A lot more people carry a backup gun now-a-days, so what is in your pocket? Tell us what your favorite pocket gun is.
Mine is the Kel Tec P-32 because at close range it will do the job. Mine is dependable and accurate also. :dirol::dirol:
I thought those were are all stainless steel I didn't realize they were aluminum with a stainless finish. It's a nice looking pieceNot too big and not too heavy...weight 24 oz. - 3 inch barrel. I wear cargo pants & Levi shorts. Carry in Uncle Mikes pocket holster.
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Too all of the narrow-minded "...end of debate"ers...
Horsehockey. Look at the title of the thread: "Your Favorite Pocket Gun"
Here's mine:
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As for the caliber vs killing debate, I'm sure there's another thread here on that topic.
Thank you. The caliber debate has been redundant for years. The thread is about pocket guns and people are talking about full sized 45s. Nobody is pocket carrying that.
The powder in a .45 burns too long to be effectively used with a shorter, "pocket" barrel. Too much energy would be lost. You'd wind up with a fat 9mm.