An attack on gun rights

Give me Liberty, or give me Death.

that is so sad. i wonder how long it will be before they try to implement such a retarded liberal law. either way i will be dead before i willingly give them up! :mad:

if they have the balls they are more than welcome to come and try.
umm, lets see. He writes a whole page about losing your rights and scares you to death about the guvmint coming for you, then offers to SELL you a course to save the day...

"Front Sight is here to help you and every responsible American place fear in the hearts of those in the UN who want to steal your freedom. Here is your ticket. Purchase it and get on board…"

For only $1,199.00 you can defend your second ammendment right!


umm, lets see. He writes a whole page about losing your rights and scares you to death about the guvmint coming for you, then offers to SELL you a course to save the day...

"Front Sight is here to help you and every responsible American place fear in the hearts of those in the UN who want to steal your freedom. Here is your ticket. Purchase it and get on board…"

For only $1,199.00 you can defend your second ammendment right!



Part of the reason why I'm not a big fan of Front Sight. Seems to me that "money" is more of a motivating factor than "cause" for this "millionaire".


Hey Hoot - I was thinking the same thing. I watched that show last night. Anybody think he's slightly overdramatic?

I get those front sight emails, and read some of his stuff. It looks like good training, but I don't see how my taking his courses is going to keep people from trying to take away my liberties. I do want to go there, it looks like a lot of fun.
I have been to Frontsight twice in the past year (7 days total). It has been of the very few deals I've made in my life where I got more than I expected for the money. A class act.

Sure, he's a businessman, but isn't that how the system is supposed to work? You provide a service or product that people want, and you make money doing it? What's the problem?

I'm a businessman (have my own CPA firm). You think I don't tell people about the IRS schemes to take more of their money and how I can help them keep it? Think again.
You Capitalist Pig!

I know, I know...I'm ashamed. But I've seen the light. In accordance with our new national mandate to "spread the wealth" around, I'm now gonna provide my expertise and services for FREE! No more "profits" for me as that's now a dirty word. :biggrin:
I know, I know...I'm ashamed. But I've seen the light. In accordance with our new national mandate to "spread the wealth" around, I'm now gonna provide my expertise and services for FREE! No more "profits" for me as that's now a dirty word. :biggrin:

Cool!! What address do I send my W-2's and other stuff to?

You made a good point, he's in it to make money. That's obvious. I just think it's funny the way he goes about it sometimes.
Cool!! What address do I send my W-2's and other stuff to?

You made a good point, he's in it to make money. That's obvious. I just think it's funny the way he goes about it sometimes.

Why do you think it's funny? He notes the problem you have ("they" are after your 2A rights because guns are "bad") and proposes a solution (train at Front Sight to be a responsible, trained civilian,which may help to alleviate some of the concern of the sheep and also helps you personally). He tells you what the cost is, should you want to buy what he's selling, and you make your decision to purchase or not. Capitalism in all its glory.

To date, I have not heard a single criticism of Front Sight from anyone who has attended a course there (there has to be someone who's critical, I suppose, but I've not heard it). I would unequivocally recommend the school, and that's not something I do lightly.

Dr. Piazza's stated goal is to train up folks so that others will see that responsible, trained carry is not a threat, but is in accordance with our 2A RKBA, and that sheep dogs are the GOOD guys.

Just my .02 cents.

Oh, and BTW, send your W-2s to the IRS and the state tax commissioner along with your federal and state tax returns. If you e-file, no need to send 'em. No charge. :biggrin:
I know, I know...I'm ashamed. But I've seen the light. In accordance with our new national mandate to "spread the wealth" around, I'm now gonna provide my expertise and services for FREE! No more "profits" for me as that's now a dirty word. :biggrin:

The President will be glad to know that you have seen the light. :sarcastic:
I know, I know...I'm ashamed. But I've seen the light. In accordance with our new national mandate to "spread the wealth" around, I'm now gonna provide my expertise and services for FREE! No more "profits" for me as that's now a dirty word. :biggrin:
America and Americans, being capitalists, is exactly the reason why people all over the world wants to come over here. Unfortunately (or not...) we have the Mexicans over the border coming freely to take advantage of us here more than "other people" and "other nations". And Mexicans have guns -- illegal guns -- and they are killing us. You'd think the United Nations don't know that???

Get the United Nations out of America and get America out of the United Nations!!!

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