New member
Sorry, but it's acting like a moron.
In our society, when someone speaks to you, it is a societal norm to respond, whether it's a person on the sidewalk, a cop, a stock-person in a store, or the POTUS.
A "yes/no" question is not asking for a confession, it's asking the driver if they know what is happening. An answer of "no" is not terribly difficult, and it does not incriminate you in any way.
There is no law that says you are supposed to know why a cop pulls you over, and there is no penalty for not knowing why if a cop asks you.
Getting tired of apologists who think that acting like an *** in society is a good thing.
Chris Rock did a great skit on how to act around the police. I couldn't have said it better.
I can't link to it, but if you look up Chris Rock and Police on Youtube, ya' can't miss it.
why do cops like you think that a person protecting their rights by not offering info, by not engaging in " friendly chit chat" is acting like an ahole? I am not arguing with the cop I am not denying anything I am cooperating with his commands to produce documents, I am just not talking to him about how the weather is. a cop is a hammer and to him everyone he encounters is a nail that needs pounding, I try not to get pounded.