Where is the NRA?


New member
I pay my dues even donate to protect our rights as armed citizens but, I have to say where is the NRA? Maybe it's more complicated then I think or maybe there is something I am missing because I don't see it. It seems to me that the NRA has forgotten about New Jersey or NJ just isn't big enough for them. Can someone help me understand.

I pay my dues even donate to protect our rights as armed citizens but, I have to say where is the NRA? Maybe it's more complicated then I think or maybe there is something I am missing because I don't see it. It seems to me that the NRA has forgotten about New Jersey or NJ just isn't big enough for them. Can someone help me understand.

I don't even think it's only New Jersey and yes, I know this is the New Jersey category. But I haven't seen them really involved in much of anything lately. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm not a member, but I'm only hearing about what the libs are up to concerning what they can do to rid us of our guns. I'm seeing a lot of proposed legislation and planned gun buy-backs that does nothing but disarm us.
to Answer your question. The NRA is all over the place. And I do see what they have been doing to protect out 2A rights. And you can also find out and see what they are doing. All you have to do is to go to the NRA-ILA web site. You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter. They have accounts on both of them that you can follow and find out about everything that they are doing. you can even sign up to get alerts from them as well. I follow several of the NRA groups on both Facebook and Twitter. As well as getting alerts from NRA-ILA. I also belong to some NRA groups on LinkedIn as well as on Google+. so there are a lot of ways to find out what is going on in the NRA and what they are doing to protect our 2A rights. And because I do follow them on all of these different ways I know what is going on in NY, CA, FL, NJ, and CO just to name a few. And I live in AZ. Yet I keep up with what is going on all over the country that deals with 2A and all of our other rights.
Just a general comment prompted by the OP's question and directed at each and every supporter of the right to keep and bear arms all across the entire country:

Perhaps the correct question we all should ask oursevles is....

"Where am I and what am I doing?"
to Answer your question. The NRA is all over the place. And I do see what they have been doing to protect out 2A rights. And you can also find out and see what they are doing. All you have to do is to go to the NRA-ILA web site. You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter. They have accounts on both of them that you can follow and find out about everything that they are doing. you can even sign up to get alerts from them as well. I follow several of the NRA groups on both Facebook and Twitter. As well as getting alerts from NRA-ILA. I also belong to some NRA groups on LinkedIn as well as on Google+. so there are a lot of ways to find out what is going on in the NRA and what they are doing to protect our 2A rights. And because I do follow them on all of these different ways I know what is going on in NY, CA, FL, NJ, and CO just to name a few. And I live in AZ. Yet I keep up with what is going on all over the country that deals with 2A and all of our other rights.

Well, instead of just doing a commercial for the N R A, why don't you just answer the question about what they're doing in NJ? You say you know what they're doing there, so why withhold the answer to the question that was posed if you do know the answer?

It has always seemed incongruous to me that so many gun-owners in jurisdictions where their rights are all but denied by the state, seem to think that the N R A is effective at protecting their rights. If they were effective, then how would their rights get so thoroughly trampled upon like they are in NJ, CT, NY, MD, CA, DC, IL, and several other highly-restrictive states, as well as somewhat lesser ways of trampling in all but maybe three or four states in the nation? I've heard too much "reasonable gun-control" speak from the N R A to send them my money. I stick with JPFO, GOA and SAF as far as sending financial support to, and like Bikenut alluded to, there are things we all should be doing on an individual basis too. I write letters, talk to my legislators, attend demonstrations etc.

Bottom line, the N R A isn't the be all, end all of gun rights advocates. I'm not even convinced that they're the best at it. Now that I think about it further, I am convinced that they're not the best. I think the Second Amendment Foundation and Alan Gura with their two wins at the Supreme Court to zip, zero, nada wins at that level by any other gun rights organization, puts them on top in my book.

NRA will be active again as soon as election year gets closer. All they care about is politics.
Every day I am amazed at the number of people who post comments on the internet in one venue or another. All of the news outlets have a comment section at the end of their articles, and most every other information outlet does as well. Hundreds of thousands of readers sign up so they can have an opportunity to let their opinions be heard. Depending on the "bent" of the article they are either for it or against it! Complaining and grumbling so the world knows how they feel about it. And they love to assign blame to someone for all that has gone wrong in the world. Bikenut's got it right! Too many people are just "armchair quarterbacks, "armchair legislators", "armchair CEO's", or "armchair Presidents". It is so easy to sit in front of a computer, in the comfort of your home with a nice hot coffee on the desk and voice your opinion. That might make a person feel good. In reality it does nothing to help a matter. First we have to educate ourselves and on election day get up from the computer and go out and vote! Also become aware of circumstances, needs, etc. in our local, state and national area's that, if they need addressed, WE ADDRESS THEM. We've become so complacent. Way too many people these days have the mindset, "well someone else will do it". Even in my church where we have a membership of around 2000 people. The same 5 individuals volunteer weekly to tend to the nursery. The leadership routinely make announcements that we need help in the nursery. The regular volunteers would like an opportunity to attend the worship service with their families once in a while too. Yet even in church where we are learning to "be like Christ" and serve others, that "someone else will do it" mentality has taken hold! Sorry for my rant. It may sound like I'm pointing fingers but I'm including myself in here too. We cannot continue in this attitude. If our "broken" country is to be restored it will only happen when "we" as individuals get out of our chairs and go make a difference!
BlueStringer, Some of what you said is correct. We all need to do out homework when it come to things that we don't know. And I also noticed some other groups that you listed. And I'm a Charter Member of JPFO( Jews for the Preservation of Gun Ownership), and also a member of USCCA, NAGR, ASRPA, as well as the NRA. And JPFO, USCCA, and NAGR all also have pages on Facebook and Twitter as well. And you can also sign up to get mailings from them as well. And I am on all of their mailing lists as well. I also get mailing from GOA as well. All are great sites to get info on. And I feel that all gun owner should stay informed when it comes to gun rights and gun laws. And there are places to get that info and we have just named only a few of them.
BlueStringer, Some of what you said is correct. We all need to do out homework when it come to things that we don't know. And I also noticed some other groups that you listed. And I'm a Charter Member of JPFO( Jews for the Preservation of Gun Ownership), and also a member of USCCA, NAGR, ASRPA, as well as the NRA. And JPFO, USCCA, and NAGR all also have pages on Facebook and Twitter as well. And you can also sign up to get mailings from them as well. And I am on all of their mailing lists as well. I also get mailing from GOA as well. All are great sites to get info on. And I feel that all gun owner should stay informed when it comes to gun rights and gun laws. And there are places to get that info and we have just named only a few of them.

It's really not a big deal to me, but I didn't ask for your resume of all the various gun rights .orgs you belong to. I asked why, if you have the answer that you claimed to have, didn't (don't) you answer the specific question about what the N R A is doing in NJ? This is the NJ state sub-forum, a NJ resident asked a specific question about N R A's activity (or lack thereof) in NJ, you said you have the answer but failed to provide it. Twice now. What's up with that?

I'll try this again. I tried to post a comment to this last night, but IE was having problems.
My comment was that if you question the NRA and what they are doing, you need to read the NRA-ILA website. This will keep you informed as to what they are fighting for us, the gun owning 2nd Amendment people of America. In addition there are organizations like GOA and State/local groups that are affiliated with The NRA. In my state we have the Delaware State Sportsmans Assoc. working at a state level to help gun owners.
So if you reallywant to know what the NRA is doing it's there to be found.
I'll try this again. I tried to post a comment to this last night, but IE was having problems.
My comment was that if you question the NRA and what they are doing, you need to read the NRA-ILA website.

Here ya go. That's the results for a search on the N R A-ILA website for "new jersey legislation." There's 11 pages of results that simply inform the reader of pending or already-passed legislation, but after perusing two full pages of those results, I didn't find one single story chronicling any action the the N R A is taking in NJ.

So simply reading "the N R A-ILA website" doesn't answer the OP's question at all, unless one or two examples are buried between Pages 3 and 11.

This will keep you informed as to what they are fighting for us, the gun owning 2nd Amendment people of America.

The question doesn't pertain to "America" in general, it pertains specifically to what the N R A is doing to challenge the highly-restrictive laws in New Jersey specifically.

I'm interested in the phrase you use above, "...as to what they are fighting for us, the gun owning 2nd Amendment people of America." First, I want to identify who "they" (the N R A) are in relation to fighting for gun rights.

This article from JPFO identifies them as "America's largest gun control organization."

I first posted that link on this site almost exactly two years ago here. There's lots of documentation (as opposed to simple opinion) in that post of N R A's ineffectiveness at stopping the advance of gun control in this country. One of the important issues covered in that post is that the N R A actually fought bringing the Heller case to the Supreme Court, yet once it was scheduled, they actually did fund-raising around it as though it was their case to begin with. It's all laid out in disgusting, phony, hypocritical detail in this American Bar Association Journal story.

It seems this subject comes up mostly in February for some reason, but almost exactly one year ago I posted several quotes from N R A former President David Keene at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast where he fielded random questions from attendees, who were mostly leftist gun-grabber types. Read those quotes and then try to convince the more informed folks around here of how the N R A "...are fighting for us, the gun owning 2nd Amendment people of America." No one who says that a fully legal weapon accessory should turn legal users of it into felons is fighting for anything but gun control. You'll have to read that post to understand that, but that's hardly the only issue raised by his quotes.

So that brings us to who the "us" is. I don't want to be part of an "us" who blindly follows people and .orgs that routinely betray the guarantees of the Constitution or the 2A. I cannot fathom how or why any real 2A supporter does that other than just being unaware of those betrayals. But then I look back on how like clock-work it is that after I document them, I'm the bad guy, or the betrayer to the cause. I also have no interest in being part of an "us" that can't face the truth and learn from their mistakes of who to put their trust in.

In addition there are organizations like GOA and State/local groups that are affiliated with The NRA.

GOA is not affiliated with the N R A. Though some local and state .orgs are, many are not either. As I said in my first post, the N R A is not the be all, end all of gun rights advocates. They're not even the best at it, and many mistakes they've made could legitimately put them in the category as some of the worst at it.

In my state we have the Delaware State Sportsmans Assoc. working at a state level to help gun owners.
So if you really want to know what the NRA is doing it's there to be found.

And again, nothing to address the OP's question about NJ, except to say, "Go do your own homework. All I'm going to say about the N R A is rah-rah-rah."

Perhaps the woeful number of gun owners who don't know what the N R A is (or isn't) doing is why NJ is in the fix they're in.

Blues stringer,
It's because of you , your attitude, and your negative rhetoric, that I can truly once again say, I have never met anyone from New Jersey that I'd ever want to befriend. No wonder no body wants to help you with your NJ. problems. I'll say it. "figure it out on your own".
The answer is how are you involved.

If you aren't involved you don't know who is doing what. It's funny this conversation came up right as the 9th circuit ruled in the Peruta lawsuit. What group was given credit for backing such a huge ruling that may completely change ccw in Kali and Hawaii? Yup the NRA.

How many here knew that they were so involved? Apparently just the people that were actually in the fight.

You many now return to your regularly scheduled armchair quarterbacking.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
Blues stringer,
It's because of you , your attitude, and your negative rhetoric, that I can truly once again say, I have never met anyone from New Jersey that I'd ever want to befriend. No wonder no body wants to help you with your NJ. problems. I'll say it. "figure it out on your own".

i hate to say this SR9 but,Blues stringer isn't from NJ I am and I originally posted the question. You don't want to be friends with me that's fine but, I thought we were all in this together. We do not get to choose where we are born and yes, before you say "well move to another state" believe me I have and I plan to someday but, sometimes it isn't that easy. I have family, friends most importantly I have aging parents that I don't want to be far from. So for now I have to live with what I got and fight the fight which I am doing because besides the NRA I belong to a local group that is for the restoration of the 2nd amendment. I am active in politics trying to get the word out for the pro gun canidates.
Blues stringer,
It's because of you , your attitude, and your negative rhetoric, that I can truly once again say, I have never met anyone from New Jersey that I'd ever want to befriend. No wonder no body wants to help you with your NJ. problems. I'll say it. "figure it out on your own".

As njsportsman already accurately pointed out, I'm not from NJ.

And as I accurately pointed out, you have no answers for njsportsman's original question about where is the N R A.

I tried to give him an answer where the N R A is and has always been for its entire history - engaging in helping gun-grabbers encroach incrementally one small step at a time in "reasonable gun control." I documented the source(s) of my answers and they remain unrefuted. If reporting the truth accurately and with source citations is considered "negative" to the point of telling me to "figure it out for yourself" that which you clearly have yet to figure out for yourself is true, then I wonder how you will characterize my words when I say, "Bite me."

I pay my dues even donate to protect our rights as armed citizens but, I have to say where is the NRA? Maybe it's more complicated then I think or maybe there is something I am missing because I don't see it. It seems to me that the NRA has forgotten about New Jersey or NJ just isn't big enough for them. Can someone help me understand.

Gentlemen: I’ve no clue what the NRA is doing in NJ, or in any other state, but I can tell you who DOES know – the NRA Field Representative for that State. According to NRA|Field Representatives , for NJ that would be Jim Reardon (JReardon at nrahq dot org). I see Mr. Reardon is also the field rep for Lower NY, MA, RI and CT. GENERALLY, the process of getting legislation drafted and introduced involves coordination with state/area groups (who identify/prioritize needs) and a pro-gun member of the legislature (preferably the chair, or at least member of the committee to which the bill will be assigned). It helps the bills’ chances if that can be done in BOTH houses of the legislature. The voters JOB is to ELECT as least some pro-gun legislators. The (State Pro-gun Organization) NRA Liaison coordinates with the field rep for help in getting the bill drafted. This whole process should begin as SOON as the legislative session closes – for introduction in the NEXT years’ legislature. If it’s not working that way in your State then find out who drops the ball – the voter, the Pro-Gun Organization NRA Liaison, the NRA field rep or the politician? That’s a lot of work to just get a bill INTRODUCED. Getting it PASSED and then signed into LAW is a whole other volume. Better to ask how can you help rather than what have they done FOR you.
I found the NRA.

"The Wyoming Attorney General’s Office, acting as counsel for Wyoming and 18 other states, filed an amicus brief on Wednesday asking the U.S. Supreme Court to grant a hearing in the case of Drake v. Jerejian, a New Jersey case which has at issue “(1) Whether the Second Amendment secures a right to carry handguns outside the home for self-defense; and (2) whether state officials violate the Second Amendment by requiring that individuals wishing to exercise their right to carry a handgun for self-defense first prove a “justifiable need” for doing so.” The Wyoming brief says that the 19 states are concerned . . .

that if the appeals court ruling stands, it could threaten their less restrictive concealed carry laws.” The NRA has also filed a brief in support of the case. The other states joining in the brief are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia."

Of course those that are intent on proving they are the biggest NRA haters will ignore this post as they have about what the NRA did in California.

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