Cameras to Predict Criminal Behavior


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Cameras to Predict Criminal Behavior
December 2, 2008 - Britain is planning a new way to fight crime by setting up surveillance cameras - or CCTV cameras - that can predict a crime before it happens.

The cameras will alert operators to suspicious behavior, such as loitering or unusually slow walking, the London Daily Mail reports.

"It could detect unattended bags… or even predict if someone is going to commit suicide by throwing themselves on the track," said its inventor Dr Sergio Velastin.

The person would then have to explain their actions to a police officer.

"It's the 21st century equivalent of a night watchman," Councillor Jason Fazackarley explained. "But unlike a night watchman it never blinks, it never takes a break and it never gets bored."

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The Mail reports the move could fuel fears that Britain is becoming a surveillance society. Such fears aren't new. As early as 2002 the British civil right organization Liberty expressed concerns about the cameras.

"It is not so much the technology but how it is used that concerns us, and how to keep the balance between protecting safety and protecting privacy," said a Liberty spokesperson.

But one British citizen said, "I think the cameras are needed. Young boys are always up to no good in my neighborhood. I feel safer with the cameras. We need more, possibly."

The country is already using more than 4 million security cameras.

Sources: CBN News, BBC, World Magazine
Big Brother has been alive and well in Oceania (oops, I meant the UK) for as long as I can remember. I'm just surprised that this idea hasn't made its way to PRNYC or Chicago yet.