CCW in church?


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LITTLE ROCK — Arkansans with permits to carry concealed handguns could bring their guns to church under a bill filed Tuesday by state Rep. Beverly Pyle, R-Cedarville.

House Bill 1237 would remove any church or other place of worship from the list of places that a person with a license to carry a concealed handgun is not allowed to carry a gun under state law.

Because of so many things that’s happened across the nation in our churches, so many incidents and deaths, this is something that needs to be addressed before something else happens in our state, Pyle said.

The bill also would allow concealed handguns in the parking lots of places of worship.

Pyle said a church could post a sign banning handguns but would still be allowed under the bill to give certain people permission to carry guns into the church.

Guns in church may be more common than people realize, Pyle said. "We’d probably be surprised how many people do it already because they forget they have it in their purse," she said.

Fourteen House members have signed as co-sponsors of the bill.
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LITTLE ROCK — Arkansans with permits to carry concealed handguns could bring their guns to church under a bill filed Tuesday by state Rep. Beverly Pyle, R-Cedarville.

House Bill 1237 would remove any church or other place of worship from the list of places that a person with a license to carry a concealed handgun is not allowed to carry a gun under state law.

Because of so many things that’s happened across the nation in our churches, so many incidents and deaths, this is something that needs to be addressed before something else happens in our state, Pyle said.

The bill also would allow concealed handguns in the parking lots of places of worship.

Pyle said a church could post a sign banning handguns but would still be allowed under the bill to give certain people permission to carry guns into the church.

Guns in church may be more common than people realize, Pyle said. "We’d probably be surprised how many people do it already because they forget they have it in their purse," she said.

Fourteen House members have signed as co-sponsors of the bill.

Somebody has their thinking straight!
Many thanks to Rep. Beverly Pyle. We need more representatives like Rep. Pyle. :biggrin:
It's sad that you don't already have that right. You have to pass a bill to get the right. In NH we can carry anyplace we would like. Other then Federal buildings and court houses and dew to Federal law school zones. It's good to see this type of thing. In the past few months i have seen more and more pushes for less gun laws.
This will probably blow some people away, figureatively that is. Though in Illinois there is no LTC, you can transport an unloaded encased handgun on your person and have a loaded magazine in the case, with a Firearm Owners ID (FOID) card. Churches aren't off limits. Something called "6 seconds from safety" or "fanny packing". In this regard we are better off in church than in some other states with LTC , but a ban on church carry. Did HB1237 pass in Arkansas?
In Illinois HB182 was just signed by the governor and went into law, it covered carrying firearms on private property with owners permission. An Illinois church could now give permission to members or attenders to conceal carry on church property and they would be legal conceal carrying a firearm. They would of course have to unload and case it when leaving the property.
In SC guns in churches are banned without permsiision of the board or whoever is in charge. Personally I like this as it basically it means that only the board of the church could have you arrested therefore you find out your standing in the church and whether you need to find a different one. For example you carry your gun to church and somethin happens. If the police try to arrest you for it the Preacher just says he has permission and you can't be arrested. However someoone has a gun and starts trouble the Preacher can have hims arrested. I think this way the law shows respect for the church and the private property of the church.
In SC guns in churches are banned without permsiision of the board or whoever is in charge. Personally I like this as it basically it means that only the board of the church could have you arrested therefore you find out your standing in the church and whether you need to find a different one. For example you carry your gun to church and somethin happens. If the police try to arrest you for it the Preacher just says he has permission and you can't be arrested. However someoone has a gun and starts trouble the Preacher can have hims arrested. I think this way the law shows respect for the church and the private property of the church.

I agree with you that is the way it should be let the individual church board decide, they should make decisions on what is allowed on their property, not some legislator making a blanket law forcing all churches to be "victim zones". Even a pastor who has had death theats isn't allowed to have a firearm to defend himself in many states when in his office because it is on church property.

My pastor received weekly threats by phone years ago after protesting at "gay marriage ceremony" held in a public area of the local university. It was a mock ceremony and after it one of the two women left and moved to another state.

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