Taking a Tactical Handgun Course


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Just over a week away and I can not wait. I'm taking a one day 400 round Tactical Handgun Course on the 19th. The instructor is Major Norm Belson and here is what the course looks like:

Sec Tactical Handgun - 400 Rds Rounds
1 2H/Cbt Tactical Right (dbbl taps) 60
2 2H/Cbt Tactical Left (dbbl taps) 60

3 One Hand Tactical Right (dbbl taps) 60
4 One Hand Tactical Left (dbbl taps) 60

5 Action Shooting (rear/right/left) 50

6 Combined Action Tactical Shooting 40
Action Rear - 3 Targets
Lateral Movement - 4 targets
Barricade Shooting - 3 targets
Requires Multiple Magazine changes

7 Tactical Retreat - 3 moving targets 50
Two handed combat R/Hand
Two handed combat L/Hand
Right Hand only
Left Hand only
Gun Retention Moving

8 Worst Case Scenario Training 10
One handed disabled, malfunction &
empty gun w active threat
Right Hand Only & Left Hand Only

9 Hostage Taker Neutralization 10

There will be 8 - 10 people in this class and they are all from my work. Not bad considering we have about 200 employees.
Sounds like a great course. Keep us posted after you have completed it as to how it goes.
Thanks HK. I took my carry permit class and a basic defensive hand gun class with Norm. Both were very good. A friend of mine has taken this class already and said it was well worth the money. I'll post an update after the class and let everyone know how it went.
Have fun with what sounds like a great course.

I am in the process of scheduling a 2 day tactical course for me and my buddy, and a 1 day for the wives. We are also taking the class with the same person who taught us our CWL class. Our CWL class was about 10hrs, and we shot about 200rds after the classroom part.

I look forward to hearing your report.
Will do. I've been practicing mag swaps using my new mag pouches so I should be ready to go. Should be alot of fun.
Where is it and how much? Funds are tight since I got married. ;^)

$95 for the class plus ammo (400 rounds factory). Also need 2 hi cap mags or 3 standard mags and a pouch to hold them. Class is this coming Saturday 6:30am at Knights Shooting Sports in Clearwater.
Damn! I really want to go but, the wife and I are having a double wedding reception Sunday. We eloped already so she'd kill me if I was out all day Saturday and was draggin ass Sunday. :^(

Next time send me and invite and I'm there for sure. I need to get in some training this year.
Damn! I really want to go but, the wife and I are having a double wedding reception Sunday. We eloped already so she'd kill me if I was out all day Saturday and was draggin ass Sunday. :^(

Next time send me and invite and I'm there for sure. I need to get in some training this year.

Hey no problem. I'll let you know when we do it again. Have a good time at Sunday.
$95 for the class plus ammo (400 rounds factory). Also need 2 hi cap mags or 3 standard mags and a pouch to hold them. Class is this coming Saturday 6:30am at Knights Shooting Sports in Clearwater.

Would this course satisfy the training/safety requirement for a FL nonresident permit?
Would this course satisfy the training/safety requirement for a FL nonresident permit?

Good question. I'm going to say no because it does not cover any of the class room stuff. The instructor also does a CCW class that includes class room time to go over laws ect and a 200 round defensive shooting course.

Here is the web site and contact info for the instructor.

Major Norm Belson, INC.
Norman D. Belson
Director of Training Operations - South Florida
Phone: 727-535-9151
Fax: 727-535-9151 (Please call to coordinate)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Thanks for the info. Even if the course does not satisfy the safety requirement for a FL permit, it nevertheless seems like a good course to take, and the price isn't too bad. The $300 I got for my stimulus check should cover it all.
Thanks for the info. Even if the course does not satisfy the safety requirement for a FL permit, it nevertheless seems like a good course to take, and the price isn't too bad. The $300 I got for my stimulus check should cover it all.

Ya $95 for the class + $129.00 for 400 rounds of .45 acp + $23.00 for a double mag pouch for a total of $247.00.

If you end up taking this tactical class you could probably just take the classroom part of Norms concealed class and qualify to get your permit.
Well, I just got home from the tactical class and it was amazing. Lost of great drills and stuff I can work on at home. We shot action right, left, rear, two hands, one handed (left and right). At multiple targets (up to 16 targets!), shooting while retreating, shooting behind cover, and shooting in a hostage situation. I think one of the sweetest drills we did was the worst case scenario drill. Active threat, gun malfunctions, one arm is disabled, and we have to clear the malfunction, reload and continue to engage the threat.

Anyone in the Tampa area I highly recommend the class. Well worth the money.

Also very happy with my Kimber Ultra carry II. I put over 400 rounds through her today without a single issue.
Here are a few pics one of the guys took with his camera phone on Saturday.



Kinda a bad pic of me but Oh well....


HK we had a blast and learned a lot. We are already setting up a private class for a handful of us to go over a few of the combination drills.
Thanks for the update on your class and the pictures.

I am in the process of setting up a private 2 day class here in Central Florida for a few of my friends, and then we are trying to decide about a 4-5 day at either Front Sight, or one of the other schools in February.

Keep up the training.

BTW, looks like you decided on some White Box .45

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