Adding gun to CCW in Nevada


New member
So I got my CCW on my full size pistol and now want to get something smaller. I live in Nevada so the guns I am approved with are printed on the back of my CCW. If I want to add another gun do I have to get a whole new permit or what? I didn't see any info on the metro police website, what have you guys done in this situation?
Check with the folks who gave you the CFP class. You will have to qualify on the firearm you want to add to your permit. There's usually a small fee, once you're done with the qualificaiton, the instructor will give you a form that needs to be taken to the issuing authority. You will then get another permit with the new firearm(s) added.

Are you kidding? Licenses here in Texas are designated by Semi Auto and Revolver, that is it. If you test and qual with a semi, you can carry either and there is no database of the weapons that I choose to carry.
Are you kidding? Licenses here in Texas are designated by Semi Auto and Revolver, that is it. If you test and qual with a semi, you can carry either and there is no database of the weapons that I choose to carry.

You are going to find that each state has it's own set of guidelines for CCW. For the exception of New Hamshire, be glad you don't live in the North East or on the left coast.
You need to find a certified NV CFP instructor and qualify with it. I was recently added to the LVMPD approved instructor list.

If you don't have revolvers on your NV CFP, I can loan you one of mine for a few bucks but you have to use new in the box factory ammo with it. Either my ammo, the range's or new sealed in the box ammo. Ammo from SuperWallyVerse is fine.

You stated you checked the LVMPD site and have your CFP from Clark County, PM me for details and we'll see about getting it added. If you're not in Clark County, consult your county sheriff for approved instructors in your area and see who can give you the best deal. Keep in mind some ranges require you to use their ammo. I do everything at American Shooters in Henderson or on Arville and Spring Mtn. They let you bring your own ammo on the range providing it's not AP, steel core, tracer or incendiary. If you're going to purchase more handguns in the near future I suggest you hold off and just do them all at once. I do per session qualifications. Other Clark County instructors do per firearm.

After you have the qualification paperwork filled out you go down to the County Sheriff (or LVMPD CCW Detail on Cameron if you're in Clark County, it must be done in person) and file for the amendment to your NV CFP. You get your amended permit in a couple of weeks or on the spot depending on the sheriff. LVMPD is up to two weeks. However, I have adopted the philosophy that once you pay your money to the sheriff, you should be ok to carry it. Just keep a copy of the qualification paperwork with you with a copy of the receipt and money order until you get the amended permit back.

Also keep in mind that once you are issued a NV CFP from a particular Sheriff, you have to deal with that sheriff's office for the term of the permit as they have your NV CFP file. There is no statutory provision for sheriffs to transfer CCW files should you move. If you move from Washoe County to Clark County and your NV CFP is from Washoe County you must deal with Washoe County for the remainder of the NV CFP term. Same for non-residents. If you have a non-resident NV CFP, you must deal with the issuing county for any changes or amendments to your NV CFP for the term of the NV CFP.

This is one of the reasons why NV CFPs should be issued by NV DPS and not county sheriffs. I have not heard of any mechanism to transfer your NV CFP file from one county to another. The only AG opinion is on moving from one county to another. If you move, a sheriff or designee cannot suspend or revoke your NV CFP it is valid for the remainder of the NV CFP term as changing counties is not a statutory criteria for denial, revocation or suspension. Nevada also issue non-resident permits so as long as you keep the issuing county notified of your current address you're fine regardless of where you reside.
Are you kidding? Licenses here in Texas are designated by Semi Auto and Revolver, that is it. If you test and qual with a semi, you can carry either and there is no database of the weapons that I choose to carry.

Permits here are designated by "gun". If it shoots bullets and I can legally buy it, I can carry it...concealed or open. We have to range qualify with something during the class, but that doesn't limit you to just that gun. You could qualify with a 22 target pistol and carry a S&W 50 magnum.
Are you kidding? Licenses here in Texas are designated by Semi Auto and Revolver, that is it. If you test and qual with a semi, you can carry either and there is no database of the weapons that I choose to carry.
Permits here are designated by "gun". If it shoots bullets and I can legally buy it, I can carry it...concealed or open. We have to range qualify with something during the class, but that doesn't limit you to just that gun. You could qualify with a 22 target pistol and carry a S&W 50 magnum.
NV is the only shall issue State that itemizes specific firearms on their respective CFP.

We presently do it by make, model and caliber for semi-autos. We had make, model and caliber for every specific firearm; semi-auto pistols, revolvers and derringers. Now we have any revolver (which includes one and two round derringers) and specific semi-auto pistol.

There's a bill to change it to any semi-auto this session. Whether that passes or even gets assigned a bill number this legislative session remains to be seen. When we initially went shall issue it was for any two specific firearms then the number was removed several years ago.

The farthest it will go here as long as the Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association has lobbying power is any revolver (including one and two round derringers) and any semi-auto pistol which is the same standard for LEOSA here.

There is much support to remove the specific semi-auto qualification requirement however we have one legislator that keeps on throwing a monkey wrench into the works by the name of Bernie Anderson. If it does not pass this session it will likely pass next session since he has reached his term limit unless we get a worse Chair of the State Assembly or Senate Judiciary Committee.

If you are legally carrying here on a recognized State's CCW you can carry any revolver (one or two round derringers included) or semi-auto pistol.

NM use to do it by type (semi-auto or revolver) and caliber. Now they do it by type (semi-auto or revolver) and largest caliber you can carry. So if you qualify with a .44 magnum revolver, you can carry .44 magnum revolver and any smaller caliber revolver on your license there.

The only other two States if I recall correctly that itemize specific firearms are CA and NY(C).
I have a Nv. non resident permit. When I applied for my renewal I listed 3 different autos and a revolver They are listed by make, model and caliber. The only "generic" is revolver. All others are make, model and caliber specific. (no serials). Every gun you might carry has to be listed or it's illegal to carry it. Later I wanted to add 3 more guns and even 2 were the exact same action only a different model due to barrel length and/or caliber, I had to shoot them with the instructor. I took them with me on one of my work trips to Elko, stopped by the sheriff's office, picked up a form, filled it out, met instructor after work, shot guns at target, had him sign form, returned form to sheriff next day and that was it. Seemed kinda silly though as I shot and qualified with the same instructor to renew my license. We talked and he said Even if I had previously qualified with say a Kimber 1911 and later got say a Springfield 1911 I would still have to re qualify to carry the Springfield. GO FIGURE?:fie: You can carry what is on your license and anything listed in your file. The sheriff's office told me they did share information with other counties so my permit and listed guns were good for the whole state, but Las Vegas has some of it's own little quirks:angry:
I understand that you must qualify on each semi-auto you intend to carry. I am planning on purchasing a Kahr CW9 as soon as I have some extra cash. I am planning on getting a NV CCW with the guns I already own and just qualifying with a friend's CW9. However, I heard each gun listed on the CCW must be registered to the CCW holder. Is this true? If so it would make no sense to qualify with a friend's gun before I buy one myself for the purpose of the CCW.
So I got my CCW on my full size pistol and now want to get something smaller. I live in Nevada so the guns I am approved with are printed on the back of my CCW. If I want to add another gun do I have to get a whole new permit or what? I didn't see any info on the metro police website, what have you guys done in this situation?

You have to qualify with a certified CCW instructor as you know. When you get signed off on the handguns you qualify with, you have to take the document to your county sheriff's office. I know Washoe County charges $15 for add ons, no limit. They actually make you a new CFP on the spot.
Permits here are designated by "gun". If it shoots bullets and I can legally buy it, I can carry it...concealed or open. We have to range qualify with something during the class, but that doesn't limit you to just that gun. You could qualify with a 22 target pistol and carry a S&W 50 magnum.

Nevada qualifies you by Make, Model, and Caliber, period!!! The only "Generic" guns are Revolvers. Find an instructor, shoot for him and have him sign off. When I got my renewal, I brought every gun I would possibly have with me anywhere I might go in Nevada. Elko County does not charge to add guns, at least they didn't 3 months ago. They keep your lists on file so if your carrying one that is not listed on your permit, it can be checked on.:hang3: I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's the way it is. Take the instructor who previously posted up on his offer.
You guys have to Qualify? :biggrin:

In Nevada, YES:mad: In Idaho, NO. Just about anything goes. No restrictions on gun type, no live fire requirement, and you can carry just about everywhere including bars as long as you don't get drunk. Same rules apply that apply to driving. Of course if you are carrying, even a hint of alcohol:no: can cause you problems if self defense were to become necessary.
Can anyone confirm that all guns you qualify on have to be registered to you in order to list them on your CCW?
Can anyone confirm that all guns you qualify on have to be registered to you in order to list them on your CCW?

No. It is not necessary to own the handgun you qualify with. In fact, many CCW instructors have handguns that you can use for qualifications. Of course, there's a small fee for that.
In Nevada, YES:mad: In Idaho, NO. Just about anything goes. No restrictions on gun type, no live fire requirement, and you can carry just about everywhere including bars as long as you don't get drunk. Same rules apply that apply to driving. Of course if you are carrying, even a hint of alcohol:no: can cause you problems if self defense were to become necessary.
I know I know. I was just playing along with all the other comments about how less strict their states requirements are. Idaho sounds about the same as PA, $25 and a clean record.
Can anyone confirm that all guns you qualify on have to be registered to you in order to list them on your CCW?
Prior to Jan 1, 2008 yes in Clark County only. Some Nevada Sheriffs were adding serial numbers to the permit in addition to Clark County. SB92 during the 2007 session removed it from Clark County.

The handgun only needs to be registered if you are a Clark County resident or have been in Clark County for 60 or more contiguous days. The make, model and caliber handgun does not need to be registered to you in Clark County to qualify with it for a Clark County (LVMPD) issued NV CFP. If you're a Clark County resident, any concealable firearm that is in you own needs to be registered with LVMPD. You need to have the blue card with you if the firearm is in your immediate possession.
Question... My carry gun was recently stolen. I bought the exact same model. Do I need to do anything with my CCW?

No. If you have qualified with a Beretta 92F, you can carry any Beretta 92F. Only CA and NY(C) itemize by serial number. NV itemizes by make, model and caliber of semi-auto. There are some bills in the 2011 State legislative session to change it to any semi-auto.
I recently purchased a small LCP to add to my Nevada CCW permit. I've ranted and raved all over the forum about the stupidity of the process, so I won't bother anyone here.

I turned in my qualification paperwork (and $25) to LVMPD on Feb 28th and received my new (amended) CCW permit in the mail today (Mar 8th).

That's about the only thing that actually works in the process. The qualification process is an absolute joke.

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