US Navy test railgun


New member
I think I need one of these.

This sounds great. I like the idea of none of our soldiers ever going into a fair fight.

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In truth,the rail gun is not a new idea.There have been on-going experiments for years involving railguns.They have their own inherent problems.For one,it takes a HUGE amount of energy to launch a projectile,and after a few shots,the 'rails' become degraded(bent,warped,heat damaged).It would appear that they have found a way around some or all of these problems.Bravo.I,too,am all for our servicemen and servicewomen being able to fight without being IN the fight,and not in danger.
On another,ut similar note,do a search on 'gauss gunn'.It is similar to a rail gun,and you can build it in your garage!
Yeah this project has been in the navy for a LONG time. I built one of these, much smaller of course, a few years ago. It sat on a table top and shot a steal .5 inch slug extremely fast. I used a few cinderblocks as a back drop and routinely blew through them. Eventually I welded the whole system together. The problem with these right now is they have to be extremely long barrels to build up the pulsed energy and it takes a garage worth of equipment to power up and hold a charge needed to shoot the slugs. Very cool stuff though. A few of us here have thought about taking a gaurand rifle stock and making the barrel and everything to hoot. Of course I would need to carry a huge 80 pound backpack to make it all work. And I probably would only merit the power of a LR .22. If they can shrink the power sources and capacitors down, eventually I'll be happy with the result. But whose to say they have not. After all they've finally got the table laser onto a plane now!!!
Set Phasers To Kill......

The U.S. Navy is developing a phaser. That is the name of the weapon. I wish I could remember the link. it was on the Topix website last month, i think. The railgun would be good on my van. reminds me of the guy that drives a light british tank from WWII to work..... minus the guns, of course. :eek:

The U.S. Navy is developing a phaser. That is the name of the weapon. I wish I could remember the link. it was on the Topix website last month, i think. The railgun would be good on my van. reminds me of the guy that drives a light british tank from WWII to work..... minus the guns, of course. :eek:

A tank might be nice but not sure I could afford the fuel.

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