Red Hat
New member
1. To allow carrying a handgun under the seat of your vehicle.
2009-2010 Bill 3298: Handgun - South Carolina Legislature Online
2. Amendment to our Constitution to proclaim that hunting, trapping, and fishing and the taking of wild animals, birds, and fish are a valued part of our heritage and shall be forever preserved for the people.
2009-2010 Bill 3483: Wildlife and fish - South Carolina Legislature Online
3. I love this one. To change the CC laws name from 'Law Abiding Citizens Self-Defense Act of 1996 to South Carolina Well-Regulated Militia Act'. If the Feds tries to do away with the States right to allow CC then they will have a hard time doing it to us. We will be the Well-Regulated Militia as stated in the 2A.
2009-2010 Bill 3652: Subject not yet available - South Carolina Legislature Online
2009-2010 Bill 3298: Handgun - South Carolina Legislature Online
2. Amendment to our Constitution to proclaim that hunting, trapping, and fishing and the taking of wild animals, birds, and fish are a valued part of our heritage and shall be forever preserved for the people.
2009-2010 Bill 3483: Wildlife and fish - South Carolina Legislature Online
3. I love this one. To change the CC laws name from 'Law Abiding Citizens Self-Defense Act of 1996 to South Carolina Well-Regulated Militia Act'. If the Feds tries to do away with the States right to allow CC then they will have a hard time doing it to us. We will be the Well-Regulated Militia as stated in the 2A.
2009-2010 Bill 3652: Subject not yet available - South Carolina Legislature Online
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