Should EMS be allowed to CC?

Everybody should be allowed to carry everywhere at all times.

DO you truly believe this? That seems ridiculous to me.

I'm always amazed at how many people have been programmed to love their chains. How does the following relate to you?:
If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us
in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down
and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon
you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.

—Samuel Adams
Absolutely. Those that would carry and were up to no good would be weeded out by the law abidding carriers very quickly.

IMHO, I don't see how one persons life is any less valuable than anothers persons life just because of some bad choices they made, possibly decades ago. By not allowing convicted felons and other citizens to carry they are denying their right to live their life in a safe manner.

It is odd how we pretend to "rehabilitate" criminals, turn them back loose on the street, expect them to conform to society's rules and pay taxes and be productive when they are treated like second class citizens. I believe (and I'm probably alone in this belief) that if a man has served his sentence, paid his restitution, and is trustworthy enough to be turned loose back into society, he should be allowed full 100% privileges of that society, including the right to vote, carry a gun, and pay taxes.

Anti's often compare this idea to "wild west" or "dodge city", but if you do the research, you will learn that per capita, the murder rate was much much lower in the "old west" when crooks knew that there was a gun on every hip than today when political correctness decides who is permitted to defend themselves. Only in John Wayne movies and Clint Eastwood movies did some stranger ride into town (squinting from the sunlight in his eyes) and shoot up the whole town. Being the sheriff was a piece of cake because if the bad guys rode into town, you just grabbed a few citizens standing around and voila, an armed possee. Easier than instant oatmeal.

Why Virginia Tech, Why Fort Hood, why Columbine? Because the assailants KNEW the best place to have a message-sending body count was in a "gun free zone" (which I might add, is gun free only to law-abidding citizens). When is the last time you heard a confession where the robber stated he robbed ABC mart because DEF mart had a sign on the door that said "no guns allowed"?

If EVERYONE was allowed to carry EVERYWHERE, the United States could save several billion dollars by laying off several million cops. But it seems like a cop and an undertaker have the most secure job forecast these days.

Thank You--well stated.

Had a friend that was a Boston firefighter... he used to carry telling me he went into more than one situation where the fire "victims" had a gun visible or pulled one on him.
Sorry, I didn't read the entire board so if this was stated I appologize.

If it doesn't effect me, I don't care either way, although I think they SHOULD be able to.
If I'm the one being treated I'd love to have an armed EMT...If i'm being treated by EMS then chances are i'm not 100% and should someone for whatever reason attack me or them i'd like to be protected while vulnerable.
Absolutely. Those that would carry and were up to no good would be weeded out by the law abidding carriers very quickly.

I've been saying this for some time now, FELONS should be able to carry guns. I'm no felon, but I do feel that if we are going to lock people up and call it "rehabilition" or "correction" than we ought to restore their rights after they've successfully completed their sentance. Does this mean everyone? Well, no. Repeat offenders=no no. Offenses (sexual) against children- No No...

But take into consideration that blowing up a mail box (as in with firecrackers) is a FEDERAL felony.
If you're in a fist fight and have so much as a lighter in your hand while doing so- FELONY (in my state)

There are some bad laws, and I don't think one mistake should make you defenseless forever.
Just off the top of my head do you want the criminally insane to carry guns, convicted felons, children, people with no background check, no training? Should people be able to carry guns to courthouses where they might murder witnesses? bars where they are drunk and not thinking properly? you can quote all you want and point out as many hypotheticals as you like but your stance has some flaws in it.
Just off the top of my head do you want the criminally insane to carry guns, convicted felons, children, people with no background check, no training? Should people be able to carry guns to courthouses where they might murder witnesses? bars where they are drunk and not thinking properly? you can quote all you want and point out as many hypotheticals as you like but your stance has some flaws in it.
The problem with your point of view is that it limits Constitutionally recognized rights. When you start to make a list of people who should be denied it becomes very easy to just add 'one more little problem' to the list. Look at misdemeanors denying gun rights today; look at the denial of gun rights to veterans who've had medical care but have broken no law.

You have to take a principled stand somewhere and I prefer to take my stand as near to full recognition of rights as possible. If someone misuses an item legally available and breaks the law then they should be punished, not before they've broken the law.
Just off the top of my head do you want the criminally insane to carry guns, convicted felons, children, people with no background check, no training? Should people be able to carry guns to courthouses where they might murder witnesses? bars where they are drunk and not thinking properly? you can quote all you want and point out as many hypotheticals as you like but your stance has some flaws in it.

I wrote out a long winded witty retort to this comment, and albeit comical I think there is one great way to rephrase it.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Note: There is no "unless" _____

Take note that there has been talk of felony charges for failure to obtain/maintain "approved" health care coverage under the current administration. I guess failing to comply with marxism shall soon be a felony and many would be ineligible to purchase, possess or carry arms.
If they have a CWP , then why not and that goes from Search and Rescue as well,
Just my 2 cents worth
I completly agree with carrying all the time my only problem is in the military you are trained that from a military stand point weapons DO NOT enter hospitals and that is the only reason I find it uncomfortable to carry to the hospital (I still do if its legal.) just another thought. I agree that everyone should have the right to protect their life while inside the borders of this country or any other country for that fact. anyways thought I would throw in my 2 cents.

As for the mentally insane carring I do believe that people who are not fit to carry should not carry and once your a felon you have given up many of your rights. I must ask this one question on the mentally insane people aspect, how many insanes are there that have not been admitted to an institution of some sort keeping them from being able to carry? just another thought.
As for the mentally insane carring I do believe that people who are not fit to carry should not carry and once your a felon you have given up many of your rights. I must ask this one question on the mentally insane people aspect, how many insanes are there that have not been admitted to an institution of some sort keeping them from being able to carry? just another thought.

I don't know the answer to your question. However, I do know that "mentally insane" doesn't mean just that. It means disorders as well. Bi-polar, schizofrenic (sp?), etc. I think the way the 4473 words it is "have you ever been adjudicated mentally incompetent".
I think they should be REQUIRED to carry. I know a few of them in NY, Fire Fighters too. Sad to say that they all have to wear Vests for work, and cant turn away from helping someone regardless of the situation, but cant defend themselves when shit jumps off.

Your statement makes a good argument for a mandate that LEOs or some other security personnel accompany every EMS or firefighter team when they are dispatched on a run, imho.
First you would have to get the people whom run ems to care. Then the gov types. and the public and o hell lets pay them enough to even buy ammo.Most people know very little about EMS Fire and LEO.I'm very bitter and fell that we exploited the hell out of the people we most depend on. We have in America made people disposable. Impersonal. We are lazy to the point to not even know the name of the person next door. People spend their whole life's to help others and never even get told thanks.There are EMS personnel who carry. But they are public safety departments. They are asked to do it all.

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