This Parents Perspective


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As we try to digest the tragic events of this past week, I couldn't help but compose my thoughts. I am the parent of 2 boys. One 15, and one 12. We belong to a local shooting club and enjoy and respect using firearms. They understand the damaging ability firearms have. All firearms are in a safe when not in use or when I am not carrying. They have absolutely no desire to cause death and destruction eventhough we posess these firearms. My wife and I have raised them to respect authority, the law, and anyone else they come into contact with even if they disagree with them. We love them dearly and tell them that as well as how proud we are of them for being A students and overall good young men. When we feel that they are being disrepectful or making poor decisions, we correct them to make sure they understand why they need to change their actions. We have never had to use physical punishment. My voice tone and "look" are enough to make my point. We are consistent with our parenting skills (we are not perfect by any means) and we follow through with what we say. We are involved in their lives, know who they hang out with, and try to give them the best upbringing we know how to. There are no guarantees with anything in life, but we feel that the odds are with us as long as we do our job the best that we can.

I have often thought how easy it would be for anyone to walk into either of their schools and basically do whatever they want. I, as a law abiding citizen, purposely leave my gun at home if I ever have to go to their school. I know some on this forum would "just carry anyway", but in this case I follow the rules even if I disagree with them. I don't want to risk the chance of losing my ability to carry just to say screw your rules, I know I am right for carrying on school grounds. Society doesn't have to worry about someone like me, and for most of the people who do things the right way, they don't have to worry about them either. You will never be able to stop the ones you do have to worry about. The ones who don't follow rules, who don't respect human life, and who are basically pure evil with no conscience. Make all the rules you can think of to make yourselves feel "safer", you will only hurt individuals like me and make it easier for the scum of the earth to cause more death and destruction.

No one loves their kids more than I do, and some love their kids less. I would NEVER recommend anything that would put them in harms way. Of course if you speak to someone who was anti gun or not necessarily progun before, since the shooting, they are going to be anti or more anti gun based on the pure emotional aspect of the CT shooting. That being said, it is so hard for me to understand how people can't see the logic to my viewpoint. How many mass shootings have there been at gun stores and police stations compared to gun free zones? I just renewed my memberships to the NRA and GOA. I am also signing up my boys to Jr. memberships to the NRA. Although I have only had my CC permit here in NY for a little over a year, this is the first time I am actually frightened about the anti gun climate. I hope and pray that reason and common sense will prevail. I know there are more people like me and my family then like that maniac who hopefully is currently burning in hell as we speak. I want my kids to have the same freedoms I had growing up and since I plan on being around for some time myself, I would like to benefit from the same rights that America was founded on.

I am a parent of a 6, 2 and 7 month old. I completely agree with you and hope to raise my kids to respect firearms and be proficient. Discipline is the key with children.
I honestly don't know where to post this item. On the one hand it is nothing to do with guns, but on the other hand it is related to the recent school shooting (which many seem to want to make about guns). If I've posted in the wrong area, my apologies, perhaps people would be able to suggest a better area. I think that it should be widely discussed though.

Three days before 20 year-old Adam Lanza killed his mother, then opened fire on a classroom full of Connecticut kindergartners, my 13-year old son Michael (name changed) missed his bus because he was wearing the wrong color pants."I can wear these pants," he said, his tone increasingly belligeren...
Link Removed
Obama has said never allow a crisis go to waste..
You can bet they are going to do their best to outlaw AR's AK's and hig capacity mags....

I ordered a couple of new mags for my 9mm - 40cal - 45cal.
Very well put. Wouldn't it be interesting to know just how many there were of you, me and others like us in this thinking.
As we try to digest the tragic events of this past week, I couldn't help but compose my thoughts. I am the parent of 2 boys. One 15, and one 12. We belong to a local shooting club and enjoy and respect using firearms. My 12 year old put together an AR15, has a M1 Carbine and a 22 rifle. My 15 year old has a Ruger 10/22, a Mosen, and an AK. They are very proficient with them and they understand the damaging ability firearms have. I have one pistol, a M&P 9C. All firearms are in a safe when not in use or when I am not carrying. They have absolutely no desire to cause death and destruction eventhough we posess these firearms. My wife and I have raised them to respect authority, the law, and anyone else they come into contact with even if they disagree with them. We love them dearly and tell them that as well as how proud we are of them for being A students and overall good young men. When we feel that they are being disrepectful or making poor decisions, we correct them to make sure they understand why they need to change their actions. We have never had to use physical punishment. My voice tone and "look" are enough to make my point. We are consistent with our parenting skills (we are not perfect by any means) and we follow through with what we say. We are involved in their lives, know who they hang out with, and try to give them the best upbringing we know how to. There are no guarantees with anything in life, but we feel that the odds are with us as long as we do our job the best that we can.

I have often thought how easy it would be for anyone to walk into either of their schools and basically do whatever they want. I, as a law abiding citizen, purposely leave my gun at home if I ever have to go to their school. I know some on this forum would "just carry anyway", but in this case I follow the rules even if I disagree with them. I don't want to risk the chance of losing my ability to carry just to say screw your rules, I know I am right for carrying on school grounds. Society doesn't have to worry about someone like me, and for most of the people who do things the right way, they don't have to worry about them either. You will never be able to stop the ones you do have to worry about. The ones who don't follow rules, who don't respect human life, and who are basically pure evil with no conscience. Make all the rules you can think of to make yourselves feel "safer", you will only hurt individuals like me and make it easier for the scum of the earth to cause more death and destruction.

No one loves their kids more than I do, and some love their kids less. I would NEVER recommend anything that would put them in harms way. Of course if you speak to someone who was anti gun or not necessarily progun before, since the shooting, they are going to be anti or more anti gun based on the pure emotional aspect of the CT shooting. That being said, it is so hard for me to understand how people can't see the logic to my viewpoint. How many mass shootings have there been at gun stores and police stations compared to gun free zones? I just renewed my memberships to the NRA and GOA. I am also signing up my boys to Jr. memberships to the NRA. Although I have only had my CC permit here in NY for a little over a year, this is the first time I am actually frightened about the anti gun climate. I hope and pray that reason and common sense will prevail. I know there are more people like me and my family then like that maniac who hopefully is currently burning in hell as we speak. I want my kids to have the same freedoms I had growing up and since I plan on being around for some time myself, I would like to benefit from the same rights that America was founded on.
Get ready as the politicians are gearing up to ban semi-automatic weapons and high capacity magazines.
If you ever wanted an AR or AK style rifle or any magazines that hold more than six bullets you better buy them while you can as Obama and his crews are working hard to ban them.
You hear the news media saying ban automatic weapons…Well folks they already are…The AR’s and AKs are semi-automatic just like the 22 caliber rifle you hunted or target practiced with when you were young.
Obama’s mindset is to never allow a crisis to go to waste…

These idiots will not address the real issue of the failure of our society to return to common sense and being responsible for your actions. Our society has no from pride in your country and family as when I grew up. Life has little value in today’s world. God has been pushed out of every school and public events because we are afraid to offend someone!

Well I say if you are offended by God or my rights to pray or praise God then you are part of the problem.
It sounds more like this was a failure to address a young man who had mental issues.
Wonder when they will outlaw or control knives. Look at this link. Man with knife injures 22 kids at school in China

Now don’t get me wrong as I pray for the Families that lost loved ones. I'm sorry such an idiot was allowed to walk among us... The reality is there are more of these folks than we like to think...If you ever doubted that pure evil exists, this should provide your answer.

It's a shame that we didn't learn from Columbine, VA Tech...Arm and train our teachers! This thug could have been stopped before he took so many lives.... We all know the children are sitting with God and being told stories and are happy and at peace. The Families are the ones hurting and suffering...God bless them!

Do you want to fix this…?

Every window in a school should be bullet proof.

Armed officer control egress to the property.

There should be a foyer and a set of bullet-proof glass doors at the front of a body scan unit (like Airport). You get buzzed into the body scanner after your identification card is scanned and verified. (Like a bank drive-up window you give the officer your driver’s license) Facial recognition software too conducts a face scan and matches to your ID.

The doors close behind you, and you get a body scan. If you pass the body scans another set of bullet-proof doors open up to allow you access to the school office. If you don’t pass the body scan you are locked down between two sets of bullet-proof doors.

Teachers have card access to get into their class room with mag locks. The doors are always locked and cannot be proper open.

No exterior windows can open. Every door should be metal with Kevlar lining.

Every exit door should have bollards that are ten feet deep in the ground to prevent you from driving a vehicle into the doors.

You must understand this is not cheap and will be time-consuming for you to gain access to the school.

It cannot be said enough “Train and arm our teachers."

If you can’t trust them with a firearm, then you should not trust them with your children.

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