Are you a Protector?


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Protectors are the honest citizens in society; the people who actually give a damn about others. They are the truth seekers and truth-tellers. They know the difference between wrong and right, and when they see something wrong, they actively seek to expose it.

Protectors are the modern-day info-warriors; the defenders of the village. They are the liberty movement advocates, the whistleblowers and the independent thinkers.

Protectors are also preparedness strategists. They enjoy being safe and well prepared for an unknown future. They help protect their children, their families, and sometimes their entire communities from uncertainty. They are survivors.

Protectors are long-term thinkers who want to leave behind a better world for their children. They advocate total transparency in government and fight for honest labeling of GMO foods. They're strong advocates for true environmental protection, and they fight against criminal corporations. They demand accountability from others just as they do from themselves.

Protectors are loyal friends, capable defenders of life and property, and often surprisingly well versed in realms of spirituality, ethics and practical life skills. Many Protectors are members of churches or spiritual organizations, but they may also be journalists, self defense instructors, truck drivers or open-source technology advocates.

Beware of false Protectors who are actually Sociopaths pretending to be Protectors. Many Schemers also attempt to act like Protectors by running non-profits and foundations that are actually designed to further dominate humanity.

Only about 2% of the population are true Protectors. You can't normally identify them until they are tested in a real crisis.

Summary of the Protector Archetype:
Cognitive capabilities: Varies widely.
Moral compass: Follows the Golden Rule. Often has a religious background. Strong moral compass, strong sense of identity, purpose and self esteem.
Desired agenda: Ending suffering. Restoring liberty, justice, peace.
Worships: A universal force of good: God, karma or other spiritual force.
Typical dress: Varies widely.
When you're not looking, they will: Secretly donate food to the local food bank.

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I am a uniter and an instigator. Are you happy now? I wouldn't qualify to be a protector because I belong to a 501(c) organization though it is not designed to dominate society.

Where did you copy that? It's the silliest article I have ever read!!!
Being a protector

What is wrong with you people. Being a protector is the sign of being one of God's people.

There are Wolves and There are Sheep.

Like the picture shows,

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Let me put things in a different light. I carry... why? Because there are Azz-hats in the world. First and foremost, I protect my family and myself. If I can get through a day and we are ok, I consider it a blessed day. Am I a modern day Superhero like your post depicts? No, and I don't want to be. I'm not looking for evil; I'm not looking to end all the pain and suffering in the world. I'm looking to carve out my little niche in the world, with my family. However, I'm not so naive to think that azz-hats are around... so I carry and I suggest everyone else that realizes there are azz-hats out there carry as well, because then the azz-hats don't win. No need to be a super hero.
This isn't exclusive to physical protection or vigilantism, even being an advocate for an informed electorate or looking out for the good of those around you counts.
What is wrong with you people. Being a protector is the sign of being one of God's people.

There are Wolves and There are Sheep.

Like the picture shows,


To be perfectly honest “sheep dogs” scare me, they strike me as the type of person that is carrying a gun just waiting for a chance to be “a hero”. It’s been my experience that people that want to be heroes tend to blow a situation out of proportion in their quest to fulfill the “sheep dog” role.

Any time I carry a gun (which is all the time) I am incurring the risk of liability and I am accepting full responsibility for my actions. Why would I want to add to that risk by deliberately interjecting myself into a situation that has nothing to do with me? Also how am I fulfilling my responsibility to protect my family by adding to their risk (of losing their primary provider) by so doing?

IMO anyone who grabs onto that title is looking for something outside themselves to add meaning to their life and (also IMO) they are looking in a very dangerous place

Grossman’s “Sheep, Sheepdogs and Wolves” was mainly directed at professional soldiers and police officers it was never intended to be a Raison d'être for concealed carry permit holders. It’s an analogy and like all analogies its flawed and you don’t have to take it too far to find the flaws.

Sheep are herd animals that are kept not out of the benevolent goodness of their owner’s heart but because they produce goods that benefit the owner and only the owner. Where do you think the term getting “fleeced” came from? Unproductive sheep are killed.

Sheepdogs are not part of the flock they are employed to impose the owner’s will on the sheep, by force if necessary. They guard the flock because it is of benefit to the owner and they have no qualms about herding the flock to a slaughterhouse if that is what the owner commands. Sheep dog is not an appellation I would care to have applied to me.

It has been my experience that those, in the permit holder community, who seek the title of sheepdog, tend to be authoritarians who use it as a means of self aggrandizement. They tend to derive their feelings of self worth from the position of quasi authority they assume their permit gives them. This is, of course, my opinion but I have also seen posters on gun boards state that our status as permit holders makes us defacto auxiliary police officers. As such I believe the sheepdog mythology is very, very dangerous to the gun owning community and I speak against it at every opportunity.
I am a protector, I am a civilian & have helped the police arrest 3 thieves, & one perp trying to steal money by force from his parents at a gas station. He was trying to force his elderly Mom into the store to withdraw $ for his Meth habbit. I looked to see what was going on while filling my vehicle up & he looked at me & said to mind my own business, to which I replied by immediately dialing 911 & waiting there until the police arrested him, turns out he was on parole (surprise) & had robbed a liquer store a week earlier. No Regrets.

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