would have a field day!! Carry and stay safe but do it intelligently!

The Second Amendment protects All Rights!!
Sorry about the post!! My ccw instructor was/is a practicing trial lawyer and in court you would still be faced with proving your level of impairment. I get tempted in a restaurant but it's 0 tollerance in Ohio so I wait, and thats all I've been trying to get across here!! An errant shot would be magnified if any alcohol is in play and the left and the media would have a field day!! Carry and stay safe but do it intelligently!

The Second Amendment protects All Rights!!
1. we are all not YOU
2. we are all not in OHIO
learn how to qualify your posts in a forum with readers from many different places, and refrain from making IDIOTIC proclamations like this Carry and stay safe but do it intelligently!

Lastly I don't have to prove anything in a court, if I were to shoot someone the prosecution would need to prove it's case.
Sorry about the post!! My ccw instructor was/is a practicing trial lawyer and in court you would still be faced with proving your level of impairment. I get tempted in a restaurant but it's 0 tollerance in Ohio so I wait, and thats all I've been trying to get across here!! An errant shot would be magnified if any alcohol is in play and the left and the media would have a field day!! Carry and stay safe but do it intelligently!

The Second Amendment protects All Rights!!

Martin - I think it is hopeless to try to talk sense to those who don't get it. Maybe no one ever told them that guns + booze = bad idea and how dare anyone suggest they shouldn't have their beer? I forgot how important it is to drink alcohol for some people that they are willing to risk their freedom or even life (since your reaction time and inhibitions change even with as little as one drink). As you can see by the reactions to my common sense comments (except though I apparently have no understanding of what common sense is according to at least one person), how dare I suggest they can't have their beers and guns at the same time? I must be a commie or something to even suggest such a thing eh? I've decided to stop responding to them since they keep coming back with ridiculous comments and questions, and insults. It wasn't really what this thread is about anyway. We have a saying where I'm from for these sorts. They aren't very smart, but they can lift heavy things. yes, it is an insult, but I would remind all that it was not I who hurled the first insult. With this thought, I'm done with this thread.

... except though I apparently have no understanding of what common sense is according to at least one person... I must be a commie ...yes, it is an insult, but I would remind all that it was not I who hurled the first insult. With this thought, I'm done with this thread.

Pretty much sums up your post...responding to the person who indeed hurled the first insult...maybe no one ever told, "show me your friends and I'll show you who you are."

It seems, since you have nothing to back up your "common sense" you are going to hurl insults and run off.

Common sense says one can only hope you're not a liar.

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I hurled no insult! The jest of my comment was that a jury could be swayed against you if you had used alcohol before discharging your weapon in a public place! The state can bring experts to contradict your level of impairment!! Some of us simply choose that no alcohol while carrying is safer for all.

The Second Amendment protects All Rights!!
Martin - I think it is hopeless to try to talk sense to those who don't get it. Maybe no one ever told them that guns + booze = bad idea and how dare anyone suggest they shouldn't have their beer? I forgot how important it is to drink alcohol for some people that they are willing to risk their freedom or even life (since your reaction time and inhibitions change even with as little as one drink). As you can see by the reactions to my common sense comments (except though I apparently have no understanding of what common sense is according to at least one person), how dare I suggest they can't have their beers and guns at the same time? I must be a commie or something to even suggest such a thing eh? I've decided to stop responding to them since they keep coming back with ridiculous comments and questions, and insults. It wasn't really what this thread is about anyway. We have a saying where I'm from for these sorts. They aren't very smart, but they can lift heavy things. yes, it is an insult, but I would remind all that it was not I who hurled the first insult. With this thought, I'm done with this thread.


So, just because I disagree with you my questions are ridiculous? I pose some very exploratory questions in post #64. Notice I didn't attack you, call you names, ridicule you or anything of the sort. All I did was ask for evidence to support your opinion that alcohol will be a factor in court in a self-defense shooting case which you replied that you had none, it was just "common sense". But my questions as to what else should we consider by the same theoretical standard that you propose is ridiculous? Even the questions regarding handgun caliber and hollow point ammunition which actually was used by the prosecutor in the conviction of Harold Fish?

Here's another for you, that you probably won't answer. Have you ever carried a loaded firearm in a state that you did not have their permit/license for based on reciprocity with the permit(s) that you do have? In that situation - let's say that I carry my loaded firearm in Oklahoma because they recognize my Washington permit - it is illegal to carry a loaded firearm within 1000' of a school on public property because of the Federal Gun Free School Zone Act. In order to be exempt from the prohibition because of a permit/license, that license must be issued by the same state the school zone is located in with a background check done by that same state. That's clearly expressed in Federal law, 18 USC 922 (q)(2).

So, if you have/do carry in another state based on your out-of-state permit, do you obey the Federal Gun Free School Zone Act and unload your gun within 1000' of a school if you are on the street (public property)? Or do you just chance it? I doubt very many people will consider that a ridiculous question. In this case we are talking about an actual prohibition of Federal law that you could be prosecuted for, not just what the prosecutor MIGHT bring up in a case. Where is the end to this "common sense" that you claim some of us are lacking because our, mostly theoretical, limits don't match yours?

I actually agree that it is common sense not to mix alcohol with causes your drink to taste like Hoppes #9!
I hurled no insult! The jest of my comment was that a jury could be swayed against you if you had used alcohol before discharging your weapon in a public place! The state can bring experts to contradict your level of impairment!! Some of us simply choose that no alcohol while carrying is safer for all.

The Second Amendment protects All Rights!!

Need I remind you?

Very simply, NO!! Only an idiot would ever be armed while drinking!!

The Second Amendment protects All Rights!!

So half of the posters in this thread are idiots?

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For those who would like a test case:

Link Removed

"After further investigation as well as ongoing discussions with Humboldt County District Attorney Russell Smith, the decision was made that the shooting of Villagomez by the Reno man was a justifiable homicide as outlined in Nevada Revised Statute 200.120 and 200.160. Because of this the Reno man was released from police custody."

Unfortunately, the article never says if "the Reno man" had been drinking or not.
Just because I'm getting the feeling that something is getting overlooked by some... I haven't seen ANYONE recommend carrying and getting actually drunk. What I have seen is people who see no issue with having a beer or two or a glass of wine... most commonly with dinner! That means drinking slowly, drinking water, and eating food. Yes, yes... even one drink can cause some impairment. But by the time you're done with your meal, it's probably been a couple hours. That means most, if not all (especially with how I go about it), of the alcohol is already out of your system by the time you're done eating and ready to leave. And you haven't had much in your system at once the whole time. Yes, everyone's different, but I am a stick figure with low tolerance. If I can stay safe, anyone can figure out how to keep from being impaired; plenty of calculators online if you want to go find out exact numbers.
Simply my opinion, just like others giving their opinions and it was aimed at no one specifically!! Unlike the attacks made by yourself and others on this thread!! We disagree!! Time to move on!!

The Second Amendment protects All Rights!!
Simply my opinion, just like others giving their opinions and it was aimed at no one specifically!! Unlike the attacks made by yourself and others on this thread!! We disagree!! Time to move on!!

The Second Amendment protects All Rights!!

Refer to post #21.

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Kum ba yah, my lord, Kum ba yah!
Kum ba yah, my lord, Kum ba yah!
Kum ba yah, my lord, Kum ba yah.
O Lord, Kum ba yah

Someone's crying, Lord, Kum ba yah!
Someone's crying, Lord, Kum ba yah!
Someone's crying, Lord, Kum ba yah!
O Lord, Kum ba yah

Someone's singing, Lord, Kum ba yah!
Someone's singing, Lord, Kum ba yah!
Someone's singing, Lord, Kum ba yah!
O Lord, Kum ba yah

Someone's praying, Lord, Kum ba yah!
Someone's praying, Lord, Kum ba yah!
Someone's praying, Lord, Kum ba yah!
O Lord, Kum ba yah
:smile: :smile:

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