I just bought a Taurus PT140 Millennium Pro for concealed carry. I've heard all the horror stories about these guns and will decide on its performance myself after I try it at the range so I'm not looking for info on the performance of the gun itself. Time will tell on that. I have a question on carrying with a round chambered.
I plan to carry it with a round in the chamber and the external safety on. I assume that everyone that owns one of these and carries it concealed does so in this manner. Does anyone have serious reservations or experience as to why this is not a good idea? To me, carrying loaded with the safety on is the only way to ensure I'm ready in the event I need to draw the pistol for self defense.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
I plan to carry it with a round in the chamber and the external safety on. I assume that everyone that owns one of these and carries it concealed does so in this manner. Does anyone have serious reservations or experience as to why this is not a good idea? To me, carrying loaded with the safety on is the only way to ensure I'm ready in the event I need to draw the pistol for self defense.
Thanks in advance for any advice.