Should EMS be allowed to CC?


Being new here I am wondering what people think about this. Should EMS be aloud to CC at work? It may seem to defeat the purpose of helping to some people. On the other hand EMS workers get into some less than desirable places. Just wondering what people think and why?
I don't see why not if they have a permit. Sometimes EMS gets called to fires or crime scenes where they are exposed to gunmen or crooks. If I was an EMT and got called to a shooting where the suspect was still barracaded or not aprehended I would certainly want to be able to defend myself.
I don't think defending your life is any conflict with the medical profession. If your out just to rob someone or shoot someone for entertainment it's a lot different than kill or be killed. I think everyone has a right to defend their life regardless of what profession they choose.
Everybody should be allowed to carry everywhere at all times.

As for EMS 'saving people and being armed': I seem to recall times in the news when hostile people, for whatever bizarre reason of their own, fired on firefighters or other emergency personnel without provocation.

People can often find themselves places they didn't originally intend to be doing things they'd prefer to not do. If the presumption was that all citizens might be armed, we'd have a much safer and more polite society.
I believe they should be allowed to carry.

There have been numerous incidents over the years of BG's shooting at Emergency responders, as noted previously.
Then there was New Orleans . . .
Yup. I don't think they should be restricted at all. PLUS, If they have to protect themselves at least they wont have to tell the BG that 'help is on the way'.
Being an EMT, I agree we should be aloud to carry. Being in a rural area very often the law is not very close. If things start to go sourer it would be nice to have some protection.:pleasantry:
The ONLY time someone should be prohibited from carrying is if they demonstrate that they are too irresponsible to do so.

Examples might be those who previously used firearms in crimes or those who show gross negligence.

I was thinking we were innocent until proven guilty but it seems we must prove our innocence just to obtain restricted carry.

If I was EMS I'd want to carry. Car accidents happen but shootouts are becoming more common here. I'd sure hate for a shootout to re-erupt right after I arrived on the scene with me completely unarmed.
The reason I ask is because I was curious what people think but I also think in the Pa EMS act that it states that EMS workers are not allowed to carry a firearm. I could be wrong but thats what I have been told. I have not been able to find anything on it. I agree that EMS should be allowed to carry. I was recently at the scene of a shooting where PD told us the scene was safe. I found out later that the shooter was inside the house with the weapon watching us. I wouldve have felt a littler safer being armed.
I have been in similar situations myself cavscout09.

Yes we should be able to carry. my partners and I have evacuated from a handful or two of unsafe scene's. I have been cold cocked more than a few times even by what seemed to be nice unsuspecting little old lady's. Out here we have seen many coworkers go out on OJI due to broken bones and sprains and strains from confrontations.....our safety is a very real concern.

some off hand concerns about it for me are the fact that we are constantly within the patients personal space, so keeping a firearm easily accessible and securely hidden is a concern. If your patient or patients family "Makes" you then the trust factor in patient care may be lost, i have never been able to give great care if trust can not be established.

I feel that ever since LEO replaced the more endearing term of "peace officer" that the publics view of police has dramatically declined. I would not want to be mistaken for an officer in a patient care EMS role. trust factor and efficacy would be lost instantly in most cases. (dont take that personally officers...i love you guys and gals out there but our jobs differ greatly)

here in kalifornia i feel that EMS workers are far more at risk of an attack at work. Generally I feel we get into as many if not more physical confrontations than local law enforcement (greatly due to the fact that officers love that taser gun and other less lethal tools)

long story short, i vote yes on CC for ems along with a handful of Japanese Aikido martial arts classes.
I think they should be REQUIRED to carry. I know a few of them in NY, Fire Fighters too. Sad to say that they all have to wear Vests for work, and cant turn away from helping someone regardless of the situation, but cant defend themselves when shit jumps off.
EMS workers will never ever be able to CC. But if the department is going to allow the carrying of firearms, then do it right with TRAINING and full protection of the law by giving them peace officer status. I don't believe a local or city agency would want the liability of having an untrained and personaly armed EMS worker shooting someone while on duty and I don't think the public really want to see their ambulance drivers armed. I remember a time when NYC meter maids wanted to be armed, but ofcourse it did not pass.

IMO, if an EMS worker wants to CC, I feel why not? But in reality, it will probably never ever happen, some cities don't want the liability or even the expense of giiving them firearms training, especially places like NYC.

NOW!!! I strongly believe that maybe the driver could receive training and be armed and perhaps attend a school that trains individuals to become a Tactical EMS, something similar to a Military Medic, maybe certain towns or citiies would allow that, but haphazardly arming ALL of the EMS is a fantasy. Who'll be next?? MeterMaids, Mail Carriers, Firemen???
EMS workers will never ever be able to CC. But if the department is going to allow the carrying of firearms, then do it right with TRAINING and full protection of the law by giving them peace officer status. I don't believe a local or city agency would want the liability of having an untrained and personaly armed EMS worker shooting someone while on duty and I don't think the public really want to see their ambulance drivers armed. I remember a time when NYC meter maids wanted to be armed, but ofcourse it did not pass.

IMO, if an EMS worker wants to CC, I feel why not? But in reality, it will probably never ever happen, some cities don't want the liability or even the expense of giiving them firearms training, especially places like NYC.

NOW!!! I strongly believe that maybe the driver could receive training and be armed and perhaps attend a school that trains individuals to become a Tactical EMS, something similar to a Military Medic, maybe certain towns or citiies would allow that, but haphazardly arming ALL of the EMS is a fantasy. Who'll be next?? MeterMaids, Mail Carriers, Firemen???

Anyone who wants to arm themselves should be allowed to do so regardless of profession. The 2nd Amendment applies to all citizens. IMAO.
Anyone who wants to arm themselves should be allowed to do so regardless of profession. The 2nd Amendment applies to all citizens. IMAO.

I totally agree with you, but I wouldn't be surprised if the local or city EMS departments have a no firearms policy. You even have employers who would ban firearms on property grounds, which included the parking lot. Link Removed
Everybody should be allowed to carry everywhere at all times.

DO you truly believe this? That seems ridiculous to me.

Absolutely. Those that would carry and were up to no good would be weeded out by the law abidding carriers very quickly.

IMHO, I don't see how one persons life is any less valuable than anothers persons life just because of some bad choices they made, possibly decades ago. By not allowing convicted felons and other citizens to carry they are denying their right to live their life in a safe manner.

It is odd how we pretend to "rehabilitate" criminals, turn them back loose on the street, expect them to conform to society's rules and pay taxes and be productive when they are treated like second class citizens. I believe (and I'm probably alone in this belief) that if a man has served his sentence, paid his restitution, and is trustworthy enough to be turned loose back into society, he should be allowed full 100% privileges of that society, including the right to vote, carry a gun, and pay taxes.

Anti's often compare this idea to "wild west" or "dodge city", but if you do the research, you will learn that per capita, the murder rate was much much lower in the "old west" when crooks knew that there was a gun on every hip than today when political correctness decides who is permitted to defend themselves. Only in John Wayne movies and Clint Eastwood movies did some stranger ride into town (squinting from the sunlight in his eyes) and shoot up the whole town. Being the sheriff was a piece of cake because if the bad guys rode into town, you just grabbed a few citizens standing around and voila, an armed possee. Easier than instant oatmeal.

Why Virginia Tech, Why Fort Hood, why Columbine? Because the assailants KNEW the best place to have a message-sending body count was in a "gun free zone" (which I might add, is gun free only to law-abidding citizens). When is the last time you heard a confession where the robber stated he robbed ABC mart because DEF mart had a sign on the door that said "no guns allowed"?

If EVERYONE was allowed to carry EVERYWHERE, the United States could save several billion dollars by laying off several million cops. But it seems like a cop and an undertaker have the most secure job forecast these days.

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