New member
What I personally think we all as a CCW community NEED to do it focus on Illinois.
I am very big on trying to get right to carry in Illinois, the problem is right now most 2A supporters are in a holding pattern waiting for the court rulings as this right now is the best shot.The thugs that magically get elected in Chicago have the numbers to block anything but a supreme court ruling.
I don't have money to give to every 2A group in the communist State but I will be happy to join the fight when it starts back up although I am confident that it will be unnecessary as the courts will make them see the light. I have contributed money to the lawsuits, called/wrote almost every legislator posing as a resident, did research for HB148 with real numbers that the antis love to pad in there favor, I cant say what else I've done but I will just say that the dead voters in Chicago weren't only voting for democrats this time. Pretty much anything I could think of and that was before we even had our right to carry here.
You are not alone in this fight. After you get right to carry (it will happen just a matter or how long) it will be on to New York, Jersey, L.A. ETC ETC to bring REAL right to carry legislation there. Sickens me that people have less rights because they live in a different state. Hell the only ones that truly have it right are Alaska, Arizona, Wyoming, and Vermont. 4 down 46 more to go.