Recent content by aich

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    Drunk guy tried to start a fight

    Short Version Some drunk guy tried to pick a fight with me and I stayed humble and walked away. Warned the school and made mistakes by putting myself back in a dangerous situation when I was safely out of it. Long Version Just got home from open mat at my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school (From...
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    Absolute Tactical Solutions (Southeast Florida) Two Thumbs Up!

    Good Afternoon, Short Version: If you live in South East Florida Absolute Tactical Solutions is a GREAT place to have work done to your firearms. Absolute Tactical Solutions Contact Mr. Robert Phone:786-537-4589 Long Version: I waited for one week to get my Trijicon HD Night Sights in. They...
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    Robber with gun gets a nice present served on a silver platter

    I will let the video speak for itself LOL - Hilarious Robbery Fail!!! As quoted by someone else "Here is your feel good video of the day"
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    Fight breaks out and officer lets it continue

    Good Afternoon, Saw this video and I was just wondering if this is proper procedure. I have to admit my sound is muted but I watched the entire video. LINK TO VIDEO HERE (Officer first appears at 22 seconds) Long version: Basically an individual gets into an argument with a group and that...
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    Use technology to stop the AWB and to convince the general public

    Good Morning, Before I write anything I am deeply sorry for anyone in the past, present, or future who has or will lose someone dear to them. I do not mean to be insensitive to anyone but merely want to be logical about our current situation regarding gun control. One side believes allowing...
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    One armed and one unarmed bad guy

    A thought came to mind if two people try to rob me. One guy is armed and I shoot him, of course Im afraid the second guy is armed as well. What do I do in this situation? Obviously I dont want to shoot the other guy if I dont have to but because the first guy has a gun im scared the second guy...
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    Developing Story Armed man on Campus

    Armed man on campus Broward College Central. police are searching for suspect. College is on lock down.
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    Shooting at Batman Premiere 12 dead cant even enjoy a movie anymore
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    Guy charges me

    Im working and this guy wearing a Godzilla looking outfit walks into the shop. I say hi can I help you? Guy just stands there I cant see a face. Then out of nowhere he charges at me so I backstep quickly almost tripping over myself. i manage to take out my firearm and point it at his direction...
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    Point gun at your head for 2 hours?

    An earlier post got me thinking. DISCLAIMER: I am not asking anyone to do this under any circumstances, it is foolish and if you do decide to do it and something happens it is your own fault. I will not be held liable for anything in this post! Is there anyone here who would willingly place...
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    Using the police to stay free from legal problems

    As a CCW holder I know our last line of defense is to use our firearm. Before things get to there we should try and escape and / or call the police. I had a family member call me and tell me that they think somebody is in the house. So while I rushed home I remembered reading a post on here and...
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    Concealed carry at Movie Theater

    I always have the rule "Dont point gun at something unless you are willing to destroy it" in my head. When Im at the movies seated, the gun is pointing at the person sitting in front of me. It really bothers me. I know the gun will not go off unless I want it to and even though the trigger is...
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    Officer shot in neck live tv click link to view happening now!

    Link Removed Gunman walked down turnpike shooting at random people shot officer in neck its live on tv right now click link to view!
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    Officer shot in neck live tv click link to view happening now!

    Link Removed Gunman walked down turnpike shooting at random people shot officer in neck its live on tv right now click link to view!
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    What IF Scenario

    Just had a scenario play out in my mind, was looking for some feedback. Say person A is CCW in a grocery store and stumbles upon a robbery in progress, so person A pulls out his firearm and demands the perp lay on the floor while the authorities are on the way. While they are waiting for the...