Why I carry or Look! Up in the sky...

All the regulations in the world won't stop a criminal from being a criminal. These feel good regs only stop honest people from protecting themselves against these mainly nocturnal animals who would use any weapon they could get their hands on.

Criminals are big business in this country if you shoot too many there would have to be lay-offs, can't have that now can we.
remember when seconds count the cops are just minutes away.

"I think families should expect to be responsible for members who have diminished mental capacity, autism, or whatever, not expect the government to take on their duties."


All due respect to you, and I mean that.

My opinion, from reading this thread, is that the statement above is where you and your opponents on the other side of the debate are at odds, and the statement sums up the entire debate. Many folks think that it is impossible to expect the general population to have the values to expect that kind of responsibility. Therein lies the reason for the necessity of regulation.

I don't like it anymore than you do, but where you and I differ, is that I don't like the likelihood of the alternatives if regulation isn't allowed. The sad fact is, there are just too many in our society that not only aren't responsible, but they don't even know the meaning of the term. They are the ones from which regulation protects us, and are the sole reason regulation is needed.

I'll answer this and Online Dad's statements.

I'm not totally against regulations, I just think the regulations should be at the Lowest level of government needed to do the job. Starting at the FAMILY. Good Ole Mom & Dad's rules.

On the same note, I think if people began to expect others to deal with the consequences of their actions, people would begin to exhibit a small amount of responsibility and possibly respect for others.
"I'm not totally against regulations, I just think the regulations should be at the Lowest level of government needed to do the job. Starting at the FAMILY. Good Ole Mom & Dad's rules. "


Good Ole Mom & DAD is who I'm worried about! LOL!! They don't teach their kids any better either. We have a segment of the society that has at least two generations, that think they can not do any wrong because of their actions. It is someone else's fault that caused them to act a certain way. I.E., they don't HAVE any Responsible gene in their body.
Gov, I did say, "...at the lowest level ... needed to do the job." If Parental instruction and rules don't do it, the community would be the next step. But never higher up than needed to do the job.
Flying, driving, or even performing surgery are PRIVILEGES. I don't care what requirements the government expects you to meet before they ALLOW you to carry out those activities.

Carrying a firearm any way I want to is a RIGHT. EVERY law currently on the books concerning firearms is an affront and an encroachment on my RIGHT. If we allow the government to set restrictions and tell us when or where we can exercise this right, what are we going to do when that government starts delimiting our other RIGHTS? When they start creating taxes and programs that the People don't want? Letting the government make "just one more gun law" "for our protection" or "because it makes sense" is why you can't carry in NYC or DC and why every county in NY has its own little policies and procedures.

Bam! Spot on, WH. A "right" is different than a "privilege". Furthermore, this is a right we are naturally-accorded; it is not granted to us by gov't.

I will fight to my dying breath the idea that gov't may restrict this right or any other as specified in the Constitution. And before anyone says you can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater, I say, sure you can. And when you do, hopefully some citizen beats your sorry ass for your stupidity and then perhaps you won't do it again. True freedom means taking the bad with the good (or the stupid with the wise, as the case may be).
I guess I take the Jeffersonian view: As an American and a free man, it is my Right my Responsibility to be "at all times armed."

ANY regulation whatever is counterproductive. Those who don't obey regulations will arm themselves anyway. Any regulation that can be abused WILL be abused.

America has ten times too many police officers,
a hundred times too many citizens unwilling to take responsibility for their own protection - or for the consequences of their actions,
and a thousand times too many power-mad politicians who wrongly believe they have the right to tell others how to live their lives.
"America has ten times too many police officers,
a hundred times too many citizens unwilling to take responsibility for their own protection - or for the consequences of their actions,
and a thousand times too many power-mad politicians who wrongly believe they have the right to tell others how to live their lives."

Also WAY too many layers. We need tort reform in this country badly. If a criminal court finds you not guilty, I believe being brought up for trial in a civil court for the same crime is double jeopardy!

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