South Carolina Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday Nov 28-29

mom of 3 angels

New member
Those of you in SC, take advantage of this if you can! This is a holiday worth celebrating!

"Second Amendment" Sales Tax Holiday is Nov. 28 - 29
6 November 2008

“Second Amendment” Sales Tax Holiday is Nov. 28 – 29

South Carolina will waive the state’s sales and use tax on purchases of handguns, rifles and shotguns during the first annual Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday Nov. 28 – 29.

The 48-hour tax break on firearm purchases begins at 12:01 a.m. Nov. 28 and continues through midnight Nov. 29. The tax exemption also applies to any local sales and use tax.

The tax break does not apply to accessories such as ammunition, black powder, holsters, archery supplies and similar items. It also does not apply to the sale of antique or collectible handguns or handguns that do not fire a fixed cartridge.

The South Carolina Department of Revenue has posted a list of exempt and non-exempt items and answers to some of the most frequently asked questions at its website, Welcome to the South Carolina Department of Revenue, under the “What’s New” section.
I hope this makes the brady bunch mad. I wish PRMA would do something like this. I would love to join in on this. PRMA does do a "No sales tax weekend" however I missed the boat with that.
I doubt my State will do something like this any time soon. :D

This is a great opportunity. I might mention it to some friends. Thanks.
I think our country should declare a year of Jubilee like in the Old Testament for all of us so that we could cancel out all our debts. That way we would have plenty of money to stock up. Of course big brother will only cancel out debts of the big corporations.
As if the election of Obama didn't give 2A patriots a reason to go out en masse to buy, this should increase it even more. What a wonderful idea!
I did my part!

Just picked up a Kel Tec P3AT on Saturday. I stood at the counter of my local store for just over an hour before even being spoken to. It was a mad house! I didn't mind one bit.

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