Richard Lugar Supports Sotomayor, You should withdraw yours from him


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In latest news, it states he supports Sotomayor. Don't support him anymore. I wrote him and told him the same.

this is the second big mistake he's made recently. He also supported that Koh guy (cant remember his first name) who is a big believer in international law having precedence over our national laws. I will be letting him know he has lost my support later today.
Let's not also forget that Olympia Snowe (a well known RINO, by the way) and Mel Martinez of Florida have also pledged to vote for her. My prediction is that the vote to confirm her will be 70-30. Any takers?
Let's not also forget that Olympia Snowe (a well known RINO, by the way) and Mel Martinez of Florida have also pledged to vote for her. My prediction is that the vote to confirm her will be 70-30. Any takers?

Im gonna say 76-24. Too many repubs will be worried about losing the illegal vote. Oops I mean latino vote:pleasantry:

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