Satirical version of the lastest Time Magazine Cover...

Tucker's Mom

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one thing about government welfare if they can give it to you they can also take it back
sad state of the union when the citizenry must depend on the government to survive
So, I was browsing w/o signing in and logged on just to tell you...not sure if I should thank you for making me laugh like hell, or curse you for making me vomit :)

I was also browsing without logging in when the notice of your post came in my mailbox. So I came in just to tell you can do both...:lol: :lol: :lol:

Gotta get out of here...I've been playing around too much today trying to settle down...goodnight.
I really like all of these variations and the message they convey.

Regarding the original, I don't know about the kids you went to school with but if that was me, at that age, hanging off that teat, the other kids at school would have been merciless. If he doesn't get his butt kicked (momma's boy, milksop, baby), I'll be surprised but then the world he lives in may be different. And what about when he gets older, can't you just imagine and feel sorry for this kid. How long will it be before he is kicked out of school for being a sexual predator or his Mother arrested for abuse (read about the recent case where a 6 year old got in trouble to quoting the song lyrics "I'm sexy and I know it").
Somehow that just fits with his Newsweek cover for this week. Hysterical at first, but then distrubing on too many levels.

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