Doomsday Preppers are socially selfish...?


PEW Professional
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Well, If Im safe and healthy and fed... I think that puts me in a better position to help others.
Selfish, is sitting on your ass and expecting everyone else to take care of you.
"Doomsday Preppers Are "Socially Selfish ? Preparing Themselves and the Hell With Everyone Else"

Whines the entitlement oriented bureaucrat. God forbid anyone plans ahead for the care of their family or selves. She' be out of a job, and collecting 99 weeks of unemployment.
Because I took the time to plan and prepare for myself and my family, I am selfish, interesting, so based on their comment they don't care what happens to themselves or family. Ok I can accept that position, most of America today is unprepared, sounds like this is one of the don't care group.
Yep. Selfish. Taking care of me and mine and a little bit extra maybe. Seems like a lot of people on the East coast would like to have been more prepared. But after all, the govt. will take care of them!
well if you don't prepare for yourself who else will? i'm not a 'doomsday' prepper but i do what i can to prepare when i hear a hurricane or bad storm is on the i won't be crying for water or food the day after it hits long my house didn't blow away i'm good to go
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WOW!! And that's how the Socialist state of America thinks. If we aren't prepping for you too, we must be the bad guy. How about prepping for yourself? Geesh!

I guess the guy that starts his own business and becomes a success shouldn't bask in his wealth... oh yeah he can't, we have the highest corporate tax rate in the WORLD!!!! This is why businesses allow there business to be conducted in places like: Malaysia, India, Mexico, Vietnam, and China. It's cheaper labor and extremely more thrifty when you consider the tax rate.
whatever happened to personal responsibility?
Sorry, but preppers will be the saviors of humanity should the worst happen.
Selfish are those who expect without putting out any news for them too...
The big black book on the coffee table that everyone dusts but nobody reads says "let him that does not work, not eat"!!!!
Personal responsibility is a thing of the past in the age of elastic currency and handouts. You're a fool is you think working hard is how to be succesful, that's nonsense... you become succesful by taking what others have like the bully taking lunch money.

Preppers, Patriots and anybody else with their head pulled out of their ass are going to be the saviors of America should it all come crashing down. Let the ignorants among us continue to be so, less people I need to look out for and trade with and to. If they become a threat, that can be remedied in short order.
How much do you want to bet she has a stash somewhere, and maybe even a bunker in her basement.
At least somewhere safe to hole up, like a stocked fallout shelter at her office.
How much do you want to bet she has a stash somewhere, and maybe even a bunker in her basement.
At least somewhere safe to hole up, like a stocked fallout shelter at her office.

Wouldn't suprise me at all, she'd be the first one to run for the hills or hole up in her NORAD bunker.
sounds straight up liberal to me.
They want you to put in your hard work so someone else who sits their ass benefits from it.
Yes, how selfish of me to buy food for my kids and gas for my car and bullets for my guns. The very children I gave life to, the gas and car I worked for and paid for and the guns I paid for with money earned protecting this nation. **** off libtards. You want it? Molon labe!
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Obviously written by some liberal socialists. They want everything to be "fair"- eff hard work. lets just go with equality for all. Lets just take all the preppers stash- of which they put their life savings into- and divvy it out equally among everyone. There now. Problem solved. Lazy people.

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