Spank Your Kid go to Jail...


New member
Just was watching Hukabee on FOX and the UN is at it again and this one is for the parents.... They want to give the international courts total authority over how you raise your childern.... and this is before the Senate floor according to the show as you are reading this, if ratified it take all parental authority away and give it to the UN court system.... Sorry I did not get the link....
I've always thought kids(except me at the time) should be spanked when needed, and I've had a 30 year understanding that blue hats or helmets are targets of opportunity. Foriegn troops on US soil? Acting against US citizens? Sounds like an invading force to me.
F*$# that!!! these idiots are already way out of control.. now they want to tell me how to raise my future kids???
I agree they are losing their shit in congress.... they wana have total control over the US citizens:pleasantry:
As Hillery said "It takes a village to raise a child." Perhaps the U.N. is the village idiot.
Spank Your Kid go to Jail

Actually happened to one of my wife's students parents. My wife teaches second grade and one little boy was having a bad day. My wife wrote a note to his mother and the little boy gave it to her. The next day whne he came to class my could not get him to sit down. She finally took him down to the nurses office where they found open gashes wheer his mother had whipped that night after reading the note. DSS was called and the mother was arrested. Three weeks later she was back in jail on drug charges among other things.
If anyone has any facts about this, please post. It would probably fall under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. I haven't been able to find any Senate activity on it. Thanks!!
H.J.Res. 97: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to parental rights (110th Congress)
Also watch 22CFR, Chapter 32,Subchapter I, Part I

Actually happened to one of my wife's students parents. My wife teaches second grade and one little boy was having a bad day. My wife wrote a note to his mother and the little boy gave it to her. The next day whne he came to class my could not get him to sit down. She finally took him down to the nurses office where they found open gashes wheer his mother had whipped that night after reading the note. DSS was called and the mother was arrested. Three weeks later she was back in jail on drug charges among other things.

and that is child abuse no arguments from any one here, and they ended up in jail, so the question is why do we need the UN world court to intervene and the senate to approve their invasion of our Constitution???

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