stimulus checks?


New member
Ok me and my Mother in law have been talking and talking. She keeps saying you have to pay the Chekcs back out of you 08 Tax return. I got nothing from H&R block saying this?? I need any and all Information you forum hounds can dig up lol. News reports, news stories any and all will do.
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We'll pay it back, but it won't be something we can point at and say, "This is where the stimulus checks are paid back."
Ask the people who did your taxes the question.

Ok me and my Mother in law have been talking and talking. She keeps saying you have to pay the Chekcs back out of you 08 Tax return. I got nothing from H&R block saying this?? I need any and all Information you forum hounds can dig up lol. News reports, news stories any and all will do.

There is something here that I don't understand. From reading your post, it says H&R Block did your taxes last year.

Is that wrong? Yes? No?

If Yes, they did them, that means you TRUSTED them to do them. That is a FACT.

So CONTACT H&R Block and ask THEM your question.

You DON'T go on a concealed firearm information website and ask a question like that of people you don't even know.

You ask the people you TRUST with your taxes.

Where did your Mother in Law get her information? Off TV? You really don't believe stuff you see on TV, do you? Does she? Probably, right?

Contact H&R Block and then come back and tell us what they said. That is the correct way to do it.

I do my own taxes, it only takes a few minutes with TurboTax for both State and Federal taxes. I make less than $200,000 a year and only have a little bit of interest off savings and for deductions have interest on my home loan.

Why don't you do your own taxes? My ex came here from Thailand 8 years ago and the first year we were married in 2000, I told her to do the taxes. She opened the program and in about a half hour had it all done, matched the numbers I had so we filed online. And she didn't even understand English that well at the time.

Unless you own several businesses? Lots of interest? Lots of deductions? But if I were in that situation, I would go to a CPA tax expert.

My friend makes less than $40,000 so she did her taxes for free online.

Anyway, let us know next week what H&R Block told you about the checks.

Why worry about it, if Obama gets in, no one will have to pay taxes. He will use the money off the money tree he has. LOL

For the weekend, kick back and have a couple of hot chocolates! Don't feel so :sad:. Tax time is a long ways away. A half year. A lifetime! :laugh:
Don't :cray:about it. Nothing to commit :suicide: over.

It amuses me how members of both parties think that throwing money at the American people will somehow improve the economy. If people not being able to live within their means on $50,000+ contributed to this mess, then what in the world makes them think that an additional $600 will bring us out of it?
It amuses me how members of both parties think that throwing money at the American people will somehow improve the economy. If people not being able to live within their means on $50,000+ contributed to this mess, then what in the world makes them think that an additional $600 will bring us out of it?

No matter what their income (most of the people I am around are in the 60K or less group), all I could hear for a while was people asking each other... yeah, you guessed it:

Have you got your check yet?? What are you going to spend it on????

Not ONE time did I hear someone say: Yeah, I'm just going to put it into savings.

Not ONE time did I hear that.

That IS what is the matter with America, make $2,000 a month and barely get by. Then they change jobs and making $3,000 a month and STILL just barely getting by. $5,000 a month, still just barely getting by.

It does NOT matter. No matter the amount they make, the majority of the population SPENDS IT ALL. EVERY MONTH. WITHOUT FAIL.

Live payday to payday. Give them a raise, do they keep living like they were and putting the raise in savings. NO, of course not. That would be tooooooo smart. The majority wants to be toooooooooooooo STUPID to do that.

My employees? If I happen to forget which day it is??? Hey, Boss. Did you forget this was draw day/pay day?

IF draw day is a Monday, they want their check in the morning so they can put it in the bank at Noon (lunch time) so the checks they wrote over the week end don't bounce? Because the checkbook doesn't balance then. I was listening to one of them the other day talking about his wife did something wrong and it cost them over a hundred bucks in bounced check fees. I have told him, time and time again, that HE has to keep on top of the books too. Answer: Oh, she does a pretty good job of it, yada, yada, yada about something. ALWAYS has an excuse. That is the 2nd time in a year that happened.

Great employees, but just can't seem to figure out money.

It's lucky "I" like money and understand it or none of us would have a job/place to work.

And yes, they ask that sometimes: How come you always have money, Boss?

How am I to explain that?

And yeah, all "those" people think the $600 was a GREAT idea by the government! And the government struts around saying: see, the people REALLY LIKED US DOING THAT.

How sad that LOTS of people can be bought for $600.
Ken you make some good points. being broke is temporary. being poor is a state of mind. take away a rich person's money and he will be broke for a period, and then will be rich again in a matter of time. give a poor person a lot of money and he will be poor again in a matter of time.
Ken you make some good points. being broke is temporary. being poor is a state of mind. take away a rich person's money and he will be broke for a period, and then will be rich again in a matter of time. give a poor person a lot of money and he will be poor again in a matter of time.
Damn! How prophetic, and unfortunately, how true also.