Any word on WI concealed carry reciprocity with other states?


chose to submit to a background check that is comparable to the check conducted under Wisconsin law

When the Wisconsin Background check is defined,(most likely the NICS/FBI check)then those other states that OFFER THE SAME BACKGROUND CHECKwill be accepted in The State of Wisconsin.

I can just see Lauren Cnare pulling her already thinning hair out! "Not in Madison they wont!"
Unfortunately Ms Cnare is about to be constitutionally beyach slapped all up and down the block if sge tries to pass local ordinance prohibiting carry of concealed in all areas of Madison as she is allegedly trying to do. THIS ONE you need to watch. Snakey beyach. Pardon my language.


The background check is already defined:

(9g) BACKGROUND CHECKS. (a) The department shall
conduct a background check regarding an applicant for
a license using the following procedure:
1. The department shall create a confirmation num-
ber associated with the applicant.
2. The department shall conduct a criminal history
record search and shall search its records and conduct a
search in the national instant criminal background check
system to determine whether the applicant is prohibited
from possessing a firearm under federal law; whether the
applicant is prohibited from possessing a firearm under
s. 941.29; whether the applicant is prohibited from pos-
sessing a firearm under s. 51.20 (13) (cv) 1., 2007 stats.;
whether the applicant has been ordered not to possess a
firearm under s. 51.20 (13) (cv) 1., 51.45 (13) (i) 1., 54.10
(3) (f) 1., or 55.12 (10) (a); whether the applicant is sub-
ject to an injunction under s. 813.12 or 813.122, or a tribal
injunction, as defined in s. 813.12 (1) (e), issued by a
court established by any federally recognized Wisconsin
Indian tribe or band, except the Menominee Indian tribe
of Wisconsin, that includes notice to the respondent that
he or she is subject to the requirements and penalties
under s. 941.29 and that has been filed with the circuit
court under s. 806.247 (3); and whether the applicant is
prohibited from possessing a firearm under s. 813.125
(4m); and to determine if the court has prohibited the
applicant from possessing a dangerous weapon under s.
969.02 (3) (c) or 969.03 (1) (c) and if the applicant is prohibited from possessing a dangerous weapon as a condition of release under s. 969.01.
Great! now all we have to do is WAIT UNTIL NOVEMBER until DOJ posts the official reciprocity list
Half the battle down...half to go.
Back ground check.

So now that we have the actual law about WI bg checks,we can compare it to other states criteria and have a reasonable idea as to which states will be accepted in WI. unless of course you want to call DOJ and ask...:pleasantry:
So now that we have the actual law about WI bg checks,we can compare it to other states criteria and have a reasonable idea as to which states will be accepted in WI. unless of course you want to call DOJ and ask...:pleasantry:

Am I missing something? It doesn't matter to WI residents which states WI recognizes, as a WI resident I HAVE to have a WI permit. It only matters to non-residents.

As to which out of state permit WI will recognize for WI residents as proof of training for a WI permit, the answer is all of them as long as they haven't been revoked. They can even be expired!
I don't know whether or not Wisconsin will offer reciprocity with other states but I do know that there are some instructors out there that offer both the Wisconsin permit and another state that does have reciprocity. One such example is Concealed Carry Classes | Equip 2 Conceal You can take their class to get the Wisconsin permit and Florida permit which offers reciprocity with over 30 other states.

WE are discussing which states will be accepted by WI. We already know that as a WI resident you are afforded SHALL ISSUe.

The point of the many many SPECULATIONS is which states permits will WI accept.And which states will honor the wisconsin ccw. And No sorry,if its expired it is null and void and cannot be uses as proof of anything other than you HAD one (past tense) and were in the system at one time.

So lets recap:

a. wisconsin is shall issue to residents only.
b. we DO NOT KNOW which state permits WI will accept.
c. we DO NOT KNOW which states will accept the WI permit.
d. THE DOJ will publish this list and info on 01 Nov 2011.
e. Until 01 Nov 2011,NO ONE will know the Official answer to this.

Hopefully this clears up any mis information you have and ends this incessant back and forth over something NO ONE knows the answer to until November 01 2011.

And No sorry,if its expired it is null and void and cannot be uses as proof of anything other than you HAD one (past tense) and were in the system at one time.
You are Off base quoting this information to people out here without legal foundation.


175.60(4)(a)(3) A current or expired license, or a photocopy of a current or expired license, that the individual holds or has held that indicates that the individual is licensed or has been licensed to carry a firearm in this state or in another state or in a county or municipality of this state or of another state unless the license has been revoked for cause.

I'm glad I don't know what I'm talking about....

So lets recap:

a. wisconsin is shall issue to residents only.
b. we DO NOT KNOW which state permits WI will accept.
c. we DO NOT KNOW which states will accept the WI permit.
d. THE DOJ will publish this list and info on 01 Nov 2011.
e. Until 01 Nov 2011,NO ONE will know the Official answer to this.

I agree with that except for a slight correction on b. We DO know which states WI should recognize for non-residents to carry in WI. Any state that requires a background check or has an optional background check as long as it is noted on the permit that the permit holder opted for it.

165.25 (12) RULES REGARDING CONCEALED WEAPONSLICENSES. Promulgate by rule a list of states that issue a
permit, license, approval, or other authorization to carry
a concealed weapon if the permit, license, approval, or
other authorization requires, or designates that the holder
chose to submit to, a background search that is compara-
ble to a background check as defined in s. 175.60 (1) (ac).

In addition (see above), we know that WI will accept ALL permits as proof of training. So..... for example, if you have a PA permit, which requires no training to get, WI will accept it as proof of training. Doesn't government make sense?
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Well according to the DOJ,they are developing a list of acceptable out of state permits that WI will accept. Im in no way comfortable with a "no training" permit being accepted in Wisconsin. That in and of itself defeats the ard work on many peoples part to make certain that CCW people are adequately trained. And yes, I agree Government is the ultimate oxymoron. While the law contradicts what DOJ is saying essentially my only concern is whether or not they will accept my AZ and VA Non Res permit. I cannot see how in good safety sense that WI can accept a permit that is expired. If this holds true, I can drive all over Cheese Land without a DL and when stopped claim "well I HAD one"..I dont think they should accept people that HAD a permit.These persons should at minimum requalify and re certify for safety and training. While I DO hold a PA CCW,(thank you Denny Nau) I also hold others that require training as well as having gone thru the Military Weapons Course and Law Enforcement Shooting. I feel very strongly about the safety and training aspect of this new CCW permitting in WI and I believe they should revisit some of these permits that they intend on accepting.
This is hair pulling to say the least. But here is the kicker. Im trying to get CCW passed in Illinois.This (WI) law is nothing compared to ILCS 720 5/24. You want to go insane? Read THAT!.
I enjoy our legal debates. This is what this forum is all about. Amicable resolve to a pressing issue.
Well according to the DOJ,they are developing a list of acceptable out of state permits that WI will accept. Im in no way comfortable with a "no training" permit being accepted in Wisconsin. That in and of itself defeats the ard work on many peoples part to make certain that CCW people are adequately trained. And yes, I agree Government is the ultimate oxymoron. While the law contradicts what DOJ is saying essentially my only concern is whether or not they will accept my AZ and VA Non Res permit. I cannot see how in good safety sense that WI can accept a permit that is expired. If this holds true, I can drive all over Cheese Land without a DL and when stopped claim "well I HAD one"..I dont think they should accept people that HAD a permit.These persons should at minimum requalify and re certify for safety and training. While I DO hold a PA CCW,(thank you Denny Nau) I also hold others that require training as well as having gone thru the Military Weapons Course and Law Enforcement Shooting. I feel very strongly about the safety and training aspect of this new CCW permitting in WI and I believe they should revisit some of these permits that they intend on accepting.
This is hair pulling to say the least. But here is the kicker. Im trying to get CCW passed in Illinois.This (WI) law is nothing compared to ILCS 720 5/24. You want to go insane? Read THAT!.
I enjoy our legal debates. This is what this forum is all about. Amicable resolve to a pressing issue.

See, you are coming at it from the wrong side. The author of the bill, Senator Pam Galloway, wrote a Constitutional Carry bill. Permits and training were only added to placate some people. The training requirement is a farce and was an afterthought.

You argument about a drivers license is a non-starter. I didn't say you can carry in WI with an expired license, I said the law said that you can use an expired license as proof of training to get your permit. I don't have proof of this, but I believe i can show an expired IL DL to the WI DOT and that would get me out of the road test portion of getting a WI DL.

You are correct that the DOJ is DIRECTED to make lists, however, the content of the list is spelled out. So.... the list of states that WI will recognize for out-of state residents hasn't beem made, you are correct, however, if the out-of-state permit requires a background check or offers an optional background check, the DOJ HAS to put that state on the list. Training does not matter.

Also, I have personally talked to the legislators and understand their intent. They understand that the DOJ could take a marginally acceptable bill and turn it into a complete cluster. So.... they gave them very little leeway. They have statements like 'the department shall' as opposed to 'the department may'. They also state that 175.60(2)(b) The department may not impose conditions, limitations, or requirements that are not expressly provided for in this section on the issuance, scope, effect, or content of a license.

So, since you keep asking me for citations, please back up your assertions with citations as well.
Well this should prove to be an interesting wait.

Hopefully the accept permits from States that require BG checks.
We shall see.

Talk to you soon.
There is no official reciprocity list yet but the DOJ says NOV 1st permit holders from these States can carry in Wisconsin.

Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands

Source here: Link Removed
The following quote is from the Wisconsin DOJ page Link Removed

This list is current as of 10/26/11:

Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands

There has been several mentions in this thread of reciprocity. There are other ways 1 state can recognize the permits of another state that do not require a formal reciprocity document. Some states unilaterally recognize the permits of all other states.

The Wisconsin permit of a Wisconsin resident is now valid in Colorado because Colorado has only one requirement to recognize the CCW permit of state X and that is that state X recognize the Colorado permit. This is a matter of Colorado statute, and the maintainer of the Colorado reciprocity page Link Removed is on the ball and has been made aware of CO being listed by WI, so this page will soon have the WI entry updated to "yes".
The following quote is from the Wisconsin DOJ page Link Removed

There has been several mentions in this thread of reciprocity. There are other ways 1 state can recognize the permits of another state that do not require a formal reciprocity document. Some states unilaterally recognize the permits of all other states.

The Wisconsin permit of a Wisconsin resident is now valid in Colorado because Colorado has only one requirement to recognize the CCW permit of state X and that is that state X recognize the Colorado permit. This is a matter of Colorado statute, and the maintainer of the Colorado reciprocity page Link Removed is on the ball and has been made aware of CO being listed by WI, so this page will soon have the WI entry updated to "yes".

PA is the same recognize ours, we'll recognize yours....even without formal written agreement. I sent the PA AG an email when I saw PA was on the WI....Link Removed the site accordingly. WI is Category written agreement. If a written agreement is done WI will bump up to Category 1.

From what I heard FL is not on the list because they didn't submit the requested info to WI yet.
...the maintainer of the Colorado reciprocity page Link Removed is on the ball and has been made aware of CO being listed by WI, so this page will soon have the WI entry updated to "yes".

The page has been updated to show that the Wisconsin CC permit of a Wisconsin resident is now recognized in Colorado.
WI has added quite a few more states that they will allow to ccw. I'm glad they finally added IN.
Non Resident VA was my doing. Im going to need someone to mail the WI DOJ about New Hampshire as well. They do the NICS check so they are acceptable to WI for reciprocity. I would really appreciate it if someone could mail that info to the WI DOJ.

Non Resident VA was my doing. Im going to need someone to mail the WI DOJ about New Hampshire as well. They do the NICS check so they are acceptable to WI for reciprocity. I would really appreciate it if someone could mail that info to the WI DOJ.


Does VA go the NICS for NR but not for Residents? I know NR are issued by the state police but the statute sure sounds like it's still the same process.

D. Any person 21 years of age or older may apply in writing to the clerk of the circuit court of the county or city in which he resides, or if he is a member of the United States Armed Forces, the county or city in which he is domiciled, for a five-year permit to carry a concealed handgun. There shall be no requirement regarding the length of time an applicant has been a resident or domiciliary of the county or city. The application shall be made under oath before a notary or other person qualified to take oaths and shall be made only on a form prescribed by the Department of State Police, in consultation with the Supreme Court, requiring only that information necessary to determine eligibility for the permit. The clerk shall enter on the application the date on which the application and all other information required to be submitted by the applicant is received. The court shall consult with either the sheriff or police department of the county or city and receive a report from the Central Criminal Records Exchange. As a condition for issuance of a concealed handgun permit, the applicant shall submit to fingerprinting if required by local ordinance in the county or city where the applicant resides and provide personal descriptive information to be forwarded with the fingerprints through the Central Criminal Records Exchange to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the purpose of obtaining criminal history record information regarding the applicant, and obtaining fingerprint identification information from federal records pursuant to criminal investigations by state and local law-enforcement agencies. However, no local ordinance shall require an applicant to submit to fingerprinting if the applicant has an existing concealed handgun permit issued pursuant to this section and is applying for a new five-year permit pursuant to subsection I.

P1. Nonresidents of the Commonwealth 21 years of age or older may apply in writing to the Virginia Department of State Police for a five-year permit to carry a concealed handgun. Every applicant for a nonresident concealed handgun permit shall submit two photographs of a type and kind specified by the Department of State Police for inclusion on the permit and shall submit fingerprints on a card provided by the Department of State Police for the purpose of obtaining the applicant's state or national criminal history record. As a condition for issuance of a concealed handgun permit, the applicant shall submit to fingerprinting by his local or state law-enforcement agency and provide personal descriptive information to be forwarded with the fingerprints through the Central Criminal Records Exchange to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the purpose of obtaining criminal history record information regarding the applicant and obtaining fingerprint identification information from federal records pursuant to criminal investigations by state and local law-enforcement agencies. The application shall be made under oath before a notary or other person qualified to take oaths on a form provided by the Department of State Police, requiring only that information necessary to determine eligibility for the permit.

It appears that they do go to NICS for NR.
Very fine line between resident and non resident VA permits.

But the only reason I contacted WI DOJ was because they left VA off their list.
I did not specifically state guidelines for Resident Vs. Non Resident,merely said to them that VA requires NICS check(which falls under WI requirement for reciprocity)

I would think it unfair and selfish to ONLY include the NR VA CCW permit holders,but end of the day,VA got added to the list.I know it amounts to placation but hey,we are"lowly civilians" asking the Big bad G for something. (sarcasm on)

Now on to other things...

I would hope that someone,anyone,would PLEASE write the WI DOJ and let them know that NEW HAMPSHIRE also uses the NICS system for their permits(resident and non resident) The earliest I can do this is the 21st of December so if there is someone out here that would be able to help out and send a note to them we can also add NH to the reciprocity list for Wisconsin as well.

ILLINOIS(Grrrrr) that communist state that I live in.
Im ASHAMED to say I live in Illinois. We are at the mercy of Fat Cat Politico's that REFUSE to acknowledge the 2A or the State Constitution for that matter. (maybe out of fear that if there WAS actually CCW in Illinois, Crime would go down and they wouldnt be able to make a dime off the 'justice system' in this state. Or they fear that they might walk out of the State Capitol and find 10,000 armed angry constituents.) I could rant all day long about the corrupt officials here in this state but this forum isnt for that.Suffice to say,they are VERY CORRUPT and FEAR CCW as an enemy to their pocket books.I see refusal to pass CCW as a DIRECT ASSAULT on my RIGHTS that I will NO LONGER SIT BACK AND ALLOW TO HAPPEN!
State Rep.Brandon Phelps is doing all he can to pass this in Illinois,and while this is not a political forum, I fully support him and his effort and the efforts of the Illinois Rifle Association and the suits they have brought against this State. I even went as far as to tell these Communists that CCW would generate 65 MILLION a year in revenue for the state if they required annual renewal(as opposed to the standard 4 or 5 year renewal with other states) Still the answer is NO and they have the un mitigated gall to ask for more and more taxes here.
What I personally think we all as a CCW community NEED to do it focus on Illinois.
Yes you out in Arizona and You over there in New Jersey and you there in Missouri. Target(pardon the pun) my state.Complain,Demand and protest however you can see fit to do so. Im fighting but I need help here badly. Each time I look at the "carry map" and see that lone black state, I hang my head in sheer DISGUST that this is even allowed to continue to happen.I live here,not just read about it. I live the nightmare of being FORCED to be a victim and being forced to live under threat of FELONY IMPRISONMENT if I chose to use my 2A RIGHT in this State. This my friends and fellow CCW holders MUST WITHOUT DOUBT change.

Sorry for the rant.
You know, perhaps you have shed some light here. Constitutional carry. I would like more information(to my e mail please) about what you and legislators have discussed about that aspect of CCW. Every few months or so I notice other states going Constitutional Carry as well. Something has to break here in Illinois. It wont be ME thats for certain. I think you would be a wealth of info that I could sift thru to put something together to launch at these hacks we call politicians here.