Who is Standing in the Way


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Can anyone tell me the specific Senators that have been standing in the way of restaurant carry bills?

heres a list of the top ten anti gun senators.....

10. Mike DeWine (R.-Ohio) Consistently the only Republican to speak in favor of anti-2nd Amendment legislation on the Senate floor.

9. Jack Reed (D.-R.I.) The most vocal opponent on the Senate floor of congressional legislation to prevent lawsuits against firearms manufacturers based on the actions of criminals.

8. John Kerry (D.-Mass.) Accepted a shotgun as a campaign gift from union officials, even though it would have been banned under a bill he cosponsored.

7. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D.-N.Y.) Though just in her first term as an elected official, she campaigned for gun control while First Lady, advocating gun owner licensing, handgun registration and the retention by the federal government of records on lawful purchasers of firearms.

6. Frank Lautenberg (D.-N.J.) Despite government studies showing that fewer than 1% of criminals get their guns from gun shows, Lautenberg sponsored legislation to run gun shows out of business.

5. Dianne Feinstein (D.-Calif.) Sponsor of the much-vaunted assault-weapon ban of 1994-2004. Despite the ban's having been found to have been misdirected and irrelevant to crime, Feinstein said she wished for a stronger law, one that would say, "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn [your firearms] all in." Feinstein carried a handgun for her own protection in California.

4. Barbara Boxer (D.-Calif.) Sponsor of bills to ban compact handguns, such as those commonly carried for protection, by making the legality of their manufacture in the U.S. contingent upon the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' (BATFE) regulation permitting the same type of firearm to be imported. BATFE uses regulatory authority over firearms importation arbitrarily and, some say, illegally. Boxer hoped the BATFE would do the same with U.S.-made firearms.

3. Ted Kennedy (D.-Mass.) A generation ago, this liberal lion sponsored legislation to ban and otherwise restrict handguns. He hasn’t let up a bit since.

2. **** Durbin (D.-Ill.) Minority whip is top anti-gun activist in his party’s Senate leadership and a reliable activist for anti-gun legislation in his own right.

1. Charles Schumer (D.-N.Y.) Sponsor of legislation to ban firearms as "assault weapons," to ban hunting, recreational, practice and defensive ammunition as "armor piercing," and to impose a waiting period on handgun sales. The member of Congress who most seeks publicity for himself on gun-control issues.
Let me try this again......

Can anyone tell me the specific South Carolina state Senators that have been standing in the way of restaurant carry bills?
oops my bad didn't realize you just wanted south carolina............i tried to do a google for you and came up with this article you might find interesting
best wishes to you
Link Removed
Thanks, I got this announcement directly from NRA the other day. It is what motivated me to ask the question. I'm trying to figure out who needs to be voted out.
ah i see........you may have to research all your senators voting record on gun laws or perhaps the nra can give you a list of anti gun senators from your state? start with the democratic ones you may find them quicker that way lolz
best wishes my friend i'm glad you seeking that kind of information and care enough to do so as well
Turns out Republicans are the majority (26 Republicans to 19 Democrats) so I suspect it is a Republican (RINO) standing in the way.
The email title is grossly misleading as the only thing I wanted out of the bill was restaurant carry. The other stuff isn't nearly as important.

I am disgusted with my rep Harvey Peeler who is also the majority leader. They are all cowards for not even having a vote to get the people who are against it on record. How would carrying in a restaurant that serves alcohol be a risk to anyone more than carrying at a restaurant that doesn't serve? In either case I AM NOT ALLOWED TO DRINK ALCOHOL. If someone has their permit and is going to drink while carrying then guess what, they are probably already doing it now.
In April, a Winthrop University poll showed that 78% of voters oppose carrying at any place that serves alcohol.
That poll put the immediate kabash on pending legislation.
In April, a Winthrop University poll showed that 78% of voters oppose carrying at any place that serves alcohol.
That poll put the immediate kabash on pending legislation.

If it's true that Link Removed killed restaurant-carry, someone really ought to commission another poll. If you look at the questions and methodology, there's no way restaurant-carry had a chance based on whom they were asking and how they asked.

Self-identified Republicans were clearly undersampled in a state that consistently votes Republican. The question includes not only restaurants, but "bars" as well. Last but not least, the question does nothing to educate the vast majority who probably don't understand that it would remain forbidden to carry while drinking, whether one is in a restaurant or not. It sounds like they were asking if people who carry should be allowed to belly up to the bar.
H.3665 is the only bill I know that passed the House and in the Senate.
Here is all the information I have on the bill....

South Carolina Legislature Mobile

The next step if to find when it gets out of committee and contact your Senator for their vote stance on the bill...

But it needs to get out of committee without removing the restaurant carry.
Yeah, great. I don't care if SC has a conservative majority. Go to any university and find the entire liberal minority.

What an idiotic place to hold a poll of this nature. Anybody want to guess which party generated this poll and where to take it?

ah i see........you may have to research all your senators voting record on gun laws

Unfortunately I don't think that will be very helpful. The place these bills usually die is in committee. They either strip any useful language out, add ridiculous stuff in, or just let it sit and die.
I understand it was Jake Knotts. He was head of commitee and stopped it from going forwad. I could be wrong. Try this link. They answer questions quickly.

Link Removed

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