Vigilante Justice for Trayvon?

Danger in the link. AntiSpyware 2012 lurks there.

Isn't the link valid? Or have I posted a dangerous link? I will remove the link if it contains something harmful. But I received no alarm from my firewall or my anti-spyware software when I opened the link.

I guess I just don't understand your reference to AnitSpyware 2012... I am probably being dense this morning.

This is despicable. I hope they get arrested for attempted murder. If would happen in TX, they would get shot.
Danger in the link. AntiSpyware 2012 lurks there.
In mine too...!!! I got a danger virus software did not allow me to read anything. I just saw a brief photo of the guy. Maybe it would help to copy the article in your post then put a link for those that can access the story. I certainly can't. Sorry....
I opened another link on this forum, and also got a pop-up telling me that my computer had a virus, and wanted to do a scan with AntiSpyware 2012.

My anti-spyware didn't pick up on it, but I know better then to close the pop-up. If you do, it will download a virus. Better to use Control, Alt, and Del, and let the task manager close the whole page.
You can all be the judge of this story. An innocent man's life hangs by a thread after his brutal beating.
‘Justice for Trayvon’: Alabama Man in Critical Condition After Mob Beating

My wife and I went out for our daily neighborhood walk yesterday afternoon and I saw an older model gold colored honda accord with 3 teenaged african american youths driving around. They drove by us at least 3 different times within a 30 minute period.
Each time that they drove by they would look at us.

I pretty much acted as if I did not even notice them (I had my wraparound sunglasses on).
My wife was kind of clueless about the entire situation until I mentioned them to her after their 3rd drive by. We made sure that they did not follow us home after we completed our walk. We did not see them again after their 3rd drive by.

Where they up to no good?
Who knows, probably not, our neighborhood park has a nice basketball court which they probably use.
But at the end of the day, it's always a good idea to be alert to your surroundings.

Was I concealed carrying?
You betcha (Glock 27 IWB loaded with Hornady Critical Defense with an extra 13 round magazine inside my pocket.)

~Stay Alert and Be Safe Out There Folks~
I clicked that link and almost got a virus. It wouldnt let me leave the page, then it tried to download some setup file. I wouldnt click on it.
Where's Alley-boy and Jesse? Deep down they love that this happened. Racist, lying criminals, both of them.
Full Article Posted

In mine too...!!! I got a danger virus software did not allow me to read anything. I just saw a brief photo of the guy. Maybe it would help to copy the article in your post then put a link for those that can access the story. I certainly can't. Sorry....

I'll try to cut & paste the article:

‘Justice for Trayvon’: Alabama Man in Critical Condition After Mob Beating

Link Removed:
Mobile police need your help to catch a mob that beat Matthew Owens so badly that he’s in critical condition.
According to police, Owens fussed at some kids playing basketball in the middle of Delmar Drive about 8:30 Saturday night. They say the kids left and a group of adults returned, armed with everything but the kitchen sink.
Police tell News 5 the suspects used chairs, pipes and paint cans to beat Owens.
Owens’ sister, Ashley Parker, saw the attack. “It was the scariest thing I have ever witnessed.” Parker says 20 people, all African American, attacked her brother on the front porch of his home, using “brass buckles, paint cans and anything they could get their hands on.”
What Parker says happened next could make the fallout from the brutal beating even worse. As the attackers walked away, leaving Owen bleeding on the ground, Parker says one of them said “Now thats justice for Trayvon.”

Link Removed:
A witness who wants to remain anonymous describes what he says he heard at his front door Saturday night, on Delmar Drive. ”I just kept hearing him screaming, ‘Man, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, man don’t do this,’ ” he recalls.
On the other side of that door was Matthew Owen, who, police and neighbors say, was being beaten by a group of people. The weapons? Bricks, bats, even a paint can.
At first, when he heard his friend at the door, the man thought it was a joke. ”Then I saw about 10 to 15 people from little kids and women with dresses to adult men, just flooding onto the property, surrounding the car, hollering and screaming,” he says. “And then I heard Matthew saying, ‘ I’m sorry, man, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.’ And then, the next thing, before I could get to the door, because we have it all deadbolted and everything, and before I could get it open, I heard all the beating and banging.”
Even family and friends of Matthew Owens admit there was some tension on this street before Saturday night’s event. And they say a lot of this has to do with basketball. Relatives of the victim, who live on the street, say local kids often block Delmar Drive when they play basketball. They say it’s lead to some confrontations. Racial comments from both sides may have made the confrontations more toxic.
Photo of Victim

In mine too...!!! I got a danger virus software did not allow me to read anything. I just saw a brief photo of the guy. Maybe it would help to copy the article in your post then put a link for those that can access the story. I certainly can't. Sorry....

Here's a photo of the guy...

Link Removed
Thanks MilShooter...

If there were witnesses to this atrocity, one shot could have dispersed them, d'ya think? I feel sorry for the guy. He doesn't deserve this...

You think Al and Jesse will come out and say something? Not on their life! Not even the great ob will jump at this one, I am sure...just one sentence from him will diffuse this kind of situation, but no, he will be busy going to the comedy festival as a speaker so i heard...:neo:
If Al and Jessie were to say anything it would be to blame people no longer living for enslaving people no longer living. After all it is because of slavery we have racism. So now instead of being a black slave to a white master we have a black slave to a black master. Make no mistake, people like Al and Jessie have made a fortune enslaving black America. These people are not aloud to put the past behind them and move on. They are constantly reminded they are still slaves to the white master.
And just how, in their addled little minds, did they think that beating a man in Mobile Alabama was in any way justice for Trayvon Martin? White man shoots a black man, that's racist. Black mob beats a white man, and not the first since the Martin shooting either, and it's "justice for Trayvon?" This is what the likes of SHarpton and Jackson have bought us too.

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