The Food Police have arrived in NYC!

I am all for eating smarter and better and there is no doubt trans fats are bad. that being said people have to take responsibility for themselves. It is the individuals job to decide what he wants to eat. No one makes them go to the restaurants. Besides I am sure N.Y has enough problems they could be dealing with without policing what people are eating. Next thing you know they will be searching homes to make sure no one is eating something that is on the ban list.
I am all for eating smarter and better and there is no doubt trans fats are bad. that being said people have to take responsibility for themselves. It is the individuals job to decide what he wants to eat. No one makes them go to the restaurants. Besides I am sure N.Y has enough problems they could be dealing with without policing what people are eating. Next thing you know they will be searching homes to make sure no one is eating something that is on the ban list.

Maybe the name of the city should be changed from New York City to Oceania, and instead of Mayor, Michael Bloomberg would be addressed as Big Brother. Furthermore, anyone who purchases foods that contain trans fat would have to register those foods with Big Brother, for a fee of $500. However, in an effort to subvert the this fee, a trans fat black market would develop and food related crimes would begin to rise.
I guess now that they feel they are losing their fight on guns NY is going to starve us to death. As was said it is up to the person to take responsibility for his or her own actions.
Another great idea from the NYC officials! Maybe they should also require mandatory daily exercise.

NYC ... where you're free to choose ........... anything on the NYC approved list!
Maybe the name of the city should be changed from New York City to Oceania, and instead of Mayor, Michael Bloomberg would be addressed as Big Brother. Furthermore, anyone who purchases foods that contain trans fat would have to register those foods with Big Brother, for a fee of $500. However, in an effort to subvert the this fee, a trans fat black market would develop and food related crimes would begin to rise.

Sounds like San Angeles and next they will outlaw everything that is bad for you.........

Then we'll have to wait for John Spartan to show us all the proper way to live.
If you do not brush your hair or teeth it will be a misdemeanor. Not wiping C.P.

What about not washing your hands after using the bathroom?


Picking your nose while cruising down the highway?? (Come on we have all seen it!)
(said with a drunken slur)
"aren't I in america? oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was america"
south park

time to start a food storage of all our tasty junk food.

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