I don't know folks, the law varies from state to state so we'll see what the state of TX has to say. Just because something is legal doesn't mean its right. I don't know about you all, but I carry to keep a attacker from killing me. If a man walks up with a knife and tells me give me all your money then fine he can have it. I don't see the need to shoot a man over 50 bucks which is about all the cash I carry. Now, if he says I'm fixing to kill you and take your money, or even hint he is going to hurt me, then I will unload and sleep like a baby that night. Its really sad that there are those out there that would rather steal than work. I understand that and hate a freaking thief worse than anything, but for real now that is what we pay insurance for. The law does a fairly good job at getting your things back and if not you'll be paid for them. I have always had the opinion that a man is his own worst enemy and Mr. Horn has a long road ahead of him as MagistratePO stated. I bet if you talk to Mr. Horn this time next year, he will say he wished he would have minded his own business, did his civil duty by calling the police, and told them which direction they left in.
The older I get the less it takes to threaten me. Shotgun rack on my walker.
I just listened to the dispatch tape of the shooting. I gotta say, I would not want Horn as my neighbor, he is a nut! Part of being a gun owner is being level headed. Being able to judge a situation and determine the most prudent course of action. In times of real danger, you are not given that opportunity; you simply just have to react to save your life. This was not that time for him. He was in an ideal place where he could evaluate a situation: in his home away from the danger posed by the crimminals. He would of been an ideal witness if he remained calm and recorded as much information about the crimminals as he could. It was "stuff" they were taking, not a life. You can tell his anger at the robbery led to his shooting those crimminals. It was not out of self defense or to save someone's life, it was just because he was pi$$ed at the robbery. The violation he felt of his neighbor being robbed is not reason enough to shoot someone.
He has done a great diservice to all firearm holders. He will forever be cited in the media as "typical gun owner". I hope he goes to jail for murder.
+ 1 Exactly. I read all the posts from (obviously) younger guys and their hand combat skills and think back to when I studied Karate and Aikido. Now with severe arthritis of the spine, and age 72 I can pretty much forget that stuff, not to mention hitting the dirt and rolling while pulling my gun and all that running and movement training. (and if I did hit the dirt I'd hope someone other than the dirt bag was around since someone might have to help me get back on my feet.) I go to the range with a buddy because I can't bend over to pick up my brass other than just a few times. It's he ll to get old but the alternative isn't attractive either.
That is the new Castle Doctrine law that was just signed by the Governor last March.I gotta say "Wow" again! By reading the law, I think he will get off. I wonder if that law was written in a time when Texas was a little more than a frontier and urban centers were really nonexistant? That would make things a little different. Also, I am surprised that, due to the open nature of this law, there are not more shootings of this nature in Texas.
It turns out that the two he killed were Illegal aliens with criminal records. Bill was talking about it on the O'Reilly Factor. Two dope dealers that were looking for some fast money.
Bill's talking points. Click on 12-5 http://www.foxnews.com/video2/playe...ft&acc&Bill O'Reilly&-1&Opinion&198&&&new
Isn't that a supprise. Our government can spend trillions in Iraq but they can not do anything to stop the influx of criminals into our country.
And Joe Horn and these two Columbian criminals have What
to do with the war on Terror?
Come on and stay on topic.