What would you do?


Chief Inguneer
Perp is in my house!!! Grab my gun!!! now were face to face. Bang! missed! Clic, Click. Damn it jamed!
He is coming at me! your weapon let you down, and the dog and the old lady are still asleep. what is your next Action?
Anyone ever think of this? Just a senerio,( Beats someone insulting my old lady) Lets see how far this one goes!
Now you are faced with hand to hand combat in your underware. I will give you My solution towards the end.
Attica Jail guards, this should be easy for you. and, no, I wouldn't treat him with kindness. :angry:
Perp is in my house!!! Grab my gun!!! now were face to face. Bang! missed! Clic, Click. Damn it jamed!
He is coming at me! your weapon let you down, and the dog and the old lady are still asleep. what is your next Action?
Anyone ever think of this? Just a senerio,( Beats someone insulting my old lady) Lets see how far this one goes!
Now you are faced with hand to hand combat in your underware. I will give you My solution towards the end.
Attica Jail guards, this should be easy for you. and, no, I wouldn't treat him with kindness. :angry:

what are you shooting that your dog and old lady sleep through it?
mudpuppy has it right. If a bad guy walks over me, my wife is not left defenseless. Every adult should be armed.
One - IF I heard something and decided to go "check it out" - my wife would be a wake..
IF the 1st bullet went off - I would HOPE that I didn't miss, but if so - the Wife and I have a "Code word" that does not alert the BG, but does alert the wife..
My biggest job at this point is to get the hell out of the way!!!

OK.. with that said, several of you are curious about my 1st sentence.. "What do you mean IF I decide to go "check it out"???
In discussions with my wife, If I know someone is in my house, our plan is
1) wake the partner up
2) the wife gets on the phone (left hand) to 911, while holding her gun in her right hand
3) I cover the locked bedroom door with my gun, and have a flashlight ready to go in the left hand, crossed under my right arm...

At this point one of three things happen
1) the BG chooses to wonder out of my house with something that is not worth dying over...
2) the Police show up and they take the chance at getting shot
3) the BG is dumb enough to try to get through a locked Bedroom door...

There is nothing in my house (outside the bedroom) that is worth me or my wife dying over..
You can call me chicken, you can call me not a man, but I choose to go with the saying
"Discretion is the better part of valor"
- Living through a bad situation is the most important thing, not killing the BG.. I have no issue with shooting a BG in my house, but I will do it in the safest way possible and only when the threat is immanent.. As I said before, there is nothing in my house outside the bedroom that is worth me dying over..
revolvers don't fail......:pleasantry:

WRONG!!!! Don't suppose you've ever encountered a high primer, squib load with Factory ammo, a bullet that backs out under recoil and locks the cylinder, or a perp grabs your cylnder at close range? Not to mention timing problems, a backed out ejector rod or various forms of cylinder lock up. I love revolvers too, used them extensively in my early L/E years and as a firearms instructor and competition shooter. Revolvers do jam and fail. Quality semi-autos with proper ammo are basically as reliable as a good revolver in most cases. Try being a firearms instructor / range master with a large group of police recruits carrying revolvers on a day at the range. Bring your armorers kit.
Proper Response - BEAT HIM WITH IT!!! Don't give up, go hand to hand until you are able to grab one of the many others stashed around the house and drill him.
At this point one of three things happen
1) the BG chooses to wonder out of my house with something that is not worth dying over...
2) the Police show up and they take the chance at getting shot
3) the BG is dumb enough to try to get through a locked Bedroom door...

There is nothing in my house (outside the bedroom) that is worth me or my wife dying over..
You can call me chicken, you can call me not a man, but I choose to go with the saying
"Discretion is the better part of valor"
- Living through a bad situation is the most important thing, not killing the BG.. I have no issue with shooting a BG in my house, but I will do it in the safest way possible and only when the threat is immanent.. As I said before, there is nothing in my house outside the bedroom that is worth me dying over..

This sounds like a pretty good plan to me. Though it may depend on the noise in question. I once heard someone trying to break into my front door in the middle of the night. Between me turning the lights on and coming down the stairs, pistol in hand, and my brother (who was staying with us at the time) coming up from the basement, pistol in hand, the BG bugged out. Fortunately, my brother and I were aware of each others' movements and took precautions not to shoot each other.

My wife just laughed at us as we stood there, well armed but in our underwear.
moving at 90 degrees...

I would move from in front of the BG using the 90 degree technique as taught by Rob Pincus. All the while tap rack clear drill.
This scenario is a perfect reason as to why you buy the best ammo and firearm you can afford. More expensive is not always best, You just get what you pay for. This is also why you maintain your firearm, magazines and ammo.

1. always use ammo you can trust
2. always maintain a clean and corrosion free weapon
3. always rotate the ammo in your carry mags and don't trust a mag until it has proven itself at the range.
Personally, I would immediately insult my old lady, who would then immediately commence firing HER weapon at whatever idiot didn't instantaneously hit the floor. This would invariably take out the BG since I know enough to hit the deck right away.:biggrin:

So, ok, I'm being a smart-ass; I agree with Festus. If the gun jams, MOVE, then tap, rack, clear. Re-engage. That's how I was trained.
Hey guy's
Thanks for your responses.
This was a fictious thread. the wife is deaf and the dog is a little piece of crap that runs and hides under the bed. Yapper!
I have had a lot of crap all of of a sudden happen in my life! My cousin was murdered by his step son. stabbed 9 times in the back in Arkansas. My Best freind just died from renal falure ( The same thing My dad died from) I'm a mess!
Sorry for the F***k Up thread. I was going to have fun with this, But today - It dosen't matter.
Be well my friends. I will be back some day
Hey guy's
Thanks for your responses.
This was a fictious thread. the wife is deaf and the dog is a little piece of crap that runs and hides under the bed. Yapper!
I have had a lot of crap all of of a sudden happen in my life! My cousin was murdered by his step son. stabbed 9 times in the back in Arkansas. My Best freind just died from renal falure ( The same thing My dad died from) I'm a mess!
Sorry for the F***k Up thread. I was going to have fun with this, But today - It dosen't matter.
Be well my friends. I will be back some day

I'm sorry to hear about all this turmoil in your life, Injuneer. Life CAN be a bitch sometimes, that's for sure. I call this stage the "grit your teeth" stage: kids are grown but I think I worry about them more, both my folks just passed away in the last 3 years (Mom with lung cancer, Dad drank himself literally to death), my siblings and I are all completely estranged, the one cousin back home, who is more of a brother, who is my last link to the family, just found out this week he has pretty aggressive cancer. I KNOW what it's like to be a mess!

Hang it there, brother, and don't stay away too long, if possible. Ill be praying for you.