Everybody should be allowed to carry everywhere at all times.
DO you truly believe this? That seems ridiculous to me.
Absolutely. Those that would carry and were up to no good would be weeded out by the law abidding carriers very quickly.
IMHO, I don't see how one persons life is any less valuable than anothers persons life just because of some bad choices they made, possibly decades ago. By not allowing convicted felons and other citizens to carry they are denying their right to live their life in a safe manner.
It is odd how we pretend to "rehabilitate" criminals, turn them back loose on the street, expect them to conform to society's rules and pay taxes and be productive when they are treated like second class citizens. I believe (and I'm probably alone in this belief) that if a man has served his sentence, paid his restitution, and is trustworthy enough to be turned loose back into society, he should be allowed full 100% privileges of that society, including the right to vote, carry a gun, and pay taxes.
Anti's often compare this idea to "wild west" or "dodge city", but if you do the research, you will learn that per capita, the murder rate was much much lower in the "old west" when crooks knew that there was a gun on every hip than today when political correctness decides who is permitted to defend themselves. Only in John Wayne movies and Clint Eastwood movies did some stranger ride into town (squinting from the sunlight in his eyes) and shoot up the whole town. Being the sheriff was a piece of cake because if the bad guys rode into town, you just grabbed a few citizens standing around and voila, an armed possee. Easier than instant oatmeal.
Why Virginia Tech, Why Fort Hood, why Columbine? Because the assailants KNEW the best place to have a message-sending body count was in a "gun free zone" (which I might add, is gun free only to law-abidding citizens). When is the last time you heard a confession where the robber stated he robbed ABC mart because DEF mart had a sign on the door that said "no guns allowed"?
If EVERYONE was allowed to carry EVERYWHERE, the United States could save several billion dollars by laying off several million cops. But it seems like a cop and an undertaker have the most secure job forecast these days.