Any word on WI concealed carry reciprocity with other states?


Being from Illinois I possess NON RESIDENT PERMITS for AZ NH PA and VA.
DOJ has stated(but not written) that they will accept permits from other stStates that do backgound checks and have a level of training. They STILL have NOT said anything about accepting NON RESIDENT permits. Iknow that MI,FL and CO are a few states that you must be a resident of the state your permit was issued in in order to be able to carry. HOWEVER...Open carry is legal in Wisconsin should there be an issue with Concealed Reciprocity.
Example is MI. I do not have a MI CCW but I CAN carry OPENLY in the State of Michigan.This would also apply to the state of Wisconsin should they not honor my permits. They need to get this in order because in November there is going to be a flood of applications to the DOJ for CCW.
What rules on carrying must a CCW licensee from another state follow?

If the out-of-state CCW licensee is from a state that issues CCW licenses or permits
recognized by Wisconsin and thus legally able to carry concealed in Wisconsin, the
person must comply with all Wisconsin legal requirements.
Out of state ccw permits.


I hold an AZ NR(Non Resident) CCW.
Lets assume for the sake of this debate that WI already has CCW in place and active. I MUST FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES OF THE ARIZONA PERMITS as WELL AS ANY AND ALL APPLICABLE LAWS IN WISCONSIN.

Example 2 : If the Arizona permit says that I CAN carry in a bar and Wisconson forbids this then since I am on Wisconsin soil, I MUST follow the wisconsin law.

Again EVERYONE is SPECULATING which is well and fine but until the Department of Justice in Wisconsin issues an Offical Reciprocity Agreement or List of States permits they accept,this is nothing more than hyperbole.

While it makes sense to abide by the gun laws of the state you are walking around armed in,you should ALSO be cognizant of the laws that pertain to your issuing State as well.

The SAFEST 'rule of thumb' is to follow the law of the state you are standing in. Until CCW becomes "official" and until a reciprocity list is published by the Wisconsin Department of Justice, you can ONLY OPEN CARRY.

You can ONLY OPEN CARRY until 01 Nov 2011 which is when the WI CCW law becomes "official".

Should you need clarifications please by all means contact:

Madison Wisconsin.
(I posted the number a ways back in this post)
Being from Illinois I possess NON RESIDENT PERMITS for AZ NH PA and VA.
DOJ has stated(but not written) that they will accept permits from other stStates that do backgound checks and have a level of training. They STILL have NOT said anything about accepting NON RESIDENT permits. Iknow that MI,FL and CO are a few states that you must be a resident of the state your permit was issued in in order to be able to carry. HOWEVER...Open carry is legal in Wisconsin should there be an issue with Concealed Reciprocity.
Example is MI. I do not have a MI CCW but I CAN carry OPENLY in the State of Michigan.This would also apply to the state of Wisconsin should they not honor my permits. They need to get this in order because in November there is going to be a flood of applications to the DOJ for CCW.

It doe not matter what the DOJ says. The law specifically says that the DOJ cannot add more requirements that aren't in the law. It specifically says that as long as you aren't a WI residents, if you have a permit from ANY state that does a background check, it MUST be recognized. No training requirement is in the law for reciprocity.
Please quote the Wisconsin Law Chaper and Verse that says this.

I have read numerous speculative OPINIONS about what Wisconsin will or will not do but apparently you have knowledge of the Wisconsin Law that applys here.So please post the Chapter and Paragraph of this Law so that I may personally review it. Unfortunately it DOES matter what DOJ says in this matter since they are a direct route to the Attorney General and ultimately the governors office. But if, as you claim, there exists such a law on the CURRENT COPY OF WISCONSIN LAW,please by all means post the page,chapter and paragraph so that all this SPECULATION and be put to rest and we can all see exactly what the State Law says with regard to this and NOT have to rely on unsupported opinions and speculation. THIS IS CRITICAL because many people go to Wisconsin from out of state. They need to know EXACTLY CHAPTER,VERSE and PAGE what the LAW says and not depend on opinions from lay people.(no offense intended)
Interestingly,Each time I contact the Wisconsin DOJ and inquire about this they do not specifically state they are in any sort of reciprocity. So based upon that information (or lack thereof) and short of any reciprocity list,we would all need to fall back on this Law that you say exists. If so please post the requested information.I look forward to reading it. :pleasantry:
175.60(1)(f) “Out−of−state license” means a valid permit, license,approval, or other authorization issued by another state if all of the
following apply:
1. The permit, license, approval, or other authorization is for
the carrying of a concealed weapon.
2. The state is listed in the rule promulgated by the department
under s. 165.25 (12m) and, if that state does not require a background
search for the permit, license, approval, or authorization,
the permit, license, approval, or authorization designates that the
holder chose to submit to a background search.

which points to:

165.25 (12m) Rules regarding concealed weapons licenses. Promulgate by rule a list of states that issue a permit, license, approval, or other authorization to carry a concealed weapon if the permit, license, approval, or other authorization requires, or designates that the holder chose to submit to, a background search that is comparable to a background check as defined in s. 175.60 (1) (ac).

Basically, this is saying that the DOJ has to create the list but the list MUST include all states that do background checks or offer optional background checks and the person got one.
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outstanding! and thank you! this means that very few states CCW permits will be off this list.
I hope they do this right(according to the law)so I can use this as the example for Illinois.

I HATE being in the only state that doesnt think the Constitution applies.

Off the top of my head these are some that should be ON the WI DOJ list:

just for starters.
I can almost hear Lauren Cnare screaming from here LOL

Thank you again!

Walker thought that the more permits that Wisconsin will honor, the better for our tourism industry. Take that as conjecture though, because I cannot remember where I heard him say that.
This may be, but a lot of states only honor states that honor their's. Some states require more training that Wisconsin, and will not honor Wisconsin's.

And that is fine. CA won't honor anyone, HI as well.

WI already has too many hoops to jumps through to exercise a God given right.

Until an OFFICIAL RECIPROCITY LIST is generated by the State of Wisconsin,(in accord with State Law) this is ALL speculation and a huge waste of blog space.

Just sayin.

Failing that OPEN CARRY in Wisconsin then. Its legal no permit required.
Until an OFFICIAL RECIPROCITY LIST is generated by the State of Wisconsin,(in accord with State Law) this is ALL speculation and a huge waste of blog space.
I agree, wait until Nov. 1ST, why speculate, we can have a pretty good idea now, but we will know on Nov. 1ST. :yu:
I agree, wait until Nov. 1ST, why speculate, we can have a pretty good idea now, but we will know on Nov. 1ST. :yu:

If we did not already speculate, we would not have a pretty good idea now. We would be clueless if we didn't wonder.

Reciprocal Aggreements may take longer than Nov. 1
If we did not already speculate, we would not have a pretty good idea now. We would be clueless if we didn't wonder.

Reciprocal Aggreements may take longer than Nov. 1
If I am visiting Wisconsin from another state and I have a CCW license from that state, is it okay for me to carry in Wisconsin?
Maybe. DOJ is required to establish, by rule, a list of states that issue a CCW license or permit that either requires or designates that the holder of the license or permit chose to submit to a background check that is comparable to the check conducted under Wisconsin law. Wis. Stat. § 165.25(12). A person who possesses a CCW license or permit from one of the states designated in the DOJ rule may carry concealed in Wisconsin. Wis. Stat. § 15.60((1)(f) and (2g)(a). Such a person may begin carrying concealed as soon as DOJ lists the state by rule which will be posted online on November 1, 2011.

You can speculate all you want, you will not know until Nov. 1ST. As stated in the law you will know on Nov, 1ST. no matter what you think you may or may not know. This is my last post on this tread as you think you know it all, and obviously you don't. I don't know why you started this tread, you know it all, and just want to argue.
If I am visiting Wisconsin from another state and I have a CCW license from that state, is it okay for me to carry in Wisconsin?
Maybe. DOJ is required to establish, by rule, a list of states that issue a CCW license or permit that either requires or designates that the holder of the license or permit chose to submit to a background check that is comparable to the check conducted under Wisconsin law. Wis. Stat. § 165.25(12). A person who possesses a CCW license or permit from one of the states designated in the DOJ rule may carry concealed in Wisconsin. Wis. Stat. § 15.60((1)(f) and (2g)(a). Such a person may begin carrying concealed as soon as DOJ lists the state by rule which will be posted online on November 1, 2011.

You can speculate all you want, you will not know until Nov. 1ST. As stated in the law you will know on Nov, 1ST. no matter what you think you may or may not know. This is my last post on this tread as you think you know it all, and obviously you don't. I don't know why you started this tread, you know it all, and just want to argue.

I don't think I've come across any state that doesn't do a background essentially WI should honor ALL other states' permits. :biggrin:
Eye yi yi ~!

If we did not already speculate, we would not have a pretty good idea now. We would be clueless if we didn't wonder.

Reciprocal Aggreements may take longer than Nov. 1

If you want to know FOR CERTAIN and end the guess work speculation and waste of blog space CALL THE WI DOJ for your answer. The number is
(920)832.2750 That will END your guessing.

Call them for the Official up to date answer.

They have stated and I have posted before that they are considering accepting out of state permits from states that have the NICS background check. While Wisconsin State Law states that they WILL (shall) accept out of state permits,I can almost be certain that they also can stipulate guidelines of the permits they accept.
OPEN CARRY IS LEGAL IN WISCONSIN. Should your permit be not accepted.

AGAIN and Gee I hate to sound repetitive

chose to submit to a background check that is comparable to the check conducted under Wisconsin law

When the Wisconsin Background check is defined,(most likely the NICS/FBI check)then those other states that OFFER THE SAME BACKGROUND CHECKwill be accepted in The State of Wisconsin.

I can just see Lauren Cnare pulling her already thinning hair out! "Not in Madison they wont!"
Unfortunately Ms Cnare is about to be constitutionally beyach slapped all up and down the block if sge tries to pass local ordinance prohibiting carry of concealed in all areas of Madison as she is allegedly trying to do. THIS ONE you need to watch. Snakey beyach. Pardon my language.