Ruger LCP 380


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anybody had a chance to put their hands on a ruger lcp 380. none around here to check out. look nice on the ruger home page. kind of looking for something for summer. not that my 642 works to bad just getting the urge to spend some of that stimulus money. may not see any until fall.
anybody had a chance to put their hands on a ruger lcp 380.

Got to touch one at a local retailer yesterday. Unfortunately had a sold sign on it. They have a waiting list. I'll have my name on a list as soon as I check out the othere retailers in town for price and availability.
I saw two at a local gun show yesterday. $399 and a really unbelievable $499. Think I'll wait a while.
how did they look. I know there small but did they seem to have a nice fill to them. would like to go with a ruger before Kel tec.
how did they look. I know there small but did they seem to have a nice fill to them. would like to go with a ruger before Kel tec.

Great fit and finish. A little more heft than the Kel Tec. Trigger a little awkward. Not enough time with it to offer more info.
Unreal the uproar this little pocket piece is creating. I don't recall such a demand for a handgun in a long time. By the time I get one, I'm afraid the summer months of prime carry will be well past. Oh well, there is always next summer, (hopefully)!
I did get to see one today. I did not get to handle it. Yes, it had a sold sign on it. It looked very nice. A lot better than my Kel Tec. Had I had a choice I would have chosen the Ruger over the Keltec, but since I already have a Keltec, I'll just stick with it. In case I have never voiced my opinion here, I love Ruger.
Gun show this weekend in Vegas. I'll see if there's any there; I have a hard time believing it's really going to be much superior to KelTec...
I was just talking to my local gun shop owner and I for one have been waiting for this piece to come in.

I asked him whats taking so long and he told me that the Shortage of them wasnt due to demand so much as...

The weapon had a recall on it due to firing problems when dropped.

Apparently the first run of the weapons were malfunctioning. So they called them all back.. are fixing the problem and taking a second run at it.

So rest assured... They are comming.. we just dont know exactly when yet.
they do have a recall on some of the SR9's for that problem. have not seen anything about a recall on the LCP's.
Send them to Kel-Tec for repair.

thread is over--winnar!

Picked mine up this week. $269.95. Have not shot it yet though.

Installed the quick-clip from Kel-Tec.

My dad has a Kel-Tec and I will say the Ruger has MUCH nicer finish!
I have not had a chance to see one up close and personal but from the pictures it looks very promising. I already have a mouse gun, a Beretta Tomcat, for times when I need to go real small or for a 2nd or 3rd gun. but I can see where this might be a great addition to my collection.
I went to the gun show here in Vegas today and there were at least three of them--all priced just below $400:icon_eek:

In two of those cases, there was also a P3AT on the table. The Ruger looked a bit nicer than the KelTec; I didn't think the trigger was much, if any, better, and there was little difference in size. I can't think of any way the Ruger obviously deserved a $100 premium unless you just have to be first to own one among your little circle of friends.

Obviously, I was not impressed enough to buy one.

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