Young St. Paul mom among victims in apparent armed robbery spree on East Side


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Young St. Paul mom among victims in apparent armed robbery spree on East Side -

It is a very bad sign that he seems to be escalating his violence; first by firing shots in the air and now by pointing a gun at a baby after he already had gotten the money. My hunch is that, after several incidents perpetrated by apparently this one person... somebody, somewhere, knows this guy and either knows or suspects that he's doing it. If a story this heinous gets enough publicity, whoever could be holding a 'tip' back might just turn him in.

He has no idea how dangerous his activities are for him and how his escalation puts himself in increasing danger. Especially due to the escalation of his violence, anyone who knows this perpetrator can become worried that next time, someone afraid for their lives might fight back and end it - the number of pistol carry permit holders has hit records again and again, and isn't slowing down. Hopefully, the police can catch him before he tries this again. He needs to be caught, tried, and sentenced - and, quickly.

The woman cradled her 11-week-old daughter against her chest as the robber pointed the gun at them.
"He cocked the gun, and he said, 'Give me all your money or I'm gonna kill your baby,' " the tearful mother recounted Monday, June 18.

Hopefully this scumbag will come face to face with the loaded barrel of a legally armed citizen or an off duty cop very very soon.
I think we can all agree this guy needs to get off the streets right away. As much as this story burns us all up and gets us mad, bear in mind that the MN statutes identify the justified use of deadly force in situations of reasonable fear of great bodily harm or death... not anger. Now, of course, if it does actually end that way, I don't think too many people will feel sorry for the robber!

2011 Minnesota Statutes
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The intentional taking of the life of another is not authorized by section 609.06, except when necessary in resisting or preventing an offense which the actor reasonably believes exposes the actor or another to great bodily harm or death, or preventing the commission of a felony in the actor's place of abode.

Don't shoot to wound. Don't shoot to kill. Do shoot immediately - to stop the immediate threat. :)
I think we can all agree this guy needs to get off the streets right away. As much as this story burns us all up and gets us mad, bear in mind that the MN statutes identify the justified use of deadly force in situations of reasonable fear of great bodily harm or death... not anger.

Never shoot 'to kill', only shoot 'to stop' the immediate threat.
Seems to me that shooting to stop a violent & armed thug who is threatening both a mother and her helpless baby would be more than justified i.m.h.o.
Never shoot 'to kill', only shoot 'to stop' the immediate threat.
Seems to me that shooting to stop a violent & armed thug who is threatening both a mother and her helpless baby would be more than justified i.m.h.o.

I share your opinion; if I were on a jury and those were the circumstances on which to judge, I would only wholeheartedly agree.

I also think his aiming the gun at the baby after he got a substantial amount of money suggested that he wasn't done yet, and that certainly escalates the danger even further. As bold as he's becoming, I'm afraid of what he might do next.
I can't believe that anyone in thier right mind would point an loaded weapon at a Mother,and her Baby!

What a Scumbag, This person needs to face a firing squad, So that he knows the fear he has put into the Souls of others nothing says Payback like an well Armed Firing Squad.

As others have Stated someone needs to turn him in before an Innocent person loose's their Life for a lousy $5.00
It's utterly disgusting! How do people even GET to that level of depravity?? What kind of childhood did this person have, or is there a brain tumor, chemical imbalance, substance abuse... no conscience; it is, well, shocking...
Wow. Hope somebody stops this guy soon. Guess I'll be adding the east side to my list of places to avoid as much as possible. Though with all the trips to north Minneapolis I've taken in the past couple months, I should be used to looking over my shoulder by now.
Man I know you will hear if only was I around ... I just bought my new Ccw revolver that would have saved some heartache and me a drive to the range lol . I have a four year old daughter . I swear on her life that if someone ever physically abused or sexual or did something like that I'd be sitting in jail with the rest of them
Wow. Hope somebody stops this guy soon. Guess I'll be adding the east side to my list of places to avoid as much as possible. Though with all the trips to north Minneapolis I've taken in the past couple months, I should be used to looking over my shoulder by now.

Check out the shot spotter maps for North Minneapolis shootings. There's a link to it and a link to a news video about how the system works on our Links page.
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The only thing that might be nice is if they'd let you mouseover each shot or shooting and a popup would show the time and date when you hover. I've been in N Mpls where these shootings take place for extended periods of time but always at like 2pm (not 2am) and I have never felt uncomfortable there at all. I've seen people sitting on their front porches, gardening, having back yard parties... it looks like a nice place. It seems most shootings there happen after dark/before dawn (recent example: Police: 2 Injured In Minneapolis Shooting Overnight « CBS Minnesota), so I kind of wonder if it's a 'different place' at different times of the day. Same with this; I think this incident took place well after dark as well.
The only reason I go there is that I have friends who own houses and raise their families there. Some of them have good relations with their neighbors and have no problems, and others, just a few blocks away, have their homes broken into or vandalized or shot at.

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