Veterans/Military "sign in" honor list

US Army 1964 to 1991, Retired as CW4
I went to the Camp Kue Army Hospital in Okinawa early 1965 the Vietnam for less than three months as a medic (173rd Abn Bde) back to Okinawa (I was evacuated from RVN due to serious illness) after Okinawa Fort Benning in '66 back to RVN with the 199th Light infantry Brigade, 2/3rd Infantry as medic again. Got out briefly in '67, went back January '68 enlisting for flight school. Back to RVN 1st Infantry Division (A company, 1st Aviation Battalion, Phu Loi) for a year, back to Fort Wolters Texas for a year 1970, back to RVN January 71, 1st Aviation Brigade, 164th Group, 13th Combat Aviation Batallion, first in the 191st Assault Helicopter Company, then in C Troop 16th Cavalry till '72. after that a whirlwind of stateside assignments, three years in the reserve, back to active duty, more stateside, couple of stints in Korea, Made Desert Shield/Storm and retired at Fort Sill. 1991
Quantico 1975-76 MCDEC OCC & TBS
Camp Pendleton 1976-78 D Batt 2nd Bn 11th Regiment 1st Mar Div
Fort Douglas 1978-80 F Co 2nd Bn 23rd Regiment 4th Mar Div
Alameda 1980-81 HQ Batt 1st Bn 14th Regiment 4th Mar Div
Honorable discharge Jan 1982
Semper Fi
Do or die.
United States Navy
United States Naval Reserve
RTC(W) Bainbridge, MD
DINFOS Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN
FHTNC Great Lakes, IL
CNET Pensacola, FL
Various Reserve units, Charleston, SC

Thank you for your service to our Nation, Chief.
USMC 2/2/72 - 12/23/75
BootCamp San Diego Platoon 3014 2/2/72-5/5/72
2 months Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Ca.
3 months Iwakuni, Japan
12 months Namphong, Thailand aka The Rose Garden
15 months El Toro, Ca.
11 months Vieques, Puerto Rico
2 weeks Cherry Point, N.C. for release from active duty
Early outs. Honorably discharged.

You got out just about the time I went in.

You were on the West Coast while I was on the East Coast.

Semper Fi.
United States Marine Corps
S. Korea
USS Tarawa
Iraq 2003,2004, 2005

You went in just about the time I got out.

Looks like you went to the Rock right after boot camp.

Semper Fi.
United States Marine Corps
1976 - 1983 MOS 2542 Rank E-5 at discharge.

MCRD San Diego Bootcamp

Twenty-Nine Palms, CA School

MCAS Iwakuni, Japan First duty station

Twenty-Nine Palms, CA Instructor at Communications Electronics School

Okinawa, Japan 3rd Battalion 12th Marines

MCAS New River, Jacksonville, NC Mag 26

We were in at the same time, Sgt. But our paths did not cross.

Semper Fi.

1961-1991 (30 Years AD)

The World!

RVN 1963-1966
RVN 1967-1968
RVN 1970-1971

Marine Amphibious Unit-RVN- Fall of Saigon (Picked up the embassy folks by chopper)
Marine Amphibious Unit- Grenada/Lebanon

Marine Amphibious Unit - Lebanon (Kicked the Israelis out)

Been there, done that, got the ball cap!

Looks like you were in the same time as I was. But our paths did not cross.

Semper Fi.
Just got thru poring over all 42 pages and did not find anyone whose path crossed with mine.

Did not see anyone whose path crossed with my dad's either. He was US Army 1942-1963 (Normandy, Germany, Korea, Ft. Sill, then back to Korea).

Thank you all for your brave service.
Army Infantry - 1991 to 1997 and again from 2002 to 2007

My late wife was Air Force "Military Intelligence". My son is currently in the Air Force.
Army Infantry - 1991 to 1997 and again from 2002 to 2007

My late wife was Air Force "Military Intelligence". My son is currently in the Air Force.

Did you get a chance to take a look at the 42 pages? There are lots of others from the 90's and early 2000's -- which was way after my tour.

It was fascinating to look through the lists.
Just got thru poring over all 42 pages and did not find anyone whose path crossed with mine.
Not necessarily. Can you imagine the number of TDYs everyone here went on? You may have met them, but just don't know it.
Not necessarily. Can you imagine the number of TDYs everyone here went on? You may have met them, but just don't know it.

Welcome back Rhino !!

I read several of your posts.

And you are right.

Funny though of all the many military websites I have been on and seen I have never come across anyone that was even near where I was stationed when I was stationed there. Bad luck I guess.

And the old vets never seem to go back before Viet Nam (the original spelling).

One vet here in your thread was pre-Vietnam (modern spelling) though. That was interesting to see and read about.

Great thread thank you.
10 years and counting
07-10 Dover DE
10-15 Travis AFB CA
15-16 Osan AB Korea
16- probably retirement Pope AAF

Welcome, Airman! Or Sergeant. Or Major.

I remember my father telling me that the USAF was formed right after WW2 and to do it they recruited from the Army, Navy, and Marines to form a new hybrid armed force. My dad wanted to get in, but there was too much supply of willing transferees.

Enjoy the forum.

Thank you for your current service during your tour of duty and watch.

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