USA Carry Shot Show Coverage - Updated Pics 1/29/09


Staff member
We will be attending the Shot Show this year and wanted to start a thread where I'll be posting any pictures and updates to while I'm there. If there's something in particular you'd like us to check out, post it here. This will be our first Shot Show. If you are attending, look for us wearing black USA Carry shirts and say hi.

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I've posted all the pictures here:
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I'll be there the whole weeked. Can't wait. It's always a great time. Watch the photo taking though. Unless you have a press pass, taking photos on the convention floor can get you kicked out.
Yep, we have press passes so we should be able to snap away! Stop me if you se me and say hey.

It will be myself and one or two guys that help me with the site.
I wish I were able to attend what may very be the last Shot Show weekend, now that Obama is about to take office. Hope you enjoy and please don't take it for granted.
I seriously doubt that the Shot Show is going anywhere. Here is a brief history of the 30 years it's been around...

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The first SHOT Show was held in St. Louis in 1979 – with attendance at 5,600 and square
footage just over 52,000. In the 27 years since, SHOT Show acceptance and attendance have
skyrocketed – attendance in 2005 was 24,655, while the square footage topped 569,000.
We’ve all come a long way. And thanks to you, we’re still growing!
I won't be in town until late tomorrow night, but I will hit the Conv. center early on FRI. Just packed all my stuff where I can grab it and go tomorrow.
Just got back from Shot Show 2009. What a great time. My feet are still aching after days of walking. Tons of great stuff, i don't even know where to start. Got to meet some great people which is half the fun. Luke, I was looking for you but no luck.
Crap! I live right around the corner from the Orlando Convention Center, and I couldn't get the time off to go. And it was a fluke that it was held here - Vegas wasn't ready on time. Guess I'll have to travel next time.

That's okay, because I'm getting ready to sign up for the Front Sight handgun course. With a 66% discount and a free XD, I can't resist the offer! Might not be able to attend for a few months, but if I sign up now, the invite is open with no expiration. Can't wait!
The Shot Show was great. My feet are still hurting as well. It was definitely bigger than I was expecting and feel kind of silly saying "look for us walking in black polo's"! But I'll be uploading some pictures and info later today.
Get any photos of the new G22 RTF2? The new frame and slide option were debuted at the Shot Show. Glock only released the info about it the day before show started. It felt pretty good in the hand. Didn't stop in to see the Gunny this time, but saw him busy at work bringing in the crowds for Glock.
Get any photos of the new G22 RTF2? The new frame and slide option were debuted at the Shot Show. Glock only released the info about it the day before show started. It felt pretty good in the hand. Didn't stop in to see the Gunny this time, but saw him busy at work bringing in the crowds for Glock.

Yep, I'll be uploading them tonight.
Can't wait to see your photos. I am already starting to wargame ways to convince the wife to let me out to Vegas next year....that is if I am not working overseas somewhere. My firearms want list easily doubled.

Did you meet any of the famous people that venture the shot show floor? Got to meet Matt Hughes and a few others this year.
I'm home and forgot my camera cord at work of course. I'm not feeling that great either. But I got some pics from amddude who was out there with me. I've uploaded them:

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I'll be uploading all of mine and doing a little better job explaining them all as well as some better close up shots from these. I just did a quick batch process to shrink them and get them uploaded.
I stopped by that Margarita booth on Sunday. Blackhawk rolled out the kegs on Saturday and I got to drink a couple of Sam Adams with them. You can always count on Blackhawk and ADS to have the beer flowing.

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