School shootings & psychoactive PRESCRIBED drugs !


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The first school shooting in this country occurred in 1966. If you do a little research you will find that in a large percentage of school shootings the shooters were being treated with psychoactive prescribed medicines. If you want to start to educate yourself about this take a look at the site " Citizens Commission on Human Rights International" -- then search for "School shooters under influence of psychoactive drugs". It is documented fact 14 recent school shooters were using or had just stopped using these medications.

Medical records in the other cases remain sealed to the public. It would seem to me that this is more than a coincidence. Since 1966 there have been 90 school shootings in our country, resulting in 216 deaths. If Congressional hearings are going to get to the base of this problem I would think they would pay some serious attention to the 'chemical castration' of America's youth that has been taking place just so 'Johnny' would be a little more manageable in the classroom.

My brother in law has worked at an up state school in SC for years as non teaching staff. He has stated many times that in the morning prior to class start there's a line at the nurses office for dispensing of drugs. The line has gotten so big they had to move it to a different part of the school to handle the volume. He says it's Orwellian. Scary, vary scary. If these children know the only way to deal with life's issues is with drugs, what will they seek as adults to help?
The first school shooting in this country occurred in 1966. If you do a little research you will find that in a large percentage of school shootings the shooters were being treated with psychoactive prescribed medicines. If you want to start to educate yourself about this take a look at the site " Citizens Commission on Human Rights International" -- then search for "School shooters under influence of psychoactive drugs". It is documented fact 14 recent school shooters were using or had just stopped using these medications.

Medical records in the other cases remain sealed to the public. It would seem to me that this is more than a coincidence. Since 1966 there have been 90 school shootings in our country, resulting in 216 deaths. If Congressional hearings are going to get to the base of this problem I would think they would pay some serious attention to the 'chemical castration' of America's youth that has been taking place just so 'Johnny' would be a little more manageable in the classroom.

Excellent point!

I have always suspected that these psychoactive drugs (narcotics) have been WAY over prescribed like candy or chewable flinstones vitamins to our nations unsuspecting children because of 'supposed' ADD, ADHD, etc...

These powerful narcotics do more harm than good in the long run.
Over the years I have seen numerous friends and neighbors who's kids have been put on these drugs, and they do NOT behave like normal kids anymore.

And it's all done in the name of medical quackery (psychiatry) which is still to this day an unproven 'medical specialty' imvho.

In the old days there was no such thing as ADD or ADHD.
Back then if a kid got out of line then he/she was swatted and humiliated in front of the entire classroom.
It worked wonders.
Nowadays that would be considered 'abuse' :rolleyes:

Here is an interesting link on the subject of these add & adhd 'Narcotics' -aka- Psychoactive Drugs.

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My prediction is Schizophrenia in the sad Connecticut massacre. Age is right for a Schizophrenic break. Pretty much impossible to predict that first break. Only someone suffering from delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, or all three could shoot their mother and young children multiple times. Don't know if I'm right - but that's my guess based on the fuzzy facts. We shall see.....

The best therapist can't predict Schizophrenia or prevent that initial break. Can't prescribe pills to someone yet to be diagnosed. Schizophrenics that are diagnosed do very well with a shot once a month to "normalize" them. If you wanna get an idea of how intense Schizophrenia can be watch Shine or A Beautiful Mind.
It is more than just a coincidence.... This is a doorbell we as gun owners should lean on until somebody answers.
The common thread is definitely psych drugs. Read the side effects. They are classed as an addicitive drug. The side effects will scare most of us but the doctors pass them out like candy some without phyically even assessing the child. I have heard of teachers or administrators suggesting ritilin for children because they believe they might have ADD.. They instantly prescribe some psych drug. Fix it with a pill that is the answer.. Then something happens and the child or youth no longer takes the drug or is accidentally over medicated with a psych drug cocktail and snaps. Unfortunately they take it out on others and destroy the lives of others.
We need to look closely at what we drugs we are passing out to children and their ramifications. The government needs to call the drug companies down to Washington to sit in on all these commissions and explain their connection to these events...
A link. I'll let others determine the significance, validity, or truth of the below. Don't kill the messenger. It may be another sea of misinformation data, maybe not:

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My brother in law has worked at an up state school in SC for years as non teaching staff. He has stated many times that in the morning prior to class start there's a line at the nurses office for dispensing of drugs. The line has gotten so big they had to move it to a different part of the school to handle the volume. He says it's Orwellian. Scary, vary scary. If these children know the only way to deal with life's issues is with drugs, what will they seek as adults to help?
What are they getting? Part of the reason for the long line is that schools don't allow kids to take anything at all now without it being given out by the school nurse. So a common medication like a Tylenol or asthma medication that a kid used to just bring from home and take himself, now has to be dosed out from the school nurse. Been through that many times. My wife goes through it every day as a teacher too.
And by the way, aspirin and Motrin are psychoactive drugs. Most common pain relievers are.
And Lanza wasn't on any medication.
In the old days there was no such thing as ADD or ADHD.
Sure there was. They just didn't know what it was.
Back then if a kid got out of line then he/she was swatted and humiliated in front of the entire classroom.
It worked wonders.
It worked on the lazy kids. It didn't work at all on kids with ADD/ADHD. They were just labeled as dumb or incorrigable, and they were often given up on.
Here is an interesting link on the subject of these add & adhd 'Narcotics' -aka- Psychoactive Drugs.[/QUOTE]They don't prescribe narcotics for ADD/ADHD. They prescribe stimulants. And they prescribe them at doses far below the levels of those used by people that abuse the same drugs, so no, they aren't 'high', or 'stoned' or otherwise 'drugged out' in class like many people mistakenly believe.
A link. I'll let others determine the significance, validity, or truth of the below. Don't kill the messenger. It may be another sea of misinformation data, maybe not:

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I only went through a couple of those but they only make circumstantial connections. The first guy didn't have a problem because of his meds. he had a problem because he stopped taking them. The second guy never had a link established to his meds. It's just a guess.
Lost the link, but Dr. Ignatius Piazza, founder of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute just wrote an article on his blog about this same subject.
I've always liked Piazza. But you do know he's just a chiropractor, right?
You'll get no argument from me that our kids are overmedicated. There are far too many people who see these drugs as a kind of panacea and too many less than ethical doctors who will prescribe the medications at the drop of a hat without reliable indications of problems that warrant those prescriptions. Most of those doctors probably aren't even qualified to make the diagnosis. But just because those doctors, parents and school employees have abused and overused the medications and the medical system does not in any way mean that ADD/ADHD does not exist or that there are not kids out there who really do need to be medicated.
I have ADHD. They didn't know what it was when I was a kid and thought I was just lazy. And believe me, the rod was not spared. It made no difference. I managed to adjust as an adult and I don't need medication. My older son is a different story.
What are they getting? Part of the reason for the long line is that schools don't allow kids to take anything at all now without it being given out by the school nurse. So a common medication like a Tylenol or asthma medication that a kid used to just bring from home and take himself, now has to be dosed out from the school nurse. Been through that many times. My wife goes through it every day as a teacher too.
And by the way, aspirin and Motrin are psychoactive drugs. Most common pain relievers are.

He says that most, repeat children, was for doses of prescribed drugs that ensure the children would assimilate well into the general population of the school. This line wasn't mostly for colds or flu but conditioning the children. As for what prescribed drugs they were dispensed, God only knows. THOSE records aren't availabe to the staff or general public.
He says that most, repeat children, was for doses of prescribed drugs that ensure the children would assimilate well into the general population of the school. This line wasn't mostly for colds or flu but conditioning the children. As for what prescribed drugs they were dispensed, God only knows. THOSE records aren't availabe to the staff or general public.
I suspect it's an area where they're treating it as a panacea then. I've heard parents relate that teachers have told them their kids should be medicated. It's against the law for a teacher to say that. The parents sound surprised when I tell them. I ask them why it's surprising to them that it's illegal for a teacher to practice medicine and recommend a child take a controlled substance. Then I usually see the gears start to turn as they slowly realize what I'm talking about. It's tragic how casually some people treat this. My older son saw three different doctors for almost a year before any medication was recommended, and then it was only on a trial basis during which he was closely monitored by both his teachers and by us. We all had to fill out extensive forms each day and turn them in to the doctor before he's decide if that was a reasonable route to take. These days too many doctors are just doling it out like candy. And like I said, I don't think a lot of them are even qualifiied to diagnose ADD/ADHD.
No problem. It doesn't bother me when people disagree. That's to be expected on a discussion forum. We're good.
I've always liked Piazza. But you do know he's just a chiropractor, right?

Rhino - Just curious. Since I happen to be a "just" a doctor of chiropractic myself, I was wondering where you were going with this? If it is where I think, let me remind you that typically the drug reps teach the docs and know more about the drugs they push the docs to use than the docs themselves. Maybe we should all be thought of as "just people with guns" instead of law abiding licensed armed citizens. The words we choose and how we use them are important.
I meant he's not a psychologist, nor is he an MD. Lay people often attach too much meaning to the term "Doctor" sometimes without taking the proper context and qualifications into account. A PHD in entomology has "Doctor" in front of his name, but I wouldn't rely on him for information about open heart surgery. That doesn't mean he's any less of a person or any less intelligent. It just means his expertise lies elsewhere.
I hear you Rhino. Just FYI though, many in my profession actually know more about the negative effects of a drug than many MD's.
My prediction is Schizophrenia in the sad Connecticut massacre. Age is right for a Schizophrenic break. Pretty much impossible to predict that first break. Only someone suffering from delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, or all three could shoot their mother and young children multiple times. Don't know if I'm right - but that's my guess based on the fuzzy facts. We shall see.....

The best therapist can't predict Schizophrenia or prevent that initial break. Can't prescribe pills to someone yet to be diagnosed. Schizophrenics that are diagnosed do very well with a shot once a month to "normalize" them. If you wanna get an idea of how intense Schizophrenia can be watch Shine or A Beautiful Mind.

This is likely right on...his childhood and adolescent presentation is consistent with it' although you are right that it is unpredictable - not all awkward, socially disconnected kids end up with a break, but those who do manifest SCZ in the 18 - 25 range usually have his history. Prolixin once per month is rare these days and "normalize" is probably a stretch, although some form of neuroleptics usually makes them somewhat functional. There is some interesting research on using childhood motor abnormalities to predict later psychosis.
What bothers me are parents who know their kid is a nutjob. He's a weird kid who is antisocial, violent tempered, dark, depressed, etc... always has been. And they don't lockup their own guns. Now it's a completely different story of he's a normal kid. But when he's a psychotic, sociopathic little troll you lock them up. This kid in Newtown was half-a-click from being committed by his mother. Yet he had access to the guns. THAT is a problem. Perhaps this should be laid at the feet of the parent. So how does the Senate legislate parenting smarts?
The first school shooting in this country occurred in 1966. If you do a little research you will find that in a large percentage of school shootings the shooters were being treated with psychoactive prescribed medicines. If you want to start to educate yourself about this take a look at the site " Citizens Commission on Human Rights International" -- then search for "School shooters under influence of psychoactive drugs". It is documented fact 14 recent school shooters were using or had just stopped using these medications.

Medical records in the other cases remain sealed to the public. It would seem to me that this is more than a coincidence. Since 1966 there have been 90 school shootings in our country, resulting in 216 deaths. If Congressional hearings are going to get to the base of this problem I would think they would pay some serious attention to the 'chemical castration' of America's youth that has been taking place just so 'Johnny' would be a little more manageable in the classroom.

Medication is just as irrelevant as the guns involved in the shootings.

The problem is that there is no cure for mental illness, which is the problem.
I hear you Rhino. Just FYI though, many in my profession actually know more about the negative effects of a drug than many MD's.
I don't doubt that a bit. My wife and I found out the hard way over the years that we knew more about ADHD and Aspergers than some of the doctors we got sent to. It's surprising sometimes where you'll find expertise, and sometimes a very rude awakening when you discover no expertise where there should be.

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