What do you do with your carry-gun when...

I have been carrying off and on both OC and CC for three years now (Colorado baby!). About a year ago I changed my off-n-on habit to carry ALL waking hours, no matter the extra work required to do so. I figure there is no use having a handgun if it is not on your belt, right? Since then I have been running into some snags in my plan. I know these may sound like silly questions, but what do you guys do with your carry-gun when...

- I once took my gun off my belt to drop my drawers to use the toilet. I finished my business and promptly forgot my gun when I left the stall! (I know right! :nono:). I was lucky that no one else came into the restroom after so I was able to retrieve it without anyone else knowing. So, now I leave it holstered and on my belt no matter what. But, what do you guys do with your gun when going #2 in a public restroom?

- I workout at my local gym 5 days a week. I wear shorts that will not hold the weight of my full-size M&P so it stays in a locker (locked of course). I do not like leaving it there, but I feel it is safer in a locker then in my car outside. Mainly I feel completely exposed though. What do you guys do with your gun when you workout at a gym?

- I drive two different vehicles. One is a large van, easy to carry while driving. The other is a very small sports car with wrap-around seats and seating posture that make it very difficult to have something on my belt. Even a cell-phone is uncomfortable, let alone a full-size pistol.

- What about when you get home? Do you let your guard down and un-holster once you are in your own home?

- Lastly, when I enter a friend's house that I have not yet asked his permission to carry in his house, I leave my gun locked in the car. We are talking about another person's house with wife and kids in play. Am I being too nice here? Should I announce it before entering his residence if I am carrying?

Thanks, and feel free to have some fun with the discussion, but please do not beat me up too badly for my bathroom mistake. I already have.
Yeah, the bathroom mistake gets you a flogging. Very bad to forget the gun. I also find carrying a gun while driving is uncomfortable so it stays locked in the GB. I don't take the gun to the gym and would never leave it in a locker there. Instead, look into a vehicle safe/lock box. There are several that mount in the center console and GB.
As far as home carry? I don't carry a gun in the house. If you are properly secured, entry is extremely difficult even for a home invasion. Heavy duty doors, locks, deadbolts, no glass around or in doors, motion lights, alarm and a good dog are priceless. Within the home have the heater within reach unless there are kids in the house. Outside, when working around my property I do carry the gun.

@ Wolf_fire

Actually, I did not ask what I should be doing in ANY of the scenarios. I asked, "what do you do..." (read the title of the thread). I am quite comfortable in my own solutions to all the scenarios. I thought this was a FORUM where people DISCUSS topics. From the others who posted I got some new ideas, and maybe someone else did as well? Is it possible that this thread has educated someone else that did have legitimate questions? Aren't we all suppose to be on th same side here? Why are you trying to make an enemy out of me? Wake on the other side of the bed tomorrow, I will hold judgement on you until then.

Again, thank you to everyone else who replied as an adult.

It takes all kinds to make the world (or forums) go 'round. Recently I replied to a thread where the title said it was a "Must Read!!" topic. So I opened it and found nothing but a link to an article on a blog. I clicked it, read the article, and commented entirely honestly on what I found there, not deviating at all from the topic(s) covered, and the OP got all indignant because I didn't see the topic of the article the same way he did. He literally refused to discuss the differences we had on the article, and took a couple of completely undeserved pot-shots at me personally for having the audacity to have my own view(s) on what he thought was a piece that should be valuable and interesting for conservatives and gun-rights advocates. Meh. We get used to it around here. Everyone has their own idiosyncrasies.

As far as getting new ideas from the serious replies you received, I can't personally say I did, but that's not because any good ideas/answers weren't offered, it's just that I've been here a long time and most/all of your topics have been covered several times each before. It's not a knock on you at all, just the nature of the beast that is the ebb and flow of a topic-specific forum where people come and go on a regular basis.

You've gotten good answers from several folks here. Ignore the ones that didn't take the time to evaluate the seriousness or validity of your questions, and use what you can of the rest. There was only one subject that I am surprised no one really got into, and that's your last one about, "...when I enter a friend's house that I have not yet asked his permission to carry in his house..."

As I'm writing this post, it follows a reply by BC1. Close to a year and a half ago, he and I butted heads (a little bit) over that exact question. BC and I get along fine, but it has been a bumpy road at times getting to where I could say that. We see a lot of issues quite differently, and the thread I'm referencing here is a pretty good example of how most of that went. Might be the same with you and wolf_fire or any of the others who were umm...unreceptive, shall we say, to your OP, if either/both of you stick around and hash things out respectfully. Also, if you read through that thread, you'll get in-depth answers to your last question, whereas, no one has done much more than give it a passing mention here.

That said, the way you phrased your question seems to answer your take on the issue when you use the word "yet." It may frustrate you to read that thread if you are a committed "full-disclosure" kind of guy when it comes to visiting friends that don't know you carry. Maybe not though. Read it and see.

Otherwise, get used to having some posters here either not take some of your posts seriously or as good-faith efforts to generate discussion. It happens all the time. Not much you can do about it except stick around long enough to get to know posters well enough to know whether it will be pleasant and/or productive engaging them.

Have a good'un,

The only thing I could add to BluesStringer's post #22 above is this...

Just like in real life there are those who would sincerely attempt to help... and there are those who are arseholes who's only purpose for posting is to stroke their own whiny and arrogant egos.

A wise man/woman discerns the difference in posts, considers the attempts at helping and decides whether any of that is good advice according to their personal circumstances/situation...keeps that which works for them and disregards that which doesn't pertain to their personal situation/circumstances..................... but most importantly...

Considers the arseholes postings as nothing more than what can be expected to come out of an... arsehole. No need to take an arsehole's postings personally... what exactly would anyone expect to flow out of an arsehole anyway? Want to know who is an arsehole poster? Ask them to provide cites and/or links to prove their statements are true... and watch the arsehole evade, avoid, redirect the conversation, resort to ridicule and insult.... and never provide any actual factual proof. Happens every time.

And now the following is an unabashed rant..........

However, my personal opinion is that we all have a responsibility to counter the... smelly stuff spewed out of gigantic egos (arseholes?) who have no real world accomplishments yet have an arrogant belief all others are beneath them... to counter with actual facts in order to present the actual truth so we can stop the propaganda river of crap that is flowing out of the arrogant leftist weenie Saul Alinsky (Obama) follower arseholes in this country.

Read about Saul Alinsky... and Obama... and Hillary... and how the leftist anti U.S.A. weenies work here:

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

Rules for Radicals

By Saul Alinsky - 1971

Hillary Clinton's 1969 Political Science Thesis ("There is Only the Fight") refers to an earlier version of Alinsky’s training manual. "In 1946,” she wrote, "Alinsky's first book, Reveille for Radicals, was published."

See From Freedom to Servitude | Training an army of world servers | From Marx to Alinsky

Conspiracies- Past & Present

Background information

"Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday." --Letter from L. DAVID ALINSKY, son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky

Obama helped fund 'Alinsky Academy': "The Woods Fund, a nonprofit on which Obama served as paid director from 1999 to December 2002, provided startup funding and later capital to the Midwest Academy.... Obama sat on the Woods Fund board alongside William Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization.... 'Midwest describes itself as 'one of the nation's oldest and best-known schools for community organizations, citizen organizations and individuals committed to progressive social change.'... Midwest teaches Alinsky tactics of community organizing."

Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.

"Obama is also an Alinskyite.... Obama spent years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer in Chicago, working for an Alinskyite group called the Developing Communities Project.... Camouflage is key to Alinsky-style organizing. While trying to build coalitions of black churches in Chicago, Obama caught flak for not attending church himself. He became an instant churchgoer." (By Richard Poe, 11-27-07)

We all need to understand the mind set, the perspective, the goals, and the tactics, of those who "hope" to "change" the United States of America from a country of freedom to just another system... just another Venezuela where Obama is dictator instead of Chavez... where the elite in the castle rule the peasants (make no mistake... "peasants" mean you and me!) in the mud for the express purpose of providing a luxury lifestyle for........... the elite... while the peasants slave away in the mud. Anyone ever see a movie where the soldiers from the Lord's castle come into the village to collect taxes... and beat the men, rape the women, kill the kids, until the peasants pay up? Anyone notice who had weapons and who doesn't? Well... that is exactly what the elites like Obama, Hillary, and too many (maybe even all?) of our Senators and Representatives and Supreme Court Justices, George Soros (do a search on this guy and learn!), and their ilk "hope" to "change" the United States of America into.

The "hope" is to attain the goal of "changing" the U.S. from a country where the common man rules his own life to where the elite rule.................. the common man.
@ Wolf_fire

Actually, I did not ask what I should be doing in ANY of the scenarios. I asked, "what do you do..." (read the title of the thread). I am quite comfortable in my own solutions to all the scenarios. I thought this was a FORUM where people DISCUSS topics. From the others who posted I got some new ideas, and maybe someone else did as well? Is it possible that this thread has educated someone else that did have legitimate questions? Aren't we all suppose to be on th same side here? Why are you trying to make an enemy out of me? Wake on the other side of the bed tomorrow, I will hold judgement on you until then.

Again, thank you to everyone else who replied as an adult.

If you are genuinely serious... then I will answer... however, I have to say I was startled by the questions, especially when you said you left your firearm unattended in a public bathroom stall ,and felt we had another troll in the rooms. If that is not the case, I humbly apologize.

BATHROOM: I look around to find a decent spot to unholster and set down my firearm within the stall and within hand's reach while I'm on the throne. Usually the toilet paper dispenser is the best place. After I'm done, I holster back up again. If there is no place to set it down, I open the stance of my legs to keep the pants from falling all the way to the floor.

GYM: I don't trust gym locker rooms and would keep my firearm locked in my truck. If you can work out with a belly band this may be a solution. I have a belly band, yet haven never taken it to the gym. I do not know your gym routine, but mine would not work well with a belly band.

VEHICLE: If I can't comfortably wear it, I take it out and put it in the console. It's still handy, but won't fly around the cabin. There are holster type attachments to just below the steering wheel that can be had. This is not a concern of mine in general since I drive a pick up and it's plenty comfortable. I also ride a motorcycle and again, I don't have this issue.

ANOTHER HOUSE: Usually if I'm invited to a person's house they know my thoughts on firearms. I wouldn't mention it again to them. If however, they did not know my thoughts on firearms, I would have a discussion with them before I would arrive. I would abide by their rules since it is their property as I would expect them to abide by my rules in my home. I personally don't think this is a matter for debate. If one feels so strongly that one's right to carry trumps their right to their rules on their property, one probably shouldn't be socializing with them anyway.
Thank you Wolf,

Surely there are many-a-troll on the forums, but I am not one of them. I argue enough with the ex-Wife, I do not need to troll for arguments elsewhere. S'all good.

I also assumed that these topics were likely already discussed at some point in the existence of this web site, but I chose to bring them back up, both for myself and for all the new-comers to the forum since the previous discussions have disappeared into the ether of a long running online forum.

I left my gun in a stall when I was carrying "off and on" which was a recipe for disaster. Too easy to forget if you are carrying that day of you do not do it every day... Instead of giving up my rights (as some may suggest), I instead chose to carry every day, all day, without exception which makes it much easier to keep it at the top of my mind. I haven't made that mistake again and my routine now would not allow such a mistake to happen. The only good thing that has come from that mistake (besides that no one got hurt) was that I learned a very important lesson... and hopefully someone else will learn it too from reading about my mistake.

I hear most people say they do not trust gym lockers, which does surprise me. I guess I have never had any issues so my trust is higher than most. Sadly, I trust the gym locker more than I trust my weapon sitting out in a car (I have had cars stolen, but not a gym locker issue), but I will definitely pick up a mongo-big pad lock for more assurances.

I have been thinking about the belly band holster, although I do not see it fitting into a gym workout. I do see it as very possible option for my mountain biking, running, and summer-hiking. I thank you guys for that suggestion it has reenforced what I was already thinking.

My van is easy to drive while carrying. It is my sports car (1978 Datsun 280z) that does not offer any help (not even room for cup holders). There is no center console, no place to mount a lock box, and the glove box can not be locked. Obviously I try my best to plan ahead and don't drive it to a place I need to un-holster, but I do love driving that car and it gets much better MPG than my van. Life just isn't perfect eh?

Thanks Bluestringer and Bikenut.
I hear most people say they do not trust gym lockers, which does surprise me. I guess I have never had any issues so my trust is higher than most. Sadly, I trust the gym locker more than I trust my weapon sitting out in a car (I have had cars stolen, but not a gym locker issue), but I will definitely pick up a mongo-big pad lock for more assurances.

Thanks Bluestringer and Bikenut.

You're welcome.

One more thing about the gym locker - I don't do gyms myself, so this isn't a personal anecdote, and I'm not positive of the member whose anecdote it is (I think I remember, but not going to name him since I'm not positive), but we do have a regular poster here who did put his weapon in a locker during workouts, and who was "made" either while changing into or out of his workout attire. Cops were called, allegations were made of threats or brandishing or whatever, charges were filed, weapon seized, heavy financial costs incurred, and I'm not positive of the outcome, though I think I recall that it was resolved in our member's favor. Still, depending on the laws where you are concerning open carry or failure to completely conceal or whatever the statute(s) may say, there are other considerations than "just" the potential for your weapon to be stolen that you should try to preconceive and guard against. Not sure a belly-band would help at the gym if you shower there after your workouts with that anecdote in mind. You'd still have to expose your weapon while changing and/or showering. Also, whether at the gym or just trying on clothes at Brook's Brothers, if you've never removed a belly-band (or the Velcro'ed holster attached to the one linked earlier in the thread), they are noisy! In my experience, there is no other accessory one might wear with that much Velcro except some kind of holster, so when you rip open the Velcro belly-band, or remove the holster, everyone in the locker-room or dressing room area or bathroom will likely know that you're carrying. And even if they don't already know, they will know when they whip their heads around to see what that tearing noise was. Just more to consider.

what do you guys do with your gun when going #2 in a public restroom?
i keep mine holstered in my crossbreed iwb when using the toilet i don't drop my pants to the ground either i spread my leg out to hold my pants just above the knee sometimes holding the rig and gun secure it's easy with some practice ..and depending on what stall i use and if folks can see through the crack in the door even when shut if i can see out they can see in so i try to cover it with my undies still in squat position i don't sit on public toilet seats lol

- I workout at my local gym 5 days a week. I wear shorts that will not hold the weight of my full-size M&P so it stays in a locker (locked of course). I do not like leaving it there, but I feel it is safer in a locker then in my car outside. Mainly I feel completely exposed though. What do you guys do with your gun when you workout at a gym?
i don't go to the gym but when i wear elastic waist shorts i use a good gun belt and my iwb clip the holster clips to the outside of shorts and like normal ride the butt just above the waist

- I drive two different vehicles. One is a large van, easy to carry while driving. The other is a very small sports car with wrap-around seats and seating posture that make it very difficult to have something on my belt. Even a cell-phone is uncomfortable, let alone a full-size pistol.
i carry at 330ish 4 and can unholster easily in seated and driving and wear it well

- What about when you get home? Do you let your guard down and un-holster once you are in your own home? stays on till i get ready for bed

- Lastly, when I enter a friend's house that I have not yet asked his permission to carry in his house, I leave my gun locked in the car. We are talking about another person's house with wife and kids in play. Am I being too nice here? Should I announce it before entering his residence if I am

i don't tell folks i carrying when i go to their house unless they already know i carry and they ask
Thanks Bluestringer and Bikenut.
You are quite welcome... glad to be of help.

I drive a pick up truck where the seating offers very little in restrictions...

I also drive a Camaro... and the seats aren't too terribly confining although the center console/seat belt attachment do tend to confine my gun/holster yet I've never had a problem practicing drawing/presenting to driver's side window/passenger's side window from my normal hip carry... you have practiced UNLOADED drawing while in a vehicle? Yes?.

But our much smaller Mazda MX5 (Miata) is much more confining/seats much more constrictive/center console much more in the way than the Camaro... yet again... I've never had a problem drawing/presenting from my normal hip carry in that car either.

However... drawing from concealed pocket carry is a real problem in all 3 vehicles. It can be done if necessary but it sure isn't easy.

While I have no clue how restrictive the seats are in a 280Z.... one thing to consider...

Every time the gun is handled from holster to another area/holster, especially in a confined space, is another opportunity for a possible unexpected ... umm... surprise.

I enjoy the Camaro for straight line acceleration thrills.... and I enjoy the Miata for sliding both ends at the same time around corners... that little snot will slide so controllably! Taught my wife how to slide around corners with that Miata... and she liked it too.

Sorry.. got off topic there but it brought back memories of a Miata squeeling it's tires drifting around a curve... and the biggest brightest smile on my wife's face... all at the same time. Good memories... :smile:
Mine never comes out of its holster unless I need to enter someplace where it is illegal to carry.
I suppose if I needed to lock up at the gym, I'd just make sure to put my own luck on the locker.

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
Thank you Wolf,

Surely there are many-a-troll on the forums, but I am not one of them. I argue enough with the ex-Wife, I do not need to troll for arguments elsewhere. S'all good.

I also assumed that these topics were likely already discussed at some point in the existence of this web site, but I chose to bring them back up, both for myself and for all the new-comers to the forum since the previous discussions have disappeared into the ether of a long running online forum.



You're welcome. And I have to laugh at the ex-wife comment. Now that I know your name, I will not make the same mistake twice. Welcome to the forums, and I look forward to more posts from you.

I have synchronized my bowel movements with my morning schedule in such a way that I only go number two once a day and at home. Problem solved ;-)
I have synchronized my bowel movements with my morning schedule in such a way that I only go number two once a day and at home. Problem solved ;-)

I wonder if they'll ever make synchronized bowl movements an Olympic event? :dance3:
I use a BLACKHAWK! Instructors Gun Belt Link Removed
and just pull the Velcro back on itself when I have to go to the bathroom.

When I workout i use a KA-BAR TDI Fanny Pack http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/policestuff_2257_1001426308

And I am armed from the time I get up in the morning until I go to sleep at night when the firearm goes into the gun safe on my night stand.

I don't have any friends that don't agree with the need to be armed.

I have been carrying off and on both OC and CC for three years now (Colorado baby!). About a year ago I changed my off-n-on habit to carry ALL waking hours, no matter the extra work required to do so. I figure there is no use having a handgun if it is not on your belt, right? Since then I have been running into some snags in my plan. I know these may sound like silly questions, but what do you guys do with your carry-gun when...

- I once took my gun off my belt to drop my drawers to use the toilet. I finished my business and promptly forgot my gun when I left the stall! (I know right! :nono:). I was lucky that no one else came into the restroom after so I was able to retrieve it without anyone else knowing. So, now I leave it holstered and on my belt no matter what. But, what do you guys do with your gun when going #2 in a public restroom?

- I workout at my local gym 5 days a week. I wear shorts that will not hold the weight of my full-size M&P so it stays in a locker (locked of course). I do not like leaving it there, but I feel it is safer in a locker then in my car outside. Mainly I feel completely exposed though. What do you guys do with your gun when you workout at a gym?

- I drive two different vehicles. One is a large van, easy to carry while driving. The other is a very small sports car with wrap-around seats and seating posture that make it very difficult to have something on my belt. Even a cell-phone is uncomfortable, let alone a full-size pistol.

- What about when you get home? Do you let your guard down and un-holster once you are in your own home?

- Lastly, when I enter a friend's house that I have not yet asked his permission to carry in his house, I leave my gun locked in the car. We are talking about another person's house with wife and kids in play. Am I being too nice here? Should I announce it before entering his residence if I am carrying?

Thanks, and feel free to have some fun with the discussion, but please do not beat me up too badly for my bathroom mistake. I already have.
Think about a Pacsafe. They are portable and makes your weapon hell of lot more secure when its not on your person. They have ones small enough to fit you weapon, holster and extra mags. Look it up and get yourself a set!

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