Range Report


New member
so it took a full week but I finally got to go try out my new baby eagle. I put 100 rounds through it today with absolutely no problems with either magazine, feeding or extracting. it felt very comfortable in my hand and the recoil was very controlable. easy to shoot and get back on target quickly for follow up shots. it proved to be very accurate at 7 yards. it was a lot of fun and look forward to shooting it again! I highly recommend picking one up.

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Is this gun DA/SA? Ever since my Ruger P94, these are the kinds of guns I have come to love (with the exception of my Glock 22). I've already decided that the next carry weapon I purchase will be something in a DA/SA, and this gun will definitely be on the list.
Is this gun DA/SA? Ever since my Ruger P94, these are the kinds of guns I have come to love (with the exception of my Glock 22). I've already decided that the next carry weapon I purchase will be something in a DA/SA, and this gun will definitely be on the list.

yes it is DA/SA. I am also one that prefers it that way. I think the only pistol I've had that was not was my 50 caliber desert eagle which is SA only. but then again with a gun that big I can see why SA only is not a bad idea.
I remember when my Baby looked that bright and shiny.

Glad that you got a chance to put some through it. You are going to love this gun
So I guess your going to keep it.It is pertty. Will it be a carry gun?

once I have put enough rounds through it where I know for a fact that everytime I pull the trigger it will go bang, then it will probably be my primary carry gun. it's a little bit thinner and lighter than my EAA witness .45 which makes for a bit more comfortable carry.
It looks huge will it conceal ok. Is it still made in Israel ?

yeah it still says "made in israel" on it.. they changed it from IMI to IWI since the last time I bought a desert eagle though.. barrel length is 4.52 inches so it's pretty much your standard full size pistol size. I can conceal it just fine though in my smart carry holster. also have an IWB holster I use from time to time that works ok.

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